The kings' supermarket
The supermarket was occupied by a lot of customers, shopping and buying items and some despatch riders carrying out their delivery services. The place was so busy you could barely see a place to stand.
Lora was only noticed by one of the female staff who waved at her. The rest staff had their jaw dropped when Lora majestically walked into the kings' supermarket, virtually sailing on her slightly heel shoe and supported by a sky blue gown and a white handbag. The workers had thought she resigned because of some issues or something. She had been absent for just one week and it was looking like many years because a lot changed in the gigantic supermarket; new employees, new products, and new departments. She looked directly at her duty post, and it gladdened her that it was still maintained, they hadn't replaced her like they replaced other employees in their department, though she knew the manager Paulson liked her enough to even replace her. She felt special. Pleasantries were exchanged among the employees, some waved and smiled at her, some of them approached her, giving her hugs, some new staff didn't bother as they haven't seen her before, and the rest were customers, focusing on what they were chopping.
Lora felt at peace here, she felt this comfort that her big and opulent mansion never gave her. Anytime she walks into this supermarket, she wants to make it her home because all the happiness she needed was here and here alone but she couldn't state the reason. She started for her department, wearing smiles all over her face.
"Look who we have here." Naomi, her co-worker shouted in a stunning tone.
"Naomi!" They embraced each other
"I've missed you, Lora. When I heard you were under the weather, I was worried" she confessed, smiling.
"I'm fine now" She glanced around the office for a short while "Our small office is still the same, unlike every other. I was gone for just a few days and everything changed. Wow, am so flattered!" She smiled.
"Obviously. Our manager Paulson decided to make some changes due to the rate of inflation in our country. It affected some supermarkets too"
"Aww that's touching"
"Yea. Well, I know you've got a lot of gist for me. I trust you caught fun together with ur husband, maybe in a cinema, the beach, amuse....."
"No!" Lora cuts her short, but smiled so she wouldn't suspect something." We didn't do stuff like that but he took care of me"
"Such a lovely husband you've got Lora" I wish I had a man as sweet as Bill in my life"
Lora only smiled at this. If only Naomi knew what she was going through, she wouldn't say those complimentary words about him. She thought.
"What happened to Nelson?"
Lora inquired, hoping to get a reasonable response from Naomi but the expression that flitted across the latter's face said it all.
"Nelson is a scumbag. He irritates me by always clinging to me and occasionally, he asks me for money."
"Money, why?"
"He doesn't wanna hustle because he's too lazy for that"
"Naomi, you and I know that Nelson's trying all he could to keep you happy."
"Well, he got to do more. There are things I yearn for Lora, things like... going out to have fun, spending on me, and so on. But no, he's not capable of doing any of them. How can he grow from that petty taxi driver job he does?"
Naomi poured bitterly.
"He's poor, yes, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't rise someday. Riches aren't everything as long as he keeps you happy"
"Look at you Lora, you get everything you want because Bill is rich enough to cater for the both of you and even accommodate more people into his mansion. Aren't you happy?"
Lora could do nothing but giggle at this.
"Naomi, don't pray to be in my shoes because only I know where it hurts. We all have problems that we pray to fade away soon. Naomi, your boyfriend is a nice guy and a rare gem. The only thing you need to do is to keep encouraging, aiding, and assuring him that it's all gonna be fine in a short while because this won't take forever"
"Well, whatever!"
She rolled her eyes in disgust as she dismissed the conversation with a toss of her head.
"What are you up to now?" Lora asked as they both sat looking at the system.
"Oh, nothing big. I've been reordering merchandise from the visual merchandiser and filling the store shelves as usual. You know we the stock clerks don't have much work"
"No much work. To start with, are there any orderings to make?"
"Yeah, sure." Naomi handed a stock book to Lora as she went through it. Then, she started towards the merchandiser's office.
The merchandiser's office was a few steps away from her office as she hastened her pace. This particular task had been hers since she started working in this supermarket and she does it with so much enthusiasm. Her head was bent downwards while she went through the stock book again and she didn't know what hit her...
'Gbim!' She was knocked, her identity card and stock sheets scattered about the floor.
"Am sorry."
The dude that hit her apologized, and picked them up, his eyes captured her name and photograph on her identity card, and as he looked up, their eyes met and they bent there staring at each other. He was tall and handsome. His dark gloomy hair was beautifully arranged and curved to his forehead. His brown lenses portrayed Serenity as if anyone could fall for it, and his nose was pointy. He wore a pair of black jean trousers, a white shirt, and a jean jacket supported by a white canvas. The company ID card hung around his neck. He was decent enough to be admired.
"She's Lora!"
Inwardly and stunningly, he said.
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