"The Husband's Betrayal"
By Lynnz
Date: November 26, 2022
Ch. 13"Friendship"

Our friendship start way back in highschool.+ Nelly ,Rona, Rich, Emie
Nelly ,Emie and I(Rona) known each other since elementary,but we are not that close,Nelly and I were classmates and Emie was our school mate that time Nelly and I weren't very close in elementary school but we were friends and I even found out that we were also cousins, when we went to high school grade 7, we went to the same school but we didn't pay much attention to each other, we only smiled once when we met, but when I was in grade 8, that's when Nelly and I started to be close, because we had rooms next to each other and we were always together every day, such as lunch, recess, and going home. It was really fun that time, even if it was just the two of us, it's okay with me, sometimes his girl friend is jealous because we're the only ones who are together, and through all the silly things we did together until we were in grade 9, we're still together , going to school, lunch, recess, coming home and because we are so close, the same major we took in TLE, bread and pastry, almost everyone took a b read and pastry section A, her classmates are smart because Nelly is section A and at first I was embarrassed because I was the only one who was different, my classmates because they took other majors like cookery, beauty care, house keeping, I guess I was the only one The one who took my bread and pastry Because they say the people from section A are scary, but because Nelly is there, it's okay with me, until I got used to her classmates at first. that's okay. And sometimes I also take Nelly to our classroom, sometimes we eat lunch there with my other classmates. Those who became my friends also became his friends and his friends became my friends, sometimes I wonder how lucky I am because I had a friend like him but sometimes the fight never goes away, sometimes we just don't pay attention to it. for a few days but I couldn't stand it, I congratulated you, and when it was our TLE time when we were baking, it was just fun because we were working together, and having fun as if there was no problem, it just depends on whether what we are cooking burns hahaha, I love my best friend so much Because he's my brother, I tell him all my secrets, and he also tells me all his secrets, like our crushes, when we don't like someone, when we have problems with the family, grades, or if there are We have committed a sin. We were also in the church together, I first joined PYM, (parish youth ministry) and Nelly followed, I was the auditor there and he was Y the treasurer, isn't that great? Are we really partners in everything? I'm really happy, it's like even if he's my only friend, he seems to be okay, I'm content with him. We have other friends, but we're really the ones who became super close, until we were in grade 10, we're still like that, we're still together all the time except Only if there is a class.I'm still in section A (gold) and I'm in section C (copper) until 7 because it's our section and I always send c Nelly to my classroom. She also became close to my classmates. Sometimes I think she has more friends here than in her classmates, very shy c Nelly and quiet around other people but when the two of us are together it's like we never lose the topic, and when I was in grade 10 Emie and I became classmates and that's when we became close and c Rich became a classmate In TLE, he came from the group (golden) and only transferred when he was in grade 10, first because while our teacher was discussing, we were grouped into 5, in case we were not in Nelly's group because she was in group 3. I'm rich and I looked at his paper, he's group 3 So I asked him if we could switch because Nelly's classmate saw us and he said it's not allowed So I had no choice, rich and I talked because it was new He and He don't know much yet, and I found out that we are from the same place
Where we live, that was the time when our friendship started. The friendship of the 4 of us but the 3 of us. Nelly, Rich and I (Rona) were always together. Because we were in the same class at TLE and at that time there were other friends, Emie, and she always went there, but Sometimes he also comes with us when we go home, and when we go home, sometimes our spare money is only 10 pesos and we ride a Jeep until the crossing and we walk for a long distance but it's okay. It's still enjoyable, sometimes we even chase each other while laughing. and buy and eat my ice pop while walking home, sometimes before we go home we even go to rich's house to drink juice and eat hahaha
until the four of us became close as if we could not be separated, we were together in everything, what nonsense, If there is an occasion at the house of One of Us, we are still together as well as our family. We know that the four of us are very close at times. You will never know suddenly. someone suddenly bursts into the house, and says Tara? Let's go out ? Let's go home, Let's bathe in the sea? Let's cook bananas?+ The four of us are very close and we also made a group name, "BUANG SQUAD" funny, of all the names that can be named, are they really crazy? But it's okay sometimes Because there's a shake-up, we're happy sometimes, the bumps won't go away, that's how fights really are, right? Not every time or day is always happy, sometimes we are given problems and trials to see where our friendship will go, because of them I learned to drive a motorcycle with Nelly and Rich who taught me, until Emie As for what they taught, Hays is really happy when we are friends if there is a problem or a fight to be made

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