He soon reached the hallway door and roughly smacked that open, breaking the doorknob down. He immediately spotted the fine petite man sitting straight in front of his direction. A watermelon shake into his hand and a smug smile on his face. Donghyuck felt his blood becoming lava inside.
“Missed me Hyuckie?”
He didn't bother using his tongue. Instead, he started rushing towards the latter in rage but got stopped on his track when he felt two strong and large pairs of hands grabbing him forcefully. He looked at the two buff guards and then again towards the man's direction who was now walking towards him while smirking devilishly. He fucking planned it!
“How did you like my surprise?”
“You are a fucking filthy bastard! You're such a disgrace to this world, Mark. Why are you being such a coward? Having me held by these guttery bugs of yours!”
The elder man chuckled at the latter's comment and replied, “This is not called coward, Hyuck. This is called clever. Which I am. Unlike your foolish dirty little lover. Just look by yourself. Just for a few days, you were away. And things went this way.”
Donghyuck felt so his bones and senses going crazy in anger and he tried pushing and smacking the men away and strangle Mark to death right there. Which he couldn't do as the giant bodyguards just tightened their grip on him.
“You! You made things this way! You are the reason my child is not in this world anymore. You fucking killed an innocent for your filthy obsession and third class pride. You're a fucking killer! A sick, psycho criminal. You deserve to be hanged and then rot in hell forever. You should have been arrested red handed in front of everyone! I don't even understand why that foolish bastard is even protecting a horrible monster like you!”
Mark might have rolled his eyes or laughed Donghyuck's rage again but the last lines of his statement caught him. Caught him in a way that he didn't even realize as to when his expression from breezy and mocky became serious and somewhat fondly curious.
“Who?” Mark asked curiously, his voice sounded filled with desire.
Donghyuck's mind was too wrapped under extreme anger that he didn't bother acknowledging any other thing than to hurt the elder in any way he could.
So instead of uttering any words, he spat straight on Mark's face making the latter upheaval on his spot and losing his clear view.
The sight soothed a little percentage of rage but it didn't last long when one of the guards punched his face for doing dirty their junior master.
A maid rushed to Mark handing him a mink towel. The latter wiped the saliva from his face and collar and looked at the younger offensively. Seeing the latter troubled satisfied Donghyuck and it was his turn to smile smugly.
“You already know what I did. And how worse I can do. Don't you, Donghyuck?”
Donghyuck chuckled mockingly. “Do you think your bitchiness is stronger than my love for Taeil? You sickening cunt!”
Another smack was landed on Donghyuck's face then Mark motioned his men to stop constantly punching him and to release him.
Donghyuck fell on the ground when the buff men unheld him and stood by Mark's side, shielding him from Donghyuck's possible attack.
“One week. You have got one week of time to think one last time to get to me and save your hell of a lover. I have had enough and this time there will be nothing even left to fix. So think and do your thing wisely, Lee Donghyuck.” The elder warned in a screeching tone and signaled his guards to kick Donghyuck out of his house.
It was obvious that Mark got so offended and furious at Donghyuck's act that day when he used to gladly accept them before. Or maybe just sickeningly but at least he did.
But this day, he felt so enraged when the younger mocked him, insulted him and didn't tell him who was protecting him. Even though he already knew the answer, he still wanted to hear the name properly.
He wanted to get lost in thoughts with the name and the person to whom that belonged. Even though he was in love with Donghyuck.
“Taeil, did you already clean up the mess in your room? Yesterday I saw many of your stuffs including your albums and instruments were dispersed all around the room. I swear if they're not in place.” Came the warning from near the kitchen.
“Will do it in a moment, Papa. Just another round. Dang… I got knocked out!”
Jongdae came out from the kitchen, approaching Taeil to check as to what was keeping the latter busy. “Taeil-ah you… How and when did this console get here in the living room?”
“The VR set wasn't working well so Dad allowed me to connect it here.” Taeil answered proudly.
“And you thought asking Baek would get you the game pass? So you could follow your Dad's path and play all day?”
The younger rolled his eyes at his father's comment and said, “Oh come on Papa. It's just been a few hours. I didn't even defeat the boss and besides, these games are so cool. No wonder why Dad picked gaming as a new hobby!”
“Well sad because you are not even going to get another chance to continue as I'm going to get rid of this box right here, right now.” Jongdae exclaimed and snatched the dualshock from Taeil's hands making the younger whine like a stubborn toddler.
“Appa, aniyo…”
“Taeil, no. You play all time, every time. You don't even listen to me nor help me with the chores or shopping. You and Baek, both mess the entire table and couch while playing and eating snacks that I don't even know when did you guys order. Plus, you even connected the stereos and this freaking horror genre freaks the hell out of me whenever a jumpscare sound comes.”
Jongdae turned off the systems and was just about to undo the cables when the doorbell rang and took both of the men's attention.
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