Soon the night took its place and the Byuns went to their respective bedrooms while Donghyuck went to the guest room as Jongdae had worked his ass off arranging it for him.
Though, he didn't last long there as he started sneaking into Taeil's room after midnight. And he actually felt bad for not using the room especially when Jongdae had arranged the finest mattress for him. But what could one expect when he clearly wanted nothing but Taeil and only Taeil underneath him?
He tiptoed and soon he was standing in front of Taeil's room, which not really surprisingly opened itself without even knocking.
There, the man, the moon of his dreams, was standing with a seductive smile on his face which was dragging Donghyuck's soul like a magnet. Donghyuck didn't waste another second and got inside the room eagerly, locking the door in an instant behind him and then capturing the short man into his arms while his mouth captured his lips.
“Gosh… How much I have been starved for these juicy lips.” Donghyuck commented while rubbing his thumb on Taeil's bottom lip making the latter hiss in pleasure.
“I love you Taeil.”
The elder looked back and seemed trying to say something but he really couldn't when his eyes started becoming teary, getting Donghyuck worried.
“Hey, hey… What's bothering you, love?”
A few tears slid down his cheeks as he tried responding in between his sniffles. “I'm sorry.”
“Why are you sorry babe?”
“I, I couldn't protect our child. I couldn't protect your child… Everything is over and that's just because of me...”
“Shh…” Donghyuck shushed the shorter while hugging him comfortingly. “Nothing is over love. It's just, the things weren't by our side this time.”
“I don't know but, Jungwoo said… He said that he is the reason as to why this happened and he even confessed it but... But my heart just doesn't have it Hyuck-ah. There's something that makes me believe that he didn't do it.”
“Because he didn't.”
Taeil looked at the younger and frowned cluelessly. Donghyuck chuckled at the latter's reaction.
“It just… Happened. Maybe, a kind of way to make us realize that we have been wrong for so long. And now it's for a change, time to be strong.”
“Can we, can we not forgive Jungwoo, Hyuck-ah? Can we not just let bad moments slide in the past?”
“Of course we can. In fact, I would even apologize if he was here.”
The shorter gave a surprised look as he asked, “Really?”
Donghyuck smiled gently in an assuring way. “For real, babe. The things we did, or more like, I did, were wrong. Unforgivably wrong that fate turned out this way, so that I can understand my own self and correct them for me, for you, for us. I can't apologize to him directly but, I sure would correct my paths for forgiveness by destiny. A fresh start for our happiness, for our epiphany.”
Taeil finally shed the tears in his as a joyous smile appeared on his face. “Oh Hyuck, I love you so much!” He exclaimed and hugged the younger tightly.
The younger ruffled Taeil's hair and kissed his temples. “Well, how about we start doing it already by making love? Maybe we can get to put another baby inside you.”
Taeil smacked Donghyuck playfully but started moaning in an instant when the latter started leaving new love bites on his neck as they both gently fell on the bed and started having their awaited romantic night.
Baekhyun could be idiot at everything in Jongdae's perspective but the most idiotic thing he'd ever done was trying hard to follow the trendy morning workout schedule that he obviously never did once. And his exasperating alarm, which was supposed to be waking him up, always got Jongdae's sleep ruined and it always ended up Jongdae waking up around three in the morning instead.
“Baek I swear if this won't stop ringing then your console will soon be found in the dumpster.” He warned to which the elder just grunted in sleep.
Jongdae shook his head in defeat. “How did I end up falling in love with the most idiotic person in the world?”
He looked at his husband who giggled in sleep and a smile appeared on Jongdae's face. Even though Baekhyun was an idiot, he was, “My idiot.”
Je chuckled to himself and reached for his phone to listen to random ballads as he knew he wasn't going to fall asleep real quick after waking up.
He unlocked the phone and saw the battery was almost dead. He searched for the charger but remembered it was left in the living room. He sighed and stood, exiting his Baekhyun's bedroom.
Just when he was about to climb down the stairs, he heard a noise. Weird noises to be clear. He felt goosebumps and a gulp immediately made its way into his throat when he realized that it was freaking three in the morning and he was standing alone in the middle of the corridor. But, despite the cliché feeling, his curiosity got him and he started following the direction from where the sound was coming.
He went nearer and nearer and realized that it was coming from the room of, “Taeil…”
He now got worried and rushed to his son's room but kept his steps light to not make loud thuds. The noise became loud and clear as he reached the spot but what surprised him was that it didn't sound as some scream or yell in fear but instead, they sounded like moans.
Jongdae decided not to knock and rested his ear trying to hear the audit more clearly and investigate as to what his son was doing in the middle of the night.
“Oh- Ohh… Hyuck-ah, oh fuck!”
“Did you like it, love? I think we are good to put another living being inside you.”
“Mhmm… Yes please. Ahh…”
Jongdae gasped, his eyes went wide in disbelief and he felt as if his breath was struck.
“I love you so much Taeil. So damn much fuck!”
“I love you more Hyuckie. Oh gosh I love you more than anything.”
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