As usual, Lora got dressed, got under her driving wheel, turned on the ignition, and drove out of her mansion straight to her workplace. Bill had already left for work. On getting to kings' supermarket, she alighted from her car and breezed inside virtually sailing on her heel shoes. She went straight to where attendance was taken as she didn't hesitate to do so before she left. The rest of the workers did the same after her for it had become their regular duty.
"Naomi?" She called dashing her a kiss on her chin.
"Lora, It's you. I trust your night was splendid."
"Yea, at least Bill didn't..."
She paused, realizing what she was about to do. She hadn't told Naomi anything about her marriage with Bill.
"At least what? Why did you stop?"
"Forget it." Her face went pale.
Noami didn't get this, why was Lora always acting weird whenever her husband's name was mentioned? What could be the reason?
Lora picked her stock book
"I will submit this to the merchandiser already."
She left the office and headed straight to Austin's office.
Knock knock!
"Come in, it's open." Austin's voice was heard behind the door.
Door opens
"Good morning Austin."
"Hi, Lora!" He looked up from his system. "The atmosphere of my office admires you."
"Is that some sort of praise or..."
"Call it whatever you want Lora, I only said what was on my mind."
"Well, am speechless." She laughed.
His gaze shifted to the book she was holding
"My work has arrived."
"Yeah, right. Have it."
Austin collected the book as he flipped through it. Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind.
"Lora." He called softly.
"Humm?" She replied
"Would it be okay if we met and had lunch together, privately?"
"Lunch? Together? Privately?" She didn't get a breathing space.
"Yea...am real about this."
He said, wearing a grievous expression. This question wandered a lot of thoughts in Lora's mind. She can't do a date with some other guy that's not Bill. What if he gets to know about this, how would he react to this? He will just spin her ass with hurting sex and she wouldn't be able to work anymore. She has to crop up with an excuse to cover up besides she barely knew him. She was lost in thought.
Austin clicked his fingers at her face and she was jerked back to reality.
"Where were you?" He asked stunningly
"Here." She replied absentmindedly.
"I said something, so am waiting to get your reply."
"Well actually, I don't think I can make it to lunch. Am sorry, I don't do lunch." She said
"Oh! It's fine, I won't force you to go against your decision."
"Thanks for comprehending. I should get back to work."
She said and left his office at a slow pace. As soon as she left, Fred came in. The same expression he saw on Lora's face was the same on Austin's but he cared less and went to work on his system.
On getting to her office, Noami saw the look on Lora's face and didn't hesitate to ask what the problem was but Lora in her characteristic way told her nothing was wrong and that she was only having mood swings. Naomi didn't seem to fathom anything. She felt the past few days a lot had been going on in Lora's life because she has crossed different kinds of people and knew when they start changing but Lora wasn't telling her anything even though they weren't besties but at least intimate colleagues. Maybe Lora was waiting for the right time or probably doesn't want to conceal it. She will just have to exercise patience.
Business went on smoothly as customers went in and out of the kings' supermarket, some buying as retailers and some for personal use. All workers in their field of work worked diligently on the task they had been given. Lora and Naomi did the same as well as Austin.
Soon business was over for the day and as usual, Lora hounded into her car and went home in a few minutes. She got to the doorstep and rang the doorbell and in no time, one of the servants opened up and inclined his head, making way for her to get in the first place she visited was the kitchen because she knew Isha was there. Isha was her only friend in the big mansion.
"Good evening madam Lora." Sam greeted, arranging some porcelain plates into its rack.
"Madam Lora, you're here," Isha said
"Nanny Isha."
"How was your day ma'am?"
"It was somewhat fine. Nanny, I would like to have a few words with you if you don't mind."
Isha suggested that they discuss whatever in her room but Lora insisted that they stay in the kitchen, then Isha faced Sam and asked him to leave the kitchen.
"Okay, what's it you want us to talk about ma'am?"
"I met this Austin, a new friend that's so nice to me, actually he's a new employee at the supermarket. He asked us to meet for lunch but I turned him down and I feel guilty about it now."
"Really? So what was your reason for turning down his proposal?"
"I was scared of Bill finding out about it." She said softly
"That's exactly the point, but ma'am you've suffered so much in Bill's hands and you need everything that would bring back your happiness."
"I thought as much nanny. It's no big deal if I had a friend like Austin. He's been very good to me. He makes me happy anytime I am down. I don't feel neglected but special each time am with him. My husband doesn't like to see me happy. He hates to even feel it around me"
"Madam, the best thing to do is to follow whatever your heart says. It will never deceive you"
"You think so?"
"You own your heart madam, follow it."
Isha smiled conclusively as Lora stared blankly into space.
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