The Miscreants
By Author Augustine C
Date: May 9, 2022
Ch. 25Episode 25

How the river identify foreigners was what we don't know till today.
When they arrived at the school, they pleaded with the proprietor to accept the amount they have but he refused at all. He said all the money must be completed.
Kelvin school fees was one hundred and ninteen naria. it remained Adrian the father to Kelvin to shed tears where he was pleading with the Prof Kingsley to accept the one hundred and twenty naria they came with.
He pleaded that before the term comes to an end he will bring the remaining balance.
All his pleading was no avail, their coming did not rescind the Prof decision they went home in pains.
When it was two days for the exam to commerce, the proprietor of the school sent Kelvin out of the school he took his bag and cantered away.
Since Kelvin was sent out of school, his parents have not had peace of mind where they are looking for a way to get money and complete their child school fees. Some persons they met to ask for loan refused that they will not give them any money.
Why it is very difficult for Adrian the father to Kelvin was they have cultivated everything in their farm land. it was during the seventh month all this things are happening. Time for harvest is usually eight to nine month of the year. it was the same answer they got from all the people they asked for loan. There was one goat they are training at their house the pregnant goat is about to give birth.
When Kelvin's mother suggested to sell that goat. Adrian thought about it and said to her it is somehow to sell a pregnant goat that will give birth soonest but she said if we wait till it gives birth before we sell it things will got spoiled. Sincerely that was their only hope of paying Kelvin's school fees.
They parents where thinking if they should sell the pregnant goat or not day break.
They did not sleep at night but Kelvin was sleeping throughout the night. Did he know of their discussion? nothing concerned him? what he knows was them to pay his school fees.
When he woked up, he went and knocked at their room so they will give him what he will eat because he was famished.
His father called him, "hope you know you are the person who that caused this problem? Initially l started in time to save your school fees there are are persons your school fees are small money to them but to me it is a big money. Is this suffer l suffered and gave you that kind of money, you spent it big eating and drinking cupiously at the restaurant of Mary's Mum and forget that "the child that eats, spent his/ her parents money. Is what you did that kept you in bad condition you are. What did l do that made you to spend your school fees? you want to be poor like me? or you want to be an illiterate like your mother? Answer me, you are the one am asking".
Kelvin did not utter a word the only thing disturbing him was they did not gave him breakfast.
"Kelvin is it not you that your father is asking questions? What kind of Child are you?" his mother pushed him when she was asking him those questions.
Kelvin opened his mouth and manage to say "I will not do it again".
His father started telling him saying" hope you know it is tomorrow that your school exams will commerce. Hope you also know you will not be among those that will take the exam. This one does not touched you, your problem was just to eat, finished. Let me see Linda giving you food I will chase two of you out of this house today.
You are not suppose to use these your mouth to eat again let me know if you will have sense".
Kelvin cried and went out of that place. It was the same crying he did until his mother gave him food.
To see that Kelvin went bankrupt to school and followed his mates to write the exam, Adrian and his wife agreed to sell the pregnant goat that is about to give birth. "What l got as profit was three hundred naria" Bryan said that when he return from market he raned to the school and paid Kelvin's school fees, the properitor greeted him him enough the way he made it to see that his son goes to school. Adrian used the same time and pleaded with him to see that his son, Kelvin stopped following his friends and be going out of the school vestry.
After paying the school fees of Kelvin, use the remaining money and bought two bleats, they kept those bleats in replacement of the one they sold. Kelvin returned back to school the next morning and followed them to start the eaxm. His hearts was full of joy because he was with his fellow classmates to write the exam, that school exams was very hard but Kelvin managed to graduate from that level and entered the next level (SS2).
Adrian and his wife gave thanks to God because all their suffering was not in vain.
When Kelvin returned from school one day, his father begged him to stop keeping those friends that are leading him astray.
He begged him to take his studies very serious and study it hard. he told Kelvin that schooling is very good, "the person who graduate has everything. there is nothing he does not have". He used people like Nnamdi Azikiwe as example the white men feared the wisdom inside of him that made them to hand him over the administration of Nigeria and departed.
He also told him that Azikiwe has travelled to different countries in the world because he was educated. He further told Kelvin that if he will humble himself and graduate that he will be like Azikiwe.

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