I napped for half an hour as soon as I got into the house. When I woke up, I went to their kitchen to start preparing food. When the old maid, Manang Rose, learned that I was capable of performing household duties, she was overjoyed. I exchanged pleasantries with her and struck up a conversation with her. After a few hours, Krystal and her mother arrived.
I wasn't able to talk with her because I had gone into my room to continue my sleep. It had only been a few hours since I had dozed off to sleep when I was startled by the creaking of the door. Someone was trying to open it.
"Krystal, why are you wearing that?" I queried, my eyes still squinty from sleeping.
"We're on our way somewhere! Let's get going!" She walked over to the cabinet where my clothes were placed. She was looking for something suitable for me to wear. "Do you happen to have any girly clothes here?" she wondered out loud while still looking for clothing that would suit her preferences.
"I don't have one. And, by the way, where are you going?" I creased my brows as I scratched the back of my head. She was dressed in a skater's skirt with a spaghetti strap and pink doll shoes.
"All right, just try and put these on," she said, removing the denim long sleeves and high waisted black shorts from her closet. "We're going to my friend's birthday party. " She continued, "Don't worry, I won't be drinking hard liquor."
I'm not going to believe you because the last time we went to a party together, I wasn't able to fully concentrate on the party because I was preoccupied with taking care of her because she was intoxicated.
"Does Tita Odette happen to know?"
She smiled and nodded enthusiastically. I looked at her with squinted eyes, uncertain. However, since Krystal will be going alone, I figured I'd tag along with her.
Like every other party, everyone was loud and hyper from the moment we entered the venue. Krystal was greeted by her friends, who kissed her on the cheeks and engaged in a brief conversation with her. I had the distinct impression that I was an outcast at this gathering. Maybe it's because Krystal was the only person I knew in this place, or maybe I'm just a completely unnoticeable person.
"Yeah! Let's have a good time tonight "She snatched my arm and dragged me into the middle of the dancefloor. "Kill joys are not permitted in this place," she stated when I was about to disagree.
"I'm just going to sit here and wait."
I chose a seat that would allow me to see her easily. I was drinking water when I felt a tap on the upper back. Ace, a former classmate of mine, used to be the hottest and most handsome guy at our high school when we were younger. Despite the fact that he attended a public school, he is quite wealthy. “Wow! It was a miracle that you were able to attend the party."
"I was simply accompanying a friend." I looked around, but Krystal had already vanished from sight.
"Uh, Ace... I'm going to have to leave. I have to help find my friend." He nodded and went on the lookout for another girl to converse with.
I'm not sure how many times I said 'excuse me' while wandering around in the middle of the dancefloor. My hand was getting cold because I was worried that something might happen to Krystal. Knowing that girl, she doesn't seem to know what she's doing when she's drunk. I don't believe her when she says she isn't going to drink tonight.
Someone had a firm grip on me, and he was able to force me outside with the amount of force he possessed. Because the lights in the party have been dimmed, I can't see his face very well. “Wait! Please let me go!"
He didn't bulge, but I could feel his grip on my arm becoming tighter. The moment we arrived outside, he pushed me up against the wall. When I felt like I was being pushed too hard, my face became distorted. I wanted to curse him, but when his manly scent infiltrated my nose, I felt as though I was being hypnotized.
I'm aware that he's looking at me, but I can't see his face clearly. The light emitted by the moon was insufficient to allow me to see his face. He encircled me with his arms, his face creeping closer to mine. My hand was trembling, and I wasn't sure what to do, so my eyes closed involuntarily.
Is he going to kiss me?!
"YOU ARE A JERK!" I kicked his knee with all the force I could muster.
"Kiyo!" Someone's voice was heard by me. In an instant, I dashed to the nearest car to take cover. "Kiyo!" His friends yelled at him once more.
I was taking in a lot of air. I'm confident that they are friends. If they ever come across me here, I will be doomed. I prayed hard that they wouldn't notice and that guy wouldn't remember who I was.
"I'm… I'm a little tipsy..." I overheard the man say something.
"Asshole!" screamed the guy with the bad boy look, smacking his elbows.
I can't really see their faces, but they are all tall and masculine. They burst out laughing when they saw their friend vomit as a result of his drunkenness. I took advantage of the opportunity to escape from them. I'm still afraid they'll find me here.
When I entered the party, I made the decision to return to my previous seat. Krystal had a distorted expression on her face, as if she were in a bad mood. "Can you tell me where you've been?"
"I went out to look for you, I thought—"
"Fine. Let's go. I've already stated that I'm not going to drink. Just a little bit," she exclaimed, laughing.
"You still did."
She motioned for me to take a seat as she opened the door to her car. I complied and settled in the front seat. "I went to the party thinking I'd meet a new boyfriend, but the asshole Louis turned me down."
"You shouldn't give him the impression that you are interested in him."
"Primitive," she answered. "Then again, let's not talk about it. In any case, I've found a job opportunity for you, but I have my doubts about whether you'll accept it."
I nodded and shifted my gaze to the car's window. When it comes to driving, Krystal is stubborn; she even drove a car even though she was not of legal driving age. I simply unconsciously shook my head.
While on the ride, I had the sensation of dozing off. If she hadn't woken me up, I'm pretty sure I would have fallen asleep in the middle of the ride while my saliva was dripping. That would be a total embarrassment.
My cousin's friend is looking for a male companion." She swallowed, clearing her throat. "They were looking for a male because all of the females who applied for the position were interested in seducing him. They don't want any love affairs or problems, so I voluntarily agreed that you would be the one to handle it."
My sleepiness was gone in the blink of an eye. "What's going on?! Me?" I pointed to myself. "I'm not a male!"
"That's perfectly fine. Here's their address, just go there tomorrow, or you can call him." She said this before handing me the calling card.
"Lewis Harris."
His given name was so beautiful, and it seemed that he came from a wealthy family. After all, Krystal's surname is Couner, which sounds like it should be very expensive. He comes from a well family, no doubt about it.
"Can you tell me what you have in mind?" While driving, Krystal had a question.
"They're in desperate need of a man. Because I am not a male, I am not permitted."
Her brows were furrowed for a moment, but then she broke into a smile. She laughed so hard that we were on the verge of colliding with someone's car. She's even putting her hands on the steering wheel. This young lady is completely insane.
"Can you tell me what's going through your head and why you're laughing so hard?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued.
"I just thought..." she begins, but she is unable to finish her sentence because she has burst out laughing yet again. I give her a light smack on the back of the head. "Ouch! I was just thinking about what you would look like if you were a boy instead!" She said while laughing.
I ran my fingers through my straight and long hair. What would happen if I went all the way short with my hair?
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