I closed my eyes and savored the warmth of Alison’s hands on my face. I could see just how much she was trying to remain quiet. She was right. She was not like this. That’s why I appreciate this side of her more.
I could feel her hands quivering. She must have been so afraid and yet, she was trying to suppress her fear in front of me. I brought her in my arms and embraced her until my system was filled with nothing but her heavenly scent.
My injuries got worse that’s why I was not able to meet her for a few days. I could call her but I don’t think I could resist the temptation of not coming to her once I hear her voice. I knew she could see me through the spell I casted on her. I felt her eyes looking at me during the times I was on my bed. But showing up and confirming my condition would be too much for her.
“I’m sorry you fell in love with a man like me. I’m sorry that your boyfriend is like this. Are you regretting it now?”
“I’m not and I won’t regret. Ever. And don’t you say that again, Xandros. I have the most handsome and the most wonderful boyfriend in the whole world. How could I regret? I’m beyond blessed.”
“And I have the most understanding and loving girlfriend in the world. How lucky could I get?”
“Just those things? Come on. Don’t be shy and compliment me some more.”
I laughed. It looked like she had recovered now. Her sense of humor was back. “I’m sorry. Let me rephrase that. I have the most beautiful, the most understanding, and the sweetest girlfriend in the world. God must have loved me so much for making this possible.”
She giggled. “That’s enough. Seriously, regretting and worrying are two different things, Xandros. It would have been better if I could carry half of your pain.”
My eyes watered. Aside from my parents and Theron, nobody had been this worried for me. Because of this adorable human being, I could look at my reflection in the mirror nowadays without being overwhelmed by so much anger, regrets, and self-pity. I could look at myself now with a little compassion.
And this morning, when I opened my eyes, the first thing I felt was gratitude that I was alive. That I woke up again. I may be wounded but I’m still breathing. And it meant that I still have a chance to see and love Alison as much as I want to.
The world was loud, messy, and complicated. There were times when I wanted to give up. With so much voices around, it was difficult to listen and to be heard. Some days, I feel tempted to just be quiet and rest. In my case, I’ve wanted to rest permanently. But that was before Alison told me she loved me. Her love made me want to continue struggling in this sometimes crazy world.
Alison was my miracle, she was the greatest miracle of my life. She made me realize that life was not so bad after all.
Once I’ve fulfilled Alison’s wishes and once I have mustered enough courage, I will tell her the truth about me and my kingdom. Right now, I want to just keep creating beautiful memories with her. So that if after my confession and she realized that she did not want to be with me anymore, I would have plenty of beautiful memories I could hold on to. I will not ask for too much anymore. I’m blessed enough to be granted a chance to be with her like this.
“Thank you for being my girlfriend, Ali. Thank you for choosing me. Thank you for existing. Thank you for being you.”
“On the contrary, it was you who chose me, Mr. Sormont,” she replied in a playful voice. “Thank you for being with me and for being my boyfriend, too. You could choose to stay in the comfort of your own home to rest but I know you went out for me so I wouldn’t worry for too long. Thank you for doing that.”
“You know I could do anything if it’s for you.”
While looking at her, my brows furrowed. She really does seem familiar. The way she called me felt familiar, too. It’s as if I’ve seen and heard her long before we met in Rotterdam. My heart suddenly thumped when I remembered the little girl I once met in Arameth a long, long time ago…
Arameth, 2002
“WHAT do you see, my King?”
I wished I could be at least half as happy and as excited as Theron, my mentor, butler, and assistant all rolled into one. Ever since his wife died decades ago, I’ve never seen him smile genuinely again except today. I had hoped to be happy as well. After all, I’ve worked harder than the rest of the princes in our realm to be where I am today. And all the things I’m experiencing at this moment was the product of my blood, sweat, and perseverance.
From the Castle’s terrace, I’ve watched the Armethians young and old, male and female who came from different provinces just to join the royal family in our revelry which only happens every fifty years. Others even came a day earlier just to ensure that they would have a nice spot as they watch the main event. The moment the Castle gates opened, it indicated the start of the celebration.
I should be proud. There were people wherever I look. Even the roads surrounding the Castle were filled with Armethians. We were able to set a new record through this celebration. The staff told me that there were about five hundred thousand Armethians who registered and attended this event compared to the previous ones. There were so many people who wanted to witness as the King passes his throne to his only son, the crown prince, who happened to be me. I am now finally wearing his crown.
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