Jongdae decided not to knock and rested his ear trying to hear the audit more clearly and investigate as to what his son was doing in the middle of the night.
“Oh- Ohh… Hyuck-ah, oh fuck!”
“Did you like it, love? I think we are good to put another living being inside you.”
“Mhmm… Yes please. Ahh…”
Jongdae gasped, his eyes went wide in disbelief and he felt as if his breath was struck.
“I love you so much Taeil. So damn much fuck!”
“I love you more Hyuckie. Oh gosh I love you more than anything.”
It would have been digestible if it was actually some cliché spirit. It would have been better if it was anything but… “Taeil and Donghyuck have an affair…” Jongdae whispered and his own words sounded like daggers to him. He put his hand on his mouth, trying to suppress his sniffles.
He wanted to crack the door open and confront both of them but he decided not to and left reaching the living room plugging his phone in the charger and dialing a number which he never dialed before.
“Thank you for connecting with I & U. Apologies but we can't assist you at this moment as our opening time is around ten.”
“But I need to speak to Jieun, it's urgent.”
“I'm sorry Sir but Ma'am doesn't appreciate customers calling randomly regarding their queries. Especially this early in the morning.”
“I'm his son's professor's father and it's about her freaking son, Lee Donghyuck!” Jongdae whisper-yelled making the staff on the other line flinch.
“Okay Sir. Please hold on…”
There was silence for a few seconds then a new voice entered. “Hello?”
“Hello, Jieun? This is Jongdae, your son's teacher's father.”
“Alright, and?”
“I need to discuss something. About our sons.”
“Well, this sounds troublesome.”
“It is troublesome.”
The sunlight hit the inside of the room through the slightly opened windows and the wavy curtains, waking up the short petite man as he sleepily yawned and caressed the side next to him, searching for a sunkissed figure only to find empty space and messy sheets.
He sat up slowly searching around the room for the said figure but it was just a mess, and him. He pouted while sighing and standing up from the bed. He then started cleaning up his room and found a Rolex watch under the blankets which belonged to, “Hyuck-ah… I told him to remove it before getting to the bed but he never listens to me. Guess I gotta keep it securely for now.”
He kept the object inside his wardrobe's locker and after a one final look, he decided to leave once everything looked fine. He exited his room, making his way downstairs to the living room.
He saw his father was already awake and thought it was not really early in the morning. He must have woken up late. He took a breath and walked to his father's direction, joining him on the table.
“Good morning, Papa.”
“It's almost afternoon, Taeil.” Jongdae corrected his son while offering a smile and the latter smiled back sheepishly in embarrassment.
“Yeah… I guess I woke up late today.” Taeil said nervously. Even though Jongdae was smiling at him he felt nervous. He felt something was about to come and it was just a calmness before the tsunami.
Jongdae nodded and asked, “Did you stay awake till late? I mean you don't usually wake up late so I wondered.”
“Ahh… I did stay awake for one or two hours late but then I fell asleep. Maybe it's just because I was pretty tired.” Taeil answered, his voice trembling a little. Why was he feeling so freaking nervous? He didn't do anything wrong then why he felt his heart skipping in his chest in fear.
“Well, that's understandable as anyone will get tired after riding a dick all night, no?”
Now Taeil actually gulped in horror. “W-what? Papa?”
Jongdae just chuckled and continued. “It's obvious that you still didn't ask if I have seen Donghyuck or not. Didn't you wonder where he went when you woke up and didn't find him around?”
“I did think for a second but then I just thought it could be his classes or something… So I just let it slide instead of bothering you.”
“Awhh… Look at my little boy, how much he grew up.”
Taeil couldn't figure if Jongdae's compliment was actually intended to compliment him or not. But since his smile seemed tender, he also decided to smile back and they both smiled at each in silence.
“Don't you fucking dare to call me that, Byun Taeil!” Jongdae yelled and Taeil felt tears spilling into his eyes as he caressed his stinging, reddened cheek.
“What did you think? Or what have you been thinking all this time or should I ask, what have you been doing all this time?”
“What are you saying, Papa? I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't do anything.”
Jongdae laughed humorlessly while shaking his head. “So you haven't only become a bad person but you also became a bad liar.”
Taeil was about to chim in again but a thud interrupted him. He saw that Jongdae had thrown his pregnancy reports on the table and he gasped in intense horror after realization hit him.
“We have always felt proud of you as our son. Always appreciated your every single decision. People always complimented you and your students took motivation and inspiration from you. And you? What you did? Had an affair with your own fucking student and cheated your husband? Not only that, you even had his… Had his child inside your womb and kept us in a hoax all this time!”
The elder clenched his and closed his eyes, trying to catch his breath before continuing. “Is this, is this how we raised you, Taeil? Is this what we have taught you? Is this the same person whom we have been thinking as our beloved son always? Where did we fail Taeil? Please tell me, where! Please…”
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