Imprisoned by the Mafia boss
By Matcha
Date: January 13, 2023
Ch. 34Go home

"Bye." The boy did not forget to tease him.

The two-legged boy panicked and ran in the direction where James Henry had led the boy, but James Henry was nowhere to be found. But before the eyes, a whole bunch of young men had chased. This time the boy was determined to take the beating here. But looking up, the boy saw Tom Jane, the boy looked at James Henry and Tom Jane, signaling for help. But still have not seen the move of James Henry. It wasn't until Tom Jane stretched to her feet that Tom Jane rubbed her eyes and looked down. This was the only road that could lead to the house, but James Henry discovered a big party was coming. So I climbed up to observe.

“Save your student. I want to go downstairs.”

“Are you participating?”

"I? Of course yes. Quick clean up and rest. I need a meal to recharge.”

Tom Jane had just finished the sentence and jumped down the stairs. The boy who saw Tom Jane's obvious actions thought that Tom Jane would have a very strong bone problem. Unexpectedly, Tom Jane gently landed on the shoulder of one of them and kicked him so hard that he fell to the ground, his knees fell, and his head hit the ground. This is the bowing position. But when Tom Jane stepped down on him. Then he stopped breathing. The pile of meat fell like it was dropping thousands of weights. Smoke and dust from the ground rose thickly.

Tom Jane waved her hand back and forth. Dispel the thick layer of smoke. Tom Jane's face is also revealed. Before Tom Jane's eyes was a crowd. Tom Jane tried to look up to see how many people were still next in line. Tom Jane heard the heavy footsteps so he guessed it was going to be a big battle.

Everyone has chosen to give up and run for people. All the people around did not dare to come near. They choose but the location is safe to see. Even the people upstairs heard the loud noise and poked their heads out the window to see. Several children shouted excitedly but were stopped by the hands of their father and mother. Their parents are afraid that their thoughtless actions will harm the whole family.

Tom Jane bowed before the audience who was warmly welcoming him. Tom Jane in the hazy fog. Even the boy couldn't see clearly despite being so close. James Henry stood watching from above, taking out a pack of pills from his pocket. James Henry was simply looking at how spectacular Tom Jane's magic was. James Henry lighter. Using your hand to block the wind, the light of the fire shines in the middle of the day, so it is very weak. A few cigarette crumbs flew out and fell to the ground. James Henry took a deep breath and slowly let the smoke out of his mouth.

“She is still attracting other people. To the point where they were like baby birds, bewildered and delighted by the performance.”

Suddenly, pigeons flew out from that hazy smoke. A person wearing a black suit stood in the middle of the light. That person was Tom Jane. Tom Jane once again bowed to the crowd. Tom Jane took the hat he was wearing on his head and threw it into the air. Some adults did not understand what happened, but Tom Jane gave a shot to the neck and lay dead on the ground.

“The magic show has just begun.” Tom Jane's left-handed hat was flying towards Tom Jane.

Suddenly, Tom Jane's hat pulled out a double-edged blade. Tom Jane tossed it in the air like an exciting toy, the sharp tip of the knife stabbed into Tom Jane's finger but Tom Jane still didn't feel anything. Tom Jane glided past the thugs who were aggressively rushing to where Tom Jane was standing. With just a few simple movements Tom Jane has taken so many lives of thugs. They still won't let go. One name after another rushed up, the one who chose the left position hit Tom Jane's hip, then Tom Jane lifted his forefinger and hit his stomach, then used the blade to stab that guy's back and that name only remained—lying on the ground to rest. A few guys chose to fight on the right wing but still were not Tom Jane's opponents when Tom Jane quickly controlled the fun, Tom Jane gently threaded through the loopholes of those thugs and quickly took each of them. Some people were slashed in the neck, others lost their arms, and others were stabbed in the face and chest, and abdomen. The blood had now seeped through Tom Jane's clothes, making Tom Jane uncomfortable, but Tom Jane did not have time to change into a new suit.

James Henry has been observing since the beginning. Smoking also finished the cigarette but still saw that Tom Jane was not finished. The reason is that every time you beat one group, another group appears. That's why Tom Jane alone can't solve it all. In addition, Tom Jane also carries a dumbbell on the main shoulder is the boy sitting scared, hiding behind the rock. Watch Tom Jane tackle in the back. Some very clever guys know who Tom Jane is protecting so they keep targeting the boy to make it difficult for Tom Jane. But it is almost impossible to touch the bed because, in addition to the excellent protection from Tom Jane, the boy is not trash, he can also protect himself. Although the strength is still weak, it is still enough to drive the thugs into the dead end.

James Henry also suddenly jumped down. James Henry chose to stick to the wall. James Henry's biggest advantage is melee combat. Therefore, once James Henry is out, he can only return to his grandparents. James Henry instead likes to cheat like Tom Jane, James Henry chooses to play 1:1. In addition, James Henry also has the pleasure of accepting the opponent to hit first. This time is the exception.

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