Adrianna and Raymond walked into the large grand hall which the birthday party was being hosted and upon seeing Raymond, everyone gasped and whispered as they couldn't believe that they were seeing the most powerful and Rich man in U.S.A.
It seemed like the news about Raymond's arrival spread like wild fire because Mr Daniels was walking out of wherever he was, towards Raymond.
"Hello Mr Raymond, I've heard a lot of things about you"Mr Daniels said bringing out his right hand for a handshake but he was ignored immediately making Mr Daniels to withdraw his hand with a tight smile on his face.
"Oh....and you got a gorgeous lady beside you, hello my Lady"Mr Daniels muttered and grabbed adrianna's hand before placing a kiss on her fingers.
Shock, disgust flashed across Adrianna's eyes immediately he did so, damn this old cow!, But turning around to look at Raymond, she knew that her anger was nothing compared to what Raymond was feeling at that moment.
"Mr Daniels...."Raymond growled out, glaring daggers at the old man in front of him and adrianna could tell that he was trying to control his anger in front of her.
"Oh, am so sorry, I was just directing my greetings to the gorgeous young lady beside you, I didn't notice that she was your girlfriend"The old man muttered with a grin on his face, making his wrinkles shoot out of all dimensions on his face.
"Anyways, please have a sit and enjoy the party"Mr Daniels mumbled and pointed at the VIP seats next to the stage.
"And by the ways, congratulations Mr Daniels, I have heard so much about you"Adrianna muttered with a fake smile on her face, damn, she wanted to deep a pen into his two eyes, blinding him forever but she did no such thing or it'd ruin her plans.
"Indeed, I have heard a lot about you recently as well, the beautiful angel who was rumoured to be Mr Raymond's wife and also had a son with him"Mr Daniels replied and Raymond's scowl grew even darker, scaring the sh!t out of Mr Daniels.
"Sorry to disappoint you Mr Daniels but it isn't actually a rumour, this gorgeous lady next to me is my wife and if you have any stupid intentions, I would make you disfigured forever!"Raymond muttered, though he didn't raise his voice at Mr Daniels, anyone who heard their conversation including adrianna could sense the threat and darkness lingering after his words.
Mr Daniels nodded wordlessly with a small gulp, the last thing he wanted to do was to anger Mr Raymond.
But trying not to anger Mr Raymond didn't stop him from giving up his plans to take the gorgeous lady beside him, Raymond had warned him to stay away from adrianna but he wasn't going to.
Mr Daniels was going to use her as his s3x slave for up to a month before selling her and if possible, kill her. If Mr Raymond asked him, it would be much easier for him if he denied ever touching nor speaking to her.
Adrianna who could tell what he was thinking in just one glance couldn't help but smirk inwardly as she thought of the shame and embarrassment Mr Daniels'd fee immediately his dirty secret is out, for the whole of U.S.A to know.
She wouldn't let him go Scot free for killing her mother!, Same goes with Mr dante.
"We would be leaving Mr Daniels"Raymond muttered and Mr Daniels stared at his wrist watch with a frown on his wrinkled face.
"But you just arrived...
"Yes, we would be back in a short while, Mr Daniels, There is something important we need to take care of"Raymond replied before pulling addriana gently away from the grand hall while Mr Daniels watched from afar with a hooded expression on his face.
Suddenly The music which was being played shifted from a spirited blue song to something soft and wistful and he stepped towards her.
"I can't remember the last time I danced. I'm very adept at dodging would-be partners at events. But tonight is different, tonight i want to dance"He stared at her and she swallowed.
"Want to dance?"
His purple eyes were soft and honest and ofcourse, she wanted this. She wanted to feel his arms around her, his chest pressed against hers, his chin resting on the top of her head.
Adrianna couldn't stop the smile that tainted her lips as she held out her hand. He pulled her into his embrace and the whole world softened.
Raymond nudged her closer and she melted against him. The muscles she she held so stiffly ached in protest, so she relaxed a bit.
He pulled her closer still and her body relented more.
She swayed to the song, nestled against a man she was coming to love, they grew quieter and quieter.
Suddenly, adrianna realized they were no longer dancing. The music still drifted around them but they stood perfectly still. Her hand tucked in his. His arms wrapped comfortably around her waist. Their chests a breathe away from each other.
Their eyes locked.
"I would take care of you"
She replied, more like she whispered "I know"
"So don't think you could do everything alone, am always here for you, don't be too hard on yourself"
"Am trying...."
"That's all I ask"
Then Raymond leaned down and brushed his lips above hers, it wasn't a kiss but a swift and fast brush passed her lips.
"Uhmmm, we should be leaving now, I think is late and is getting cold as well"Raymond muttered removing his jacket and wrapping it around her.
"Thanks"Adrianna smiled at him then they began to walk back to the grand hall only to see that the grand hall was empty, seems like people had gone when they were both lost in their own little world and fantasies.
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