"Papa" squealed Sofia as she saw Kingsley Bernard sitting in the living room going through a magazine.
The living room has a two-seater chair, a love seat, and a sofa Kingsley is currently sitting on, there is a round table in the middle that had a small shelf in which publications like magazines, newspapers, and some papers are stacked neatly.
The sitting room is decorated with gold and cream lace curtains, there is a dining table at the end of the sitting room and a door by the left that leads to their kitchen.
“Hello, my two favorite princesses” Kinsley stood up and went to hug Audriana and Sofia.
They hugged him back and he kissed both cheeks, smiling genuinely.
“How are you doing, Dad?” Audriana said and put her bag on the love seat.
“I am doing fine, I am glad you both came, how are you both? And how is work?” he asked and went to the seat where he was previously sitting.
“We are definitely good,” Sofia asked. “How has everything been, I really missed you, Papa” she added.
“Everything is very okay dear, I missed you too, and where is my wife?” he asked.
“I am guessing she went to the kitchen” Audriana answered. “I’ll go check up on her” she went towards the dining area and entered the door to her left.
“How was your trip to Murie?” Kingsley asked when Audriana left for the kitchen.
“It was nice, super amazing, and I discovered something when I went to Murie”
“And what is that?” Kingsley asked.
“Selfth Creswp” she replied.
“Selt- what?” Kingsley gave her a confused look.
“Selfth Creswp, he is a semi man-god that has skin like the scale of fish, fingers like birds talon, and waist down of a goat” she explained.
“That is so weird,” he said.
“That’s what Audri told me when I told her about it. So when I arrived back here I saw a museum I think it just opened, I want to take my students there, I saw something similar to the Selfth Creswp there and they’ve been so eager to see it since I have been telling them about it” Sofia said.
“Wow that’s great, when will that be?” he asked.
“By the end of this month, if the letter I forward to the chancellor is been accepted” she replied.
“How are you doing mum?” Audriana asked.
Audriana was cutting the vegetables for the salad, while Moana checked the food on the stove at the same time juicing the orange.
Moana sighed “Great my dear, just been so stressed with work and all”
“Mum, I told you not to stress yourself. I don't want you or Dad overworking yourselves"
"Baby, you know how much I love my work? And when I notice something isn't rightly done I have to do it myself" Moana said.
Audriana stopped what she was doing and faced her Mum.
"Mrs. Moana Bernard, stop stressing yourself. I do not want what happened the last time to repeat itself, please Mum" she joins her hand together like in prayer "I need both my parents healthy and bouncing, please"
Moana dropped the orange she was juicing and held both of her daughter's joined hands.
"I am so sorry if that got you upset, I just don't want any flaws, the fashion week is near, and I will try not to stress too much"
"Try? Maybe I will come to stay with you old couples then," Audriana said.
Moana chuckled and gave her a light tap on her arm.
"You silly"
Audriana smiles and hugs her Mum.
"But honestly Mum, no stressing"
"Aye captain"
They both chuckled still in each other's arms.
"I love you, baby girl," Moana said.
"We love you too," said Sofia from the door.
They both pulled away when they heard her voice, Sofia walked up to them and they hugged each other.
"That was how she embarrassed herself in front of Michael, like when are you not so clumsy?" Sofia said earning chuckles from Moana and Kingsley and a very playful glare from Audriana.
Moana served the food with the help of Sofia and Audriana minutes ago and they are eating dinner and chatting away.
"Psst, like you, are any better," Audriana said rolling her eyes.
"We both know I am the better one" Sofia stuck her tongue at Audriana.
"Very mature" was Audriana's reply.
"You both are the best versions, okay?" Kingsley interrupted, just so they don't continue their playful fights.
"So… Sofia" Moana called out.
"Yes?" Sofia answered and took a sip of water.
"How... how is Liliana?” Moana asked.
Sofia was about to put a spoonful of caviar in her mouth, but the spoon stopped mid-air. She put the spoon down and had a gloomy look on her face.
Moana noticed her change of mood and instantly felt bad for asking.
"Oh my GOD, did something happen? I... I didn't mean to make you gloomy, I mean no harm"
"No, it's okay ma'am," Sofia says "It's just her present situation that makes me bothered and... scared" she looked at Moana.
Her eyes were already glassy.
"Baby, don't be," Moana said.
"Everything will be fine," Kingsley said.
Audriana rubs comforting circles on her back.
"It is okay girl, we will pull through this, okay?" she assures her.
Sofia looks at Kingsley, then Moana to Audriana, and gives a very large smile. She leans her head on Audriana's shoulder and sighs.
"I am so lucky I have you guys close to me, I honestly don't know how I will pull through this, I don't know" she whispered the last part.
Audriana could feel hot tears fall on her arm.
"Okay you don't need to cry now honey, you've got a team of supporters that will be there for you when you feel like you're alone or can't hold on anymore, we are and will be there for you always," Audriana said and gives Sofia a kiss on her hair.
"Thank you," says Sofia.
She lifts her head from Audriana's shoulder and wiped her tears away from her eyes.
"What are families for," says Audriana, Kingsley, and Moana together.
Sofia laughed and they joined in the laughter.
They continued chatting and chatting and chatting, there was never a dull moment with them.
...thirty minutes later...
"This is the best meal I have had in a while, thank you so much ma'am," Sofia said to Moana.
They were done eating some minutes ago, Sofia, Moana, and Audriana were packing the plates to the kitchen. Kingsley excused himself and went to his study after telling Audriana to see him when she is free.
"You are welcome, I am glad you loved it"
"I too loved it, Mum, I should be coming over once in a while," Audriana said.
"Sure, I would love that dear" replied Moana.
Sofia took the sponge and put the sink plug in the hole then filled the sink with water.
"Where is the soap?" Sofia asked.
"In the cabinet close to you" answered Moana.
Sofia took the soap and smiled, it was her favorite dishwashing soap. She pours some portions in the water and began washing all the dishes, pots, and utensils they used, Audriana rinsed them and put them in the dish drainer rack. Moana excused herself and went away.
...fifteen minutes later...
"Oh no, why did he die?" cried Sofia.
They were both watching Titanic in Audriana's room. It was already late when they were done washing the dishes and decided that Sofia will stay behind. So Sofia and Audriana her in Audriana's room wearing Audriana's sleep cloth and watching their favorite movies of all time 'Titanic'.
"Dude, we've watched this like a million times," Audriana said.
"I know, but I feel like it's the first time I am watching it," said Sofia.
Audriana rolled her eyes and excused herself to the bathroom. When she was done, she came out to find Sofia sleeping in a weird way. Her head is hanging from the bed with her black hair almost reaching the floor. She shakes her head and switched off the TV.
She adjusts Sofia properly on the bed after many attempts of waking her up to no avail. She was about to go downstairs to meet her Dad when her phone beeped.
She went to the other side of the bed and picked it up, I was a message from Philip.
P -Sorry to bother you but, can we go out this Friday?
She just smiles, ‘he isn’t giving up is he?’ she asks herself.
A -Fine Philip
P -Oh my GOD, yes! Is 7 pm okay?
A -Seven is okay
P -Okay see you on Friday (winky emoji)
She chuckled and switched off her phone, then went downstairs to her Dad’s study to meet him. She knocked and he answered ‘come in’
“Dad, you wanted to see me, what’s the issue?” she asks.
“Ah dear, thanks for coming here this evening,” Kingsley says.
Audriana shook her head, “Don’t thank me, Dad, what is the issue?”
“It is with the company,” He said.
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