Jessy had gotten home and started with her school project in the living room when Austin came in hastily a few hours later. He walked briskly to his room, undressed, had a shower, and emerged from the bathroom asap. With his towel still tied around his waist, he approached the wardrobe and opened it wide, withdrawing some of the best clothes he usually wore on special occasions. With each one he brings out, he will face the large wall mirror and place it on his body to see if it suits his date. If it's not okay, he Will flings it on the bed frustratingly. After so many selections, he finally found a black pair of trousers and a sky blue long-sleeve shirt, then he placed it on his body and faced the mirror again.
"And here comes the perfect one! Austin, there you go."
Immediately he put it on and combed his hair to the front which made him look like one of the Korean guys in the movie. He wore a sweet-smelling perfume, wristwatch, and polished shoes, and hastily he grabbed his car keys and remote from the bed. He didn't hesitate to look at himself in the mirror before he left the room.
"Jessica, I will be out for a while...tell mom when she returns, and one more thing, help me arrange my wardrobe, it's scattered, thanks."
"Why are you such in a hast Austin and where on earth are you going to, dressed like that?"
Jessy didn't get a break. This was the first time Austin was dressed this way to attend a night meeting.
"Just do as I have told you okay? I will get you chocolate."
"Promise." He sneaked a surreptitious glance at his watch and it said 5:30. "Jeez! It's almost six. See ya!"
Without taking much time, he walked briskly out of the house and mounted his car.
While Austin made his way out of his duplex, Lora gussied up in her room. She wore a black sleeveless tight gown that was above her knee, the gown fitted her like a second skin and it was supported with slightly red high heels. Her long dark hair was properly combed and decorated. The makeup on her face exposed her natural light brown lenses and her small curvy lips which made her appear more beautiful than any man would be tripping to have her.
Tonight she was feeling excited that for the first time in two years, she smiled again. She was
feeling her unmarried self back and wished it would continue like this forever. Even though she won't get another life partner, at least those lost smiles were really important to her so she thought she should take advantage of this moment. Luckily, Bill wasn't home yet. He must have gone to drink uselessly at his regular bar so she seized this opportunity to take a night's break away from him.
Lora was done preparing, she grabbed a small bag and headed for the door. On getting to the living room, the servants kept close tables at her and admired her as they commended her beauty including Isha who already knew what she was up to. Soon, a car horn blared outside the gate as the front light reflected.
"It's him. I should get going nanny and I guess you know what to tell Bill."
"You need not worry about that madam. Do take care and enjoy your time."
Lora opened the gate. Austin's car was parked outside and he stood relaxed on the body of it. Immediately she showed up, Austin was surprised by what he saw. She was looking gorgeous and wore an entirely different appearance. He was unable to tear his eyes away from her and it was obvious that he was being carried away.
"Hello!" She waved at his face.
"You're looking so beautiful Lora."
He finally confessed.
"Oh, thanks. You aren't looking bad yourself."
Austin smiled as he opened the car's front door
"Shall we?"
"Sure." She entered and he shut it. He turned to the other side and got under the driving wheel, he turned on the ignition subsequently.
"So where are we going?" She asked
"I know a place where their food is first class, I will take you there, and trust me, you would love it."
He said with full assurance as his grin widened.
"No, I won't trust you just yet until I have gone there." She made a face.
"Let's see."
* * *
A very massive white building stood alongside the tiled road of Sydney, Australia, and on the wall was boldly written * CRYSTAL Eatery * designed and shaped from previous stone with the fluorescent light reflecting from it. It was obvious
that the owner of this place was damn wealthy to furnish his eatery to look like imaginary heaven.
Austin and Lora came out of the car that was parked under the garage as they headed straight inside the eatery. The inside was nothing compared to its outside. The atmosphere was cozy and Lora felt safe here. There were lots of people sitting, some sat alone while some were with either family, friends, or couples. Lora and Austin were seen as one of the couple cuz they looked good together. They headed for space and occupied it. Immediately, he beckoned to a waiter who had been hovering around the background and he came to take their orders.
"What would you like Lora." He asked
"Humm... I think Irish potatoes, egg omelet, and cutlets will do."
"Wow! My favorite! I should have the same."
"Am not a fan of cola but I will have it anyway."
The waiter instantly took down their orders and left. A few minutes later, two female waiters showed up. One holds a tray of potatoes, an egg omelet with cutlets, and the other with a tray containing two tumblers, chilled cola, and bottled water which they placed on the table.
"If there's any other thing you need, don't hesitate to call to our notice." One of the waiters said and they left.
Soon, they began eating and Austin kept stealing glances at Lora while she ate. She looked extremely beautiful while eating and the slow movement her lips made thrilled him off so that he felt the urge to kiss her but no, they weren't dating so why should he?
"So, how do you see this place?" Austin asked and looked searchingly at her face to know what her expression says.
"It's.., it's Uhm... it's not..."
Austin had covered his face and lost hope because he assured her that this place was the best but...
"This is the best Eatery I've ever been to... their food is superb. Here's excellent!"
"Geeeez! I told you. So what were you trying to do?"
"Pull your legs of course."
They both guffawed disarmingly and continued eating. For the first time in two years, Lora had found happiness again even though it was for a short while, she just valued it. They made little talk while they ate and Austin kept cracking jokes like he always did. The only thing that stopped him from playing was the large scar he saw on Lora's shoulder when she stretched her hand across the table and it cropped up another topic in their conversation.
"Why do you have that large scar on your shoulder?"
"Urm....it's just urm...I mean, I fell so I obtained bruises. Yea.."
"Am sorry abt that but you need to be careful Lora."
"Thanks." She said as she sipped from her glass.
"We have been seeing each other for weeks but haven't gotten to know deep, I guess we should begin with you. So... tell me abt you. Are you married?"
This question came like an unexpected gunshot to her that she splashed the drink she held in her mouth, in the air unintentionally. What was she going to tell Austin about her miserable life? If she lied to him, he was going to find out one way or the other and she wouldn't want to lose a friend like him.
"There are not many things to know about me, maybe you should just let go."
She said. There were discomforts in her voice, she felt unrelaxed but didn't make it obvious.
"At least you can tell the little you know."
Austin saw it in her expression that she wasn't ready to submit anything yet so he withdrew.
"Am sorry if I rushed you."
"No, It's nothing. I will tell it on a good day."
Austin smiled. "Well, I am Austin Glees. I'm 29 years old and very cheerful. I put smiles on saddened faces and restore peace to chattered hearts. I am slow to anger but when I get angry, don't come anywhere close to me."
"And here comes the second christ."
Lora teased and Austin laughed.
"I graduated from college five years ago and had been working to meet my target and here I am today as a merchandiser." He smiled at her. "There are still lots left to know about me that if I have to finish, we would spend the whole night here."
Lora laughed.
"Who introduced you to The kings' supermarket?" She Prompted.
"My grandmother did."
"Your granny?"
" Yes, she..."
A phone call interrupted. It was Marie, Austin's mother but he didn't answer it. He needed no disturbance at this moment. Marie worries about everything and he wasn't in the mood for her too much care.
"I think I'm done eating, thanks to Austin for the nice threat tonight."
Lora said as she carefully cleaned her lips with the wiper to avoid spoiling her red gloss.
"More's still on the way, so it's pointless thanking me because you will get tired."
"So sweet of you." A smile hovered on her lips.
They were done eating and Lora sneaked a surreptitious glance at her watch. It was past nine and was time to go. Bill must be home by now but who cares anyway...
"Austin It's high time I left."
She said picking up her bag from the table. Austin also glanced at his watch.
"Yea. C'mon, I will drop you off."
"No Austin, you've done enough for me already, I think I should take it from here."
"And am insisting that I take you home. Hurry Lora, it's late."
Austin didn't take much time and he grabbed her wrist as they walked out of the Eatery to where his car was parked. He opened it for her and she got in while we went under the driving wheel and turned on the ignition. Immediately, they zoomed off. In no time, they had gotten to Bill's mansion and he dropped her off at the gate.
"Thanks again for earlier."
"The pleasure's mine. Lora, take care of yourself and dream sweet."
Lora smiled. "You too." And she watched the car move till it was out of sight before she got in. On getting in, she found Bill sitting impatiently on the couch in the living room. He had been ranting about the mansion and this got everyone trembling.
"Hey, woman! Where the hell are you coming from this late?"
Lora snubbed him and started towards her room as Bill followed.
"I believe I ain't talking to a wood unless you're one."
"Yes, Bill. You've made me become one so please let me be, I am very tired and I need to rest."
Lora fired back, still heading for her room while Bill followed her. As soon as she got in, she locked the door against him.
"Shit! Open this fucking door Lora or I will show you the stuff am made of." He yelled frustratingly hitting the door with his side body.
"You can f**k ur damn ass for all I care, good night!"
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