The system forces me to be the villain
By Matcha
Date: January 7, 2023
Ch. 110Going to school

"How is it possible... No way." Benedict James faltered.
"You don't see how open and closed it is, right?"
“I'm already starting to find you annoying. I can see you out of my house at any time under the pretext of insulting the owner of the house.”
“Don't stress… Don't stress. Just kidding. Don't you know how to joke?"
"No." Benedict James answered clearly.
"But you look pretty too, if you can't get married in the future, you can get married."
"Future? In the future, I have to be a rich young master, with a lot of money, a lot of assets, holding military power in my hand, everyone must respect, everyone who sees must be wary."
"Big lice."
“But I noticed that you came back very late. Every night you come back very late, are you going to do something shady?"
"Why should I tell you?"
"So I made a private appointment with that giant. How much money did he give you? He must be very good to you to make such a sacrifice, right? How can you stay in a shabby house and still keep your skin white and your figure so well proportioned?" Basil Henry groped around on Benedict James.
"I go to work. Release. Why are you my wife so much?"
"My husband." Basil Henry replied.
“I got goosebumps when I heard you call. Disgusting!"
"Really. Honey. Tell your husband how much money he earned today."
"Shut up now." Benedict James covered Basil Henry's mouth, an angry expression on his face.
"Just got angry." Basil Henry moved his tongue around Benedict James's palm, looking at Benedict James with enchanting eyes.
“Do you like boys?” Benedict James felt chills and was a little afraid to let go but was grabbed by Basil Henry.
"If so, why not?" Basil Henry kissed Benedict James' wrist.
“If you like guys then I'll tell you first I don't like you. And if you don't like boys, that's okay." Benedict James looked pale, stammering out every word.
“It's just a trick to attract girls that scares you so much. Looks like you don't have a real male patriarch to back it up. Boring.” Basil Henry let go.
"So you're fine." Benedict James touched Basil Henry's forehead.
“So what does the wife want her husband to do? Wife wants to take advantage of her husband?" Basil Henry looked innocently at Benedict James.
“No… You are normally fine. Normal is good.” Benedict James breathed a sigh of relief.
"You don't like homosexuality?"
“It is a bit delicate on this matter. I don't hate same-sex lovers. Later, if you love the same sex, I still consider you normal but I don't want that person to be me, that's all."
“So what if there is a man who really likes you and wants to give you his heart?” Basil Henry opens with great interest.
Basil Henry laughed.
"What's so funny?" Benedict James faltered.
"You're so forthright."
“I have no interest in tormenting others like you. Sowing hope, then coldly taking it away.”
"You think I'm that good?"
“How badly the girls in my class love you, I know part of it.”
“I also appreciate myself.”
“Breaking, but the truth cannot be denied. In this area, you are talented, skilled.”
“Back to the old question, what if you love that person too?”
“I won't let myself cross the line. The feelings between men and women haven't done anything yet, let alone men and men."
"You think that's a bit short-sighted."
“The Creator of mankind has predestined men and women to attract each other. Just like in physics opposite poles will attract each other, opposite poles will repel each other.”
“What you say makes sense. But nothing is impossible.”
“So don't make it possible. Don't let yourself fall into it. It's easy to control yourself, especially it's easier to control your temper from something you don't like to a taboo."
Basil Henry laughed again.
"You're still smiling."
“Talking to a scholar is different. Thoughts were immediately swept away by the scholar's thoughts."
"Spoken language."
"But I'm not sure I can hold back love, I'm surrounded by too many beauties. Sometimes I just won't be able to resist."
"Normal. You are so weak.”
“How many relationships do you have?”
"Please do not answer this question."
Basil Henry continued to laugh.
"Right. What do you do, no one likes you, but you have a lover.” Basil Henry continued.
"But do you have many relationships?"
“I have had more than 10 relationships, but they were all traps.”
“Are you lured?”
“I cheated their love for profit. They're beautiful, rich ladies when they're out of value.
Benedict James remained silent.
“I have a lot of respect for you. Don't worry brother I will guide you. In the future, looking into the distant future, I am sure you will have a wife with my ingenious guidance. Do you believe me?”
“Thank you for your kindness. I don't need it."
"I advise you to eat more, your body must be like me to protect others."
“I feel fine about myself.”
"Do not worry. Yes, I am here. I will protect you. When it's over, give me some money to use."
“Did I open my mouth to need you?”
“I know you need me. Through your eyes, I understood.”
“…” Benedict James was speechless.
The silver moonlight dyed the trees and ponds. The river smiled because she felt more beautiful when she wore a purple dress with a bright moon and thousands of stars sparkling like silver. The grass, trees, and flowers were silent as if they could see all the beauty of this moonlit night. When the bamboo is illuminated by the moonlight, it becomes more beautiful and as if feeling something that the moonlight gives me, the bamboo sister sings a melodious and peaceful country song! The carpet of golden rice sways in front of the undulating wind-like waves that follow each other to the horizon. Why is the moonlit night scene so quiet? Everyone was engrossed in looking at the moon, the insects chirped like they were writing music at night. The leaves are like sprinkled with golden seeds falling from the sky.

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