You Are My Sun
By July
Date: June 18, 2022

Our perspective on love changes as we grow old and become a better version of ourselves. We may look at it as sweet, pure happiness, and pleasure. On the other hand, we may look at it as sadness, sacrifice, and suffering.

At a tender age, most of us don't ask much more than to be with someone we love, no matter the circumstances. Lucky are those in these shoes because not everyone gets to experience this at an early age.

Pure love is beautiful in every way; even it does not last too long. At least to someone who believes that beautiful memories are enough even if they don't end up with someone they love. But whether you end up with someone you care about, you are blessed to share the joy you have with someone you value.

It may be hard work to keep the love alive, but it's worth it in the end. The reward is priceless.

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