So I began to pray to God with Justin, my born-again friend. We began to hold series of night vigils. Each of the nights, we cried unto God for His intervention in that horrible situation. In addition, we asked God to expose every secret act of any student and that no one
who gave himself to wickedness would succeed in the school.
I lay on my bed as I thought over these things. But then, I began to see the whole thing in a new light. It could be that God exposed these boys so as to make shiver to go their spines and by that means, redeem them from their evil path.
1f that was the case, I would like to pardoned and given another chance. However l knew that some of them were bent on doing evil.
For such ones, I never wished that they should be forgiven. Having considered that, I resolved within me to write an apology letter to the school
on their behalf.
I got up from the bed, opened my cupboard and pulled out two plain sheets of paper from the bundle and sat at my study table to write to the school authorities. It was almost midnight, but because of the urgency of the matter, I had to write and send the letter that
same night, the time not withstanding. There was a glimmer of hope in me that the school might consider my plea. If the reverse proved to be the
case, at least, I would have made an effort to prove to my fellow students that I did not actually
hate them as they thought, rather that I hated any form of disobedience to the school rules and regulations.
While I wrote the letter, there was an absolute serenity in the vicinity. After some time, I heard approaching footsteps. I spotted the legs and covered the letter since I did not want anybody to have the knowledge of what I was writing. It turned out to be Daniel Samson and he wanted to glance at it but when he observed that I would not let anyone see it he turned away.
However, he accuratey guessed what I was up to. He went to Daniel Rufus' corner and to effusively announced to them that I was writing to the Director on their behalf. When I was
through with the letter, I wrapped it with another plain sheet of paper improvised as an envelope.
I set off to the Director's residence by that time of the night, about fifteen minutes past
twelve. Along the track, I stumbled on a security man, a friend of mine. I saw him from a distance but summoned courage and moved on. I knew that something gave me that courage even when I saw that he was armed. My courageous approach registered something in his mind
which made him not to harass me. I met him and greeted him. He shook hand with me and before he could ask, I told him my mission.
He did not understand me at first because I was not straightforward. So with time, l
explained the matter to him. He and I went to the Chapel where he anticipated that the Director
Would be. On reaching there, we saw that he was not there. From there, we went to his house and
Observed that his car was not there which meant that he was not in the house. He took me to the security booth perhaps to drop the letter there with the men on duty, so that they would give first thing in the morning, to the Director. the security man at the booth, also being another friend of mine, directed us to the guest lodge where the Director was rather than leaving the letter with him. "He is the senior perfect; he can go there and meet the Director said the security man.
I went to the lodge and met a pastor who took the letter from me when I explained to him why I left the hostel at such a time. "It is very urgent" l said. He requested to know who I was
so as to enable him to convey my message. I told him that I was the senior perfect. That added
more prestige to my message.
I came out and met the friend that was still waiting for me outside. We left for the hostel
"You have really tried for these boys. After all the preaching they hear in this school, they still indulge in evil practices. Well, only God knows their fate". he said to me.
When we got to the hostel, the students were still watching film at the refectory, I went in there to call someone. Coincidently, the film ended. They left for their hostels to sleep. When I got to my hostel, Hector was already on my bed
asleep. Antonio slept on the top bunk while I would sleep on top of the next bed.
I began to imagine what would have been my fate if the security man had not known me
and if perhaps he had taken some hemp, he would have shot at signt we had Been warned earlier that there were some armed security men
who were void of the knowiedge of God. They were ordered to shoot at sight without hesitation
if they saw any creature wandering about in the bush during the night, be it human or beast. This was to curb the rate at which some mischievous
students were passing through the bush to the surrounding villages in search of edible stuffs. It was very effective as the cases of "La Bush"commonly used by the student to mean leaving the school through the bush, was not heard of again.
As I was thinking about these things, l slept off till the following day.
It was Thursday morning, just a day before the vacation day when the hostels were to be vacated. All the miscreants were having sleepless nights as their fate still hung in the balance. However, some of them who never cared about their future thought all effort to secure their pardon a complete waste of time.
After the morning devotion that day, summoned all the SS2 students to the refectory.
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