Maybe Tomorrow
By Spring Mendez
Date: December 12, 2022
Ch. 15Chapter 15

He was drenched but he did not seem to care as he rode his motorbike. He even passed by me.
The stranger threw a glance at me. But there was no hint of recognition on his face. What does this mean? Did he… forget about me?
“It’s really you,” I said, still astonished. “Do you remember me? This is our third time meeting. Can we talk? I have a lot of questions that only you can answer and-“
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” he replied before he drove faster. Just like that and he was gone again.
Does this mean that I was wrong to think that he was a DJ? That it was not his voice that I heard a while ago? Because it had only been a few seconds since his radio program ended. The song he played was not even over yet. He was still supposed to be at the station and not at the bakeshop. I am familiar with all the establishments in this area. And none of them included a radio station nearby.
He couldn’t possibly jump from one place to another unless he had superpowers. But their voices really sounded the same…
Despite the questions in my head, I felt somewhat relieved as I continued driving. The vendor saw him, too. That’s why I’m a hundred percent sure now that the stranger was not only a product of my wild imagination.
He was real, his voice was real, and everything about him was real. And my feelings about him were real, too. Because my heart pounded at the mere sight of him once more.
And I wanted to hold onto that kind of feeling that I would have loved to write about if only I became a romance writer. Because it was something that made me feel excited for the first time in my life. Because no matter what the stranger said, it still felt right to like him. If he was as villainous as he said he was, then he would not have approached me to warn me, he would not have allowed his self to get soaked in the rain, and he would not have spent his time helping other people.
“I love to see myself one day in the arms of someone who will share her life with me selflessly. Hoping someday, you will find your way to me…” The music continued playing.
I have a feeling that it would be the song of my life one of these days.

I SCREAMED when a guy suddenly jumped on the hood of my car. He brought his face closer to the windshield. I could see the veins popping on his face. I could clearly see his eyes. They were bright yellow and he was looking at me furiously. But why? What did I do?
Before I could even move, I heard a loud bang on the roof which proved that the man was not alone. There were many of them. I shivered and was forced to stop the car somewhere because I could no longer see the road. I screamed once more when the guys smashed the windows and the windshield. I could see four of them and they all looked identical.
The windows broke. Some of the pieces of the glass windows hit my arms and neck.
“We don’t want to hurt you. We still need you. So you better come out while we are still asking nicely, human,” said the guy on the windshield. He jumped down the car. At long last, they stopped banging the car.
My breathing became unsteady. In my head, I began calling all the names of all the saints that I knew. It was the first time I encountered people like them. They all looked at me as if I was a food that they had been craving for a long time.
“Are you deaf? I told you to come out!”
My heart almost jumped out of my chest when I heard him yell. His voice echoed around the entire surrounding. It was only past eight in the evening but the road that was usually filled with cars was now unbelievably empty as if this was some secluded area. But how could that be? I use this road night and day. What is going on? Where are the people? And where are the cars?
When I still refused to come out, the guys smirked. And before I knew it, they rotated the car so quickly and so effortlessly as if it weigh nothing. These people looked like they found a toy in me. I could still hear them laughing as my eyes watered. I screamed out of shock and dread. I lowered my head when I started to feel dizzy. I held on the stirring wheel as if it was my lifeline.
How… how could these men do that? But suddenly, they stopped spinning the car. Even if I still feel wobbly, I struggled to move to get my phone out of my purse. Before I could even dial Jeremiah’s number, I heard another loud sound outside. And it was not coming from my car anymore.
And then the brash, crashing sound died down all of a sudden. It was replaced by an eerie silence. When I lifted my face, I saw a tall, muscular man walking towards my car. But his eyes were nothing like the ones I saw a while ago. Despite that, I still could not help but feel alarmed.
“N-no, please, don’t come near me! Just tell me what you want. And I will give it to you, I promise!”
“Really? Then tell me. What do you have that I don’t?” he asked in a playful manner.
I was taken aback. I just stared at the sky for a long moment and then he shrugged.
“You obviously came from a wealthy family. You have money, but so do I. I could even buy your whole country and I will still have some money to spare.” After a while, he laughed. But it sounded empty in my ears. “I changed my mind. I don’t want you to answer my question anymore. I’m worried that you will answer family, friends, love, happiness, light, and tons of chances to live according to what you want. Because I’m just an asshole who happens to lack all of those."

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