On several occasions that I confronted some of them for one offence or another, they would tell me with such brazen insouciance that if the worst happened, it would be expulsion, that it wasn't a big deal.
I recalled a friend I loved so much, who indulged in some acts that contravened the school rules and regulations. I cautioned him
severally and warned him of the consequences of his act. He was unruffled and with a careless
shrug of his shoulders, he told me that at most he would be expelled which was no problem as there were so many other schools in the city better than Zion International.
Then, I reminded Samson of tha worthless bragging of theirs. He smiled and said,
"Leave those things. It was all to show that one belonged. All was boasting".
"I thought they were saying that they did not like the school, why are they now panicking as their fates are uncertain?"I taunted.
"Thomas forget that", said Antonio, shaking his head grimly.
Later, Antonio concluded the letter from where I stopped. He gave it to me to submit on
his behalf to Sir Herbert. On account of my being too busy I Could not pass on the letter
immediately. It stayed with me for a few days before I despatched it. Samson was no more his former self as the situation ate into his bones. He
would lament from time to time, " I am the first person in my family that is facing expulsion. If I
am finally expelled, my father would finish me.
He will lay a curse on me and my future".
From that nignt when Antonio was battered, he never slept in is hostel. He began
to sleep in my corner together with Hector Shane.
l had to leave my bed ror Hector because I as the person who brougnt him to my hostel to curb
the level of his association with other classmates who had some dubious character. While he slept
on my bed, Antonio slept on the top bunk.
Antonio had abandoned his duty as the hostel prefect of Jss 1 and followed Hector to my
hostel and I accommodated him
as well.
After the examinations, the teachers worked assiduously, preparing the terminal and annual results of the students.
Then to create a less distractive scene for accuracy of work and to find outlet for the
restless students, the school authorities introduced a programme to occupy the students throughout the period. The programme, called the Youth Week, incorporated all kinds of
entertainment such as football game, film show, labour, handball, drama and above ll
I was the president of the Drama Clubs which had for long been dormant because of the cluttered academic work. But now, I got an approval from the school authorities to carve out time for the rehearsals of the drama to be presented. We had discussed with the girls senior prefect to organize and present their own drama while the boys would also organize and present theirs.
This was quite unlike before when the boys and the girls practised and presented drama together. There seemed to be more separation between them uniike in the past.
The schoal had extended its efforts towards ensuring that there was no form of communication between the boys and the giris. This had led to the building of different
classroom structures for the girls, different retectory, separate fellowship venues except on a joint meeting when everyone came together at our Central Cathedral, a very large church auditorium.
In the workers meeting of the Students fellowship, I raised the issue of performing drama. The drama must be an educative type that centered on the Christian life of the youths. The days were fast passing and time
was running out on us. So, one night, I lay down and imagined the nature of drama to compose. I closed my eyes to pray over it; no sooner had I done so than something flashed into my heart. That was to compose a drama
with the immediate situation on ground. The mischievous character of my classmates and its end. It would portray how the remorseful ones were forgiven and the recalcitrant ones, who
kept bragging, suffered severe reprisals.
In our next workers meeting, I presented the text of the drama to my Pastor and teacher for approval. He approved it and then suggested a few points to be added to it and removed some irelevant scenes.
The teacher instructed me to make use of only workers for the drama, so I recruited up to
Sixteen capable boys. Without delay, we started practising the drama which we presented on a
Tuesday night. We depicted exactly how the boys were, how they chatted in the hostel in their
pidgin English and slang and the crimes they committed. We also displayed other forms of crime different from the ones in issue. For instance, in the place of the Slum Book, we used pornographic magazine as the wanted book.
Again, the writing of a love letter to a female counterpart and thirdly the crime of breaking into
the computer laboratory and altering some documents were included. I was the narrator of
the various scenes. The boys acted exactly the miscreants so much so that while the drama was still going on, my classmates and every other student got the gist.
As the drama progressed, the boys who felt that they were being depicted on the stage
were there among the audience languishing.
Somebody like Daniel Rufus almost collapsed on the white seat on which he was sitting. Many of them became offended and furious. They wished to have me in thelir paims at that moment. if wishes were horses, beggars would have ridden on them.
There on the stage I was narrating with all dexterity the drama for proper understanding.
At a point, I began to hear Some strident voices of dissent, which I knew were from the side of the girls. They signaled to me to quit speaking so as to enable them to hear what the actors were
saying. Majority of the dissenters were our female classmates who on their own part were passing through the same hell the boys were passing through for their mischievousness.
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