Feeling deflated, I wonder why Kelly keeps staring behind me, until I hear his voice again. This time he is much more civil as he asks politely, “Can I get the two of you anything? I am sorry about before. You have a way of getting under my skin and I don’t know anyone else capable of that.”
When our eyes meet again, I notice that he is staring down at me with hunger in his eyes. Is that what I saw before? No, I don’t think so. Perhaps he thinks I am a prize for him to win. With this in mind, I raise an eyebrow and say seductively while running my first finger over my lower lip and keeping eye contact with him, “If you really want to know, you can bring me a Sex on The Beach.”
Right afterwards, Kelly chimes in happily while practically jumping up and down, “Oh, I want a strawberry Margarita, please.” while smiling as if she knows something I don’t know.
Cocking my head, a smirk plays on my lips as I begin to wonder if the two of them know each other. Poking her in the ribs playfully after he gets to the bar, I whisper quickly right next to her ear, “Do you know him by any chance?”
Hesitating, she shakes her head and smiles as she nods towards him to alert me because he is already almost back to the table. The moment he arrives, I look up at him and ask while feeling ready for a fight, “Back already for more?”
Staring down at me, he smiles handsomely and states softly with devilish intent, “I don’t mess around. I get the job done quickly and leave everyone satisfied.”
Swallowing hard, I decide that this is far more than I bargained for when he demands eagerly, “Drink up, we are going to go dance afterwards.”
“What a cocky little son of a bitch!” I think to myself as I stare past him at the man walking up to the table to join us.
When I hear Jonathan’s voice, I almost feel relieved, because then I think to myself quickly, “Maybe this guy will get the point and leave.” Sadly, I lower my eyes the moment Jonathan says excitedly, “Aye, how are you doing man?” to Alexander as Jonathan gives him a man hug.
“Great.” I murmur under my breath while Kelly gives me a disgusted look.
Just what I need, two guys who are buddies and they both are assholes. “Just figures.” I whisper in Kelly’s ear while leaning as close as I can to her.
When Jonathan catches my eye, he smiles and walks over to me before hugging me and asking sweetly, “And how are you doing Ana? I haven’t seen you in quite a while. What has it been? Maybe, three months?”
Nodding, I glance at Kelly and prepare for the inevitable. “The last time I saw you, we were not on the best of terms, were we?” He asks softly, as if he is remembering the exact details.
Glancing back up to Jonathan, I state flatly, “That is neither here nor there. I am just here to have a good time tonight.”
As I stare at Alexander, I pick up the short glass that he so kindly placed on the table in front of me and then drink the entire contents in one gulp. When the liquid touches my lips, I instantaneously close my eyes for a moment and savor it as it slides down the back of my throat. The wonderful flavors combine as I make a satisfied sound with my lips and then hear Alexander murmur under his breath, “You would think she was having sex. Damn. I wonder what noises she would make if I was deep inside her?”
Opening my eyes, I stare right at him and ask coldly, daring him to say it louder, “Excuse me, but what did you just say?”
Gazing up into his eyes, I watch as they turn from hungry to burning hot and full of something else. There is something there that I feel in my soul like a string that is pulling us together. When I see his eyes begin to glow, I wipe mine with the back of my hand quickly before I focus on his again. Looking back into those golden orbs, I see them flicker for a moment as if they are on fire and then they stop glowing.
As I look down at his lips, I watch his tongue lick them slowly before I feel his fingers wrap around my wrist. “Come on.” He grabs ahold of me firmly as the song starts and I hear the rhythm begin to echo throughout the club.
Standing up, I glance at Kelly and then state quickly while smirking, “I will be back.”
Sighing, I let him lead me out to the dance floor as I listen to the beat of the music. Stopping suddenly, he swings me around quickly and then slips his arms around my waist as if we have known each other for ages. This time when he looks down into my eyes, I could swear that he has power over me. That is one thing that I won’t allow, even though I feel as if I am reliving a moment from another life, that happened a very long time ago.
See, I don’t let anyone order me around or make me do anything I don’t want to in the first place. So, I become deeply surprised when our bodies begin to move with the music, and I automatically place my head on his warm muscular chest while listening to his strong heartbeat to the rhythm of the music.
“Why is it that this man has so effortlessly tamed me in a moment when no other has ever managed to? Should I let him? Or should I fight the tie that binds us?” I begin to wonder as I feel the magic take hold, because I am not strong enough to stop it.
When I don’t say anything, he holds me closer and then asks softly, “Anastasia, I think I will call you Ana?”
Hearing this, I glance up into those beautiful eyes before I nod, and he leans down to devour my mouth with his. Feeling the magic take hold, I am not a bit surprised when he pulls me off the dance floor and whispers in my ear, “I want you.”
Feeling like I have been drugged, I watch as we return slowly to the table and then he announces to everyone in an authoritative voice, “We are leaving.”
Upon hearing what he said, I quickly look to Kelly who has a desperate look on her face. Realizing that I can’t leave her here all alone with Jonathan, I shake my head to clear my thoughts and then declare loud enough that everyone at the table can hear. “Actually, I can’t.”
With Alexander’s eyes on me now, I stand up straight and state defiantly like a child standing up to her parents, “Kelly needs me."
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