There was a moment of silence. A long lasting one which did not seem to be ending anytime soon until a simple, one word question was asked.
“I am extremely sorry about this news as well as your loss but this is true, Mr. Kim. Although we tried our best to save both of your family members, it happened to be only one person who could be saved and we saved your husband instead of the child and the child would probably not gonna make it without his father.”
“No! No, no… This can't be happening. Baek… This just can't…” Jongdae started sobbing while collapsing down into his husband's arms.
Baekhyun was just as broken as him. He always had a feeling at the feeling of becoming a grandparent. His only child was about to give birth to his first child and he could finally see his grandchild's face, which was his last wish to be fulfilled in his life.
However, fate had other plans and he could not turn it in anyway. So what he did is just caressed his husband's back to sooth him while keeping his own tears unshed.
“I know it's hard and so painful, baby, but please… Don't break down love. Think of our Taeillie. He must be a lot more hurt than us and we need to console him. Just who gonna do that if we ourselves start breaking down?”
Jongdae just cried harder and Baekhyun's eyes also started shedding the tears as he sniffled and the couple cried and comforted each other for a few moments.
Jungwoo on the other hand, was just blank. He was not crying nor speaking. There was no reaction on his face but there were many emotions inside his mind, his heart and in his entire senses.
He felt bad, guilty and mostly regretful. This really couldn't be happening. This wasn't supposed to be happening. It was not something he thought would happen. It was not something he could do. But he did.
“It is really saddening. I can understand that but we have to keep up with our activities, too. So I would like to inform you that Taeil is now fine just like I mentioned. But, we have to keep till tomorrow for some more checkups and vaccinations. Once this all will be done, he may be discharged and ready to go home.”
Jungwoo just witnessed the doctor's explanation and Baekhyun thanking him. He would lie if he would not admit that seeing his in-laws especially Baekhyun in such a vulnerable state hurt him. He wanted to say something. Anything. Most likely apologize. But he didn't do either of them.
He wanted and he needed to know how things got into this. He couldn't waste another moment to just stand and think. So he exited the hospital, rushing to the place where he could get the answers.
Jungwoo didn't greet anyone on his way and straight rushed into the mansion, banging the door as he entered inside and searched for the person who had the answers to all that mess.
“Oh Welcome! And, congratulations on the accomplishment of our mission. I didn't know you would be that good at acting. You did well at faking being sick. I must admit.”
“I'm not here for this bullshit, Mark. I just want to know what the actual fuck was that?” Jungwoo asked. His tone sounded filled with rage.
Mark raised his eyebrow questioningly and started, “If you are referring to your husband, then wasn't that what we have actually planned?”
“You have told me that it would be just a small hit and not any major injuries would be caused. But he had an entire brutal car accident and lost so much of his blood! He was at the verge of death and could possibly die if he wouldn't be admitted on time.”
“But he got there on time, right? So what is the major issue? I promised you that I would get him at the hospital on time after the main act and I did. I even paid them extra charges in case they would need to do some major surgery to save him. He is there and all fine now so there is no need to overreact.”
Jungwoo's mouth went agape in disbelief. Just how could that little daddy's princess stay calm after all that bloody act they did?
“Overreacting? Mark? He just didn't get brutally injured but he also lost his child. He had a fucking miscarriage and it was us to cause that. It is us who did that. We fucking killed a child who wasn't even born! We are the culprits of his miscarriage and miscarriage was not the part of this hell of a plan!”
Mark looked down for a moment and chuckled mockingly before looking back at the elder and saying, “Well, how do I explain this? Did you really think it would work without that? Did you really think that you could get back in your husband's pants with Hyuck's baby inside his womb? Of course that sinister had to leave the world. Of course miscarriage was a part of the plan.”
The loud sound of the rough skin contact got Mark's servants off guard and they started coming to them to rescue their junior master and kick Jungwoo out but Mark lifted his hand, motioning them to stop on their track and said, “Leave. All of you.” The hissing of his voice got his servants shivered as they bowed and left the duo alone.
Jungwoo was just too furious to notice or focus on any other thing than the little bad thing in front of him. “You are insane, Mark. You are fucking insane, you are sick! So fucking horribly sick!”
“Yes! Yes I am sick. Freakingly, horribly sick!” Mark screamed at the latter making him flinch. His time sounded as if some fallen angel was in pain and it intimidated Jungwoo.
“I'm sick for love. For the love that I have always dreamed of but never got. For the love that I could get but it got robbed. I just want love. To be loved. I'm so damn sick for love.” His tone got softer in the end as his eyes filled with tears. He started crying and Jungwoo just stayed in silence for a moment not knowing what to do. It was the first time to see the younger in such a state, broken and vulnerable instead of his usual confident and cocky personality.
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