Gazing into his eyes, I swallow hard and wait for him to plunge in deeper as he stretches my insides wider than ever before. However, what I don’t expect is that a second later he withdraws as he digs his fingers deep into the skin of my rear end before scooping me up into his arms. It is so sudden that it leaves my head spinning and I find myself wondering what I did wrong, so I begin to pout.
Along the way, I notice that he is so strong and yet graceful as he carries me in his arms so effortlessly. Once he kicks the door open to the bathroom, he carries me in before glancing down at me and slowly lowering me to my feet. With a steel look in his eyes he forcefully demands, “Take off your clothes. I want to make you scream at the top of your lungs.” While pointing at my shaking body.
Hearing this, I never question as I quickly obey by stripping out of my clothes. After letting them fall to the floor, I watch him in anticipation as he takes off his shirt and jeans, revealing the most gorgeous body I have ever seen. Thinking to myself, “I can’t believe that he is perfect in every way.” Before my eyes lower to his mouth watering, rock-hard enormous cock that makes me wonder how he even fit inside me in the first place.
Staring at his amazing body, I quickly turn my attention away when he catches me, before he approaches me. “I saw that.” He states while sounding thoroughly satisfied with the hunger in my stare.
“Come here.” He whispers before wrapping his arms around me for a brief moment to inhale the scent of me as he holds me still.
It is only for a second or two, but for some reason it feels more like an eternity because I need him so badly that I want to scream. Matter of fact, the mere proximity of his body next to mine sends it into spasms. Quickly, I decide that I had better take the time to bring up protection before it is far too late.
Cocking my head, I put my hands on his chest and force a bit of space in between us so I can think, before I ask sheepishly, “Do you have a condom? Neither one of us wants to get anything.”
Eventually releasing me, he sighs as he walks towards the shower stall and then turns suddenly to offer me an outstretched hand. A smile spreads across his perfect lips as he stares intently at me.
He asks softly, “Well, yes but we don’t need that do we? I trust you and you trust me. Correct?”
Wondering if I can indeed trust him, I throw caution to the wind because I am on the pill and the likelihood of either one of us having a serious disease is almost zero. As I think about this, I watch as he licks his lips and looks at me thoughtfully before asking seductively, “Coming?”
One word that is filled with so many different sinfully delicious meanings. “Could he have possibly said one that isn’t more suggestive? Geez?” I think to myself as I take his hand and let him pull me inside.
After closing the door behind me, he steps over to the faucet and quickly turns it on. Looking back at me, he waits for my response. “Wow, this is so much bigger on the inside than I had originally thought!” I exclaim while scanning the stall with its various shower heads all lined up in a row along the extremely expensive looking turquoise tiles.
In that split second, between when he slams me up against the wall and thrusts his cock between my sensitive lips, I feel like I am in Heaven. Thrusting in hard, he leans down to nibble on my neck again. “God, it feels so wonderful.” I can’t help but shout before releasing a loud moan.
This time one hand stays firmly wrapped around my wrist as it holds me to the wall, while the other hand’s fingers close around my throat, choking me ever so lightly.
The whole time I feel the hard tiles pressing into my spine, as I refuse to admit that it hurts but feels oh so good. So, I close my eyes and begin to feel every little movement he makes inside me. At least now I know what it feels like when a man truly desires you.
Until this very moment, I have never had a man treat me this way. “Fuck! I love it. I’m about to come.” I cry out into the mist as I scrape my nails down the center of his spine and begin to feel like I might faint from the pressure around my neck as he begins to tighten his grip.
Sure enough, he must feel me conform to him like a leather glove, because his lips return to mine while he stares at me with those gorgeous emerald eyes of his. Devouring my mouth, he fucks me harder and harder before he plunges in one last time, coming harder than I ever have. Releasing my neck, he whispers barely loud enough to hear, “Ride it through and then I am going to keep fucking you all night long. I want to know you inside and out by the time I am through with you.”
Wondering why he would ever bother to get to know me better than a casual lay, I cock my head as I ask sweetly, “Isn’t knowing my body intimate enough? What is the point of getting to know me more than that?”
Bursting into laughter, he leans his head down and shakes it gently before returning his gaze to mine. In that moment, I glance up to see a glint in his eyes that wasn’t there a minute before as he lashes out and firmly grasps my wrist before spinning me around. When I come to an abrupt stop, he shoves me up against the cold tiles on the wall, face first. This time I feel him rub the tip of his cock around both entrances. Closing my eyes, I swallow hard while holding my breath, because I secretly wish that he decides to fuck me everywhere.
My wish is granted when I feel him thrust in quickly as he makes animalistic grunting sounds and then leans down and breathlessly whispers against my ear, “My god, you are so tight. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought you had never done this before.”
Feeling him wrap his fingers in my silky hair, he yanks back and then bares my soft skin for him to bite. However, he does no such thing, because as he thrusts in the next time, he kisses my lips hard and then picks up the pace. Thrusting in and out voraciously, I hear our bodies collide with the sounds of sloppy sex bouncing off the walls. Amazingly, the whole time his eyes stay trained on me as if I am his prey. “No doubt if I move, he will get me.” I think to myself in between bouts of pleasure and pain.
While I begin to moan loudly in rhythm with his thrusts, I feel his cock swell and then he pauses before he yanks my hair back even harder and bursts deep within me. Filling me completely, I too join him as the light show plays underneath my eyelids and I feel my whole body become so sensitive that I begin to giggle like a child. Feeling his fingers running up and down my sides, I start to laugh harder, begging helplessly, “Please, no. No. Don’t tickle me. Shit.”
When he slides out of me, I suddenly feel empty inside before he cups my chin and leans down to kiss my lips softly like lovers do. Or at least how I assume they do, because Ben never did that for me, ever. I guess he didn’t care enough to show me attention when I was upset. However, it is amazing that this stranger can show me more love than any man I have ever known. Why? Why me?
Still feeling uneasy about something, I don’t ask any questions, just enjoy the rest of the ride as he teaches me things I never knew existed until now. By the time we head to bed several hours later, we are both so tired we can barely stand or even speak. So, as I lie there next to him on the sweat-soaked bed, I watch as he smiles thoughtfully. A few minutes later, he reaches over and covers me up after I begin to shiver in the cold night air.
Falling fast asleep in his arms, I never realize that he leaves the bed, nor do I hear the car engine roar as he speeds out of the driveway without me. Instead, I sleep quite oblivious of everything around me until I wake up suddenly, noticing that his spot is empty, and it has been for several hours. By the time I find all my clothes and my purse, I know that he is not who he said he was.
Nothing added up and when I scanned the house, I noticed that none of the pictures were his. Quickly retrieving my phone, I look for him again, but he is nowhere to be found.
Unfortunately, an hour later as I sit waiting on the couch for Kendra to pick me up, I hear someone open the front door, so I rush out to see if it is Jon. When an elderly man in a business suit whom I recognize from all the pictures, looks up at me from the entry way and acts shocked, I quickly state, “Sir, I am so sorry. I was misled last night. Does a young man live here with you by any chance?”
Shaking his head silently, I hear the doorbell ring and I am never happier to have Kendra show up at that exact moment and save me from whatever is going on. Not knowing if it was just a game or if someone else put him up to it like Ben, I sit quietly on the way home as I close my eyes and listen to the radio play. Trying to put it all behind me will be difficult but I must for myself if nothing else.
One year later.
Never figuring out who he was or what kind of game he played that night, I cut my losses and decided to not go looking for him ever again. Although, occasionally, when I look into my little Ana’s emerald-green eyes, I smile and know that somewhere out there a fool is wishing he didn’t leave me that night. Taking her in my arms, I kiss her chubby cheeks softly and stare off into the distance at what could have been. Then I decide to leave it alone for a while longer as I put her in her crib and read her a bedtime story.
The End of One Night Stand
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