It was a bright and beautiful morning. The hill was very silent that the sound of a needle been dropped could be heard.
Ace's pov
I woke up feeling completely well today, haven't felt better in two days. I got up from bed and walked out of the house.
The sun had risen already, “I better get something to eat cause I feel I'm gonna collapse in any second ” I thought .
I went back in and ate a sealed salad and drank some water. I was ready for the day!.
I thought of taking my bath in the lake Nick showed me. I haven't brushed and bath for 2 days and I surely smell like trash. I went out, closed the door and started making my way down the hill.
I came down the hill and started going down the muddy road, I was walking when I heard the sound of a car, I looked back and saw a old looking van.
The driver stopped and came down,it was and old looking man, perhaps it was Mr Derek.
“Hi I'm Mr Derek ” The man said and stretched his hand for a handshake. I shook his hand . “I'm Ace” I replied. “Nice to meet you Mr Ace” He said.
“Nick said you'll be here for sometime and has paid me to supply you what you need” He said. “If I may ask,what are you doing here all alone” he asked.
“ its personal” I replied .“ok..” He said and got back in his van. “if you need me just walk down this muddy road until you see a house the first house you see is mine , it's not that far from here” He said and drove off.
I stared at his car as he drove off. “he seemed nice..” I said to my self as I continued going to the lake.
I followed the route Nick and I passed through the other night and soon got to the lake. I took of my clothe and gently entered the water.
“Holy shit” I exclaimed as I realised the water was very cold. I just stood in a spot and was rubbing my body and splashing some water on it.
I was still bathing when I heard a scream.
I was confused,“Do people live around here too” “Is someone in trouble” i was still asking my self numerous questions I couldn't even answer when I heard the scream again.
sounded like a feminine voice,I quickly came out and wore my clothes then started making my way back to the old house.
The sound was coming from the direction...
Jane pov
I was the daughter of famous Mr Harrison who was a politician and business man,I just turned 20.
I lived a wayward life,many people call me arrogant but I ignored them cause I know deep down me I an just a gentle and god fearing young lady. just didn't like to accociate with poor fellas!.
So it was my best friend's birthday. She had celebrated her recent birthdays in different ways cause her dad was very rich.
This time she decided to go far away and celebrate it with me and our other two friends Claire and John,who was her boyfriend. we took some alcoholic drinks and some foods.
we decided to drive into an hill not too far from the city,we have planned to spend some lonely time and enjoy ourselves. This was my first time going somewhere without my two bodyguards, we were driving happily on our way their until our car broke down.
I was shocked cause it was a new car, its not even a month old yet. we all alighted from the vehicle looking baffled.
We were trying to figure out what's wrong but didn't know anything about it, because we were all rich kids and knew nothing about fixing a car.
We would have called for help,if only my friend Natasha didn't tell us not to bring our phones with us, we thought it was a good idea.
we decided to walk around a bit if we would find help or a way to call for help.
we set out and started walking. After walking for about 20minutes we were tired,and decided to stop and rest. we started blaming Natasha for the mess she got us into.
“If you hadn't brought us here we wouldn't be stuck here” Claire fired at Natasha. “well I didn't force you fool” Natasha fired back. John and I were just staring at them.
“Guys why don't we just take a break and think of a way to get out of this ...”i was talking when John suddenly cut me off.
“ jane!! do not move” John said, “what's it” I asked feeling a little bit scared “is he playing a prank on me” I thought.
I don't think so cause I could see fear in the eyes of the girls. I slowly turned around and there was a angry looking wolfe right in front of me.
I slowly turned back and my friends started backing off slowly. I suddenly took off and was running screaming “HELP !!” we all took off running into different directions.
luckily for me, The wolfe went after John but I was still scared. “What if there was another wolve around here” I thought and started running.
I saw a hill and started climbing. “maybe there is something on the other side” I thought.
I increased my pace as I climbed the hill faster. I was running and yelling for help. I could see a house ,but couldn't see it clearly cause there were trees surrounding it. I started making my way down when I hit my leg on a large stone.
I tripped and fell and started rolling down the hill. I rolled and rolled until I hit my head on something. I couldn't feel anything cause I hit my head too hard on a log of wood.
I tried getting up but was finding it hard to do so. I looked around and saw I was already close to the house but couldn't see it clearly cause I was half conscious . I started crawling closer to the house and was using all the strength left in me to mumble “Help” “somebody help”.
I was weary and couldn't crawl anymore, I just laid on a spot with my eyes half closed, I suddenly felt a hand touch and pick me up.
It looked like a man, I was just staring and was trying to figure out who it was. “John is it you”? I asked but didn't get a reply.
I was carried into a house and laid on a bed. I instantly slept off.
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