Jane's pov
I had woke up in a strange looking house. I tried getting up but was feeling a little bit weary. I managed to sit up. i looked around, the place looks strange to me.
I remembered being picked up by someone but wasn't sure who it was yet, but it was certainly not john. The place looks old and rough. There was no one else in the room.
I rested and laid on my back just thinking of the trouble I have got my self in. “i should have at least brought my phone with me” I thought to myself.
And my friends, “what could have happened to them?”i thought. I was beginning to panicked.
I just laid there thinking until I slept off back. I woke up when something cold touched my head, I opened my eyes slowly and saw a man holding and ice bag to my head, “what's he doing?” I thought.
He backed off and started asking me numerous questions about me and why I was there. I didn't even know which question to answer first.
He apologized for rushing me and gave me some pills. “what are these?” I asked him, “just take them they will help reduce the pain of your swollen head.
“Ok..wait what!!?” I asked checking my head and realized it was swollen and it hurts. I remembered I hit my head on something. I took the drug with some water.
“ I'm Ace by the way and you are? ” he asked. “I'm Jane Harrison,so have you seen my friends?”, i asked, “No but we'll find them” he said.
I stood up and went outside.
Ace's pov
“Harrison??” have heard that name somewhere I thought as I watched her walk out of my house. i wasn't sure.
I went out and saw her walking down the hill. I walked up to her. “so why are you here?” I asked. “Nothing just trying to dive in deeper into nature”. she answered.
“Dive deeper into nature with weeds and alcoholic drinks huh?” I thought in my mind. I knew she was lying . “well we better find your friends soon as possible before it gets too late” I said.
“so who are you and why do you live in this place alone” she asked me as we started walking up the muddy road. “its complicated” I replied her.
“You are married”, she said pointing to my wedding ring. “well I was before everything got fucked up” “what happened ” she asked.
“I used to work for a man named Greg,he is an arms dealer, to cut the long story short, my wife and son ended being killed by Greg”.
“Am sorry” she said ..
.... some days ago....
It was a bad night in the house if The Harrison's. Mr Harrison as tried and successfully helped a friend out by helping him cover up a crime that he committed.
This has caused a heated argument between Mr Harrison and his first wife.
“You evil man how could you order for a truck of weapons to attack innocent people protesting for an evil crime your friend committed!" .
“You and your stupid pet, Greg are gonna pay for the injured people,I even heard 5 were killed,you are in trouble fool!!”
”mom, Dad please stop this and let us find a way out of this please ”jane their first daughter interrupted.
“Jane just stay out of this and go back to your room!!”Mr Harrison said and jane angrily stormed out of her parent’s room.
The argument lasted for hours and Mr Harrison first wife ended leaving her husband's house with her luggage.
The next day Mr Harrison payed some bribe to cover up the mess he created..the issue was forgotten.
......memory ended.....
I think it's him,I see where this is going. it might get my family into another trouble. “no am not gonna let that happen” I thought as we continued walking.
“We should be yelling their names, maybe they might hear us?” He asked looking at me.
“of course that was just what I was thinking ” I said smiling awkwardly. we started yelling my friends names.
We yelled and walked for about five minutes. we went into the trees and searched but didn't see anything. We came out back and continued going up the muddy road.
We walked for about three minutes more and we got close to a house with a wooden fence. He suddenly stoped me and told me to wait in the spot.
He went up to the house and knocked the door. I was watching from a safe distance, A young boy came out and talked to him.
He went in with the boy and soon came out and signaled me to come,i went to him and asked what was it.
“Your friends are here” he said. “really!” asked happily. “yeah but be careful I don't really trust him yet,I think he works for Greg secretly”. He said.
“who cares ” I said as I happily went into the house,it looks nice in here better than where that Ace dude lives.
I saw my friend's sitting and chatting happily. I jumped up happily and went to hug to them,“Hey Jane we thought something bad had happened to you, thank goodness you're safe ” Claire said as she hugged me. I saw a young boy sitting on a mat, “who is he?” I asked.
“He's Paul and he his my grandson”, a voice said” I looked up and there was a old looking man standing next to us.
“Hi you must be Mr Derek, thanks for saving my friends” I said as I stood up and stretched my hand for a handshake. “you are welcome” he said and shake me.
“By the way, how did you find my friends ”i asked.
“I went for hunting with my grandson,we were roaming until we met your friends who appeared to be lost. we brought them home and fed them..“But they said there was one other left but I told them to relax a bit first that we were gonna find you later” Mr Derek narrated.
“But wait how did you get here?” he asked. “ohh I came here with someone” I said as I rushed out to go meet Ace.
I have absolutely forgotten he was waiting for me,I got outside and saw he was gone.
“Mr Ace” I tried calling maybe he was around somewhere but didn't get a reply, “Has he gone back?”, “why did he suddenly leave without saying goodbye” I thought and went back in to meet the others.
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