Her Blood.
By Luna
Date: January 28, 2022
Ch. 1Chapter 1.

 (Gabria's POV)

I am walking in the middle of the full moon here in the forest.



I don’t know how I got here because I don’t remember coming out of my aunt’s mansion.



I've been walking around here for so long but I can't find the exit of this forest. It's like an endless forest.



 "Where am I?"  I asked myself.



As I continued to walk, I felt as if someone was watching me or as if following me wherever I was going. I just ignored that because I need to get out of this jungle.



I turned to my right when I heard a crack from behind a tree.



I immediately went to that tree and then slowly peeked to see if there were any creatures there. But when I looked at it I saw nothing but dry leaves.



I continued my walk. I almost tripped even though I was only on my feet.



I stopped when I caught a shadow standing on the edge of a tree in the distance.



I walked slowly towards it even though my chest was already throbbing with nervousness and fear.



I stared carefully to see if that shadow was real because maybe he would be the one to help me get out of this forest.



When I was sure that was true I immediately walked quickly towards him, but also stopped when I saw the entirety of it.






It has red eyes as if it is angry with me because of the way it is staring at me and it has a very sharp fang.  I can’t quite see its total face but I can see its mouth and eyes.



 I stepped back and I immediately ran away from him.



 I was so nervous and scared by what I saw.



Are vampires real?  As far as I know, they are just fiction.



 I stumbled when I stepped on a sharp rock that injured my left foot.



 “No.  No! ”  I screamed in my mind.



 I immediately touched my left foot.



 I felt someone standing in front of me causing me to look up.



 My flesh grew cold when I knew what or who it was.



 "Baby," he said huskily.



 "No, get away from me!"  I said then threw the stone that I was tripping on reason to be able to pull it back a little.



 I was allowed to run even though my left foot hurt.  I can handle it, I just don't want to be eaten alive.



 I was shocked when someone grabbed my arm and then leaned hard against the tree causing me to scream.



 "Let me go!"  I shouted while struggling, this vampire was just so strong because I couldn’t push him.



 "Baby, look what you did," he said softly as if he couldn't hurt me.



 "You're a monster!"  I was scared when he looked at me sharply.



 "I'm not a monster!"  he said emphatically.



 "You will pay for what you did to my eyes, woman," he said.



 He slowly approached my neck.



 “No! No!” I felt a sharp stab in my neck.



 "AHHHHH!"  I shouted as I sat down on my bed.

 Dream?  A scary dream.

 My sweat also stains.

 "Gab, are you okay?"  I turned to the speaker.

 "Aunt?"  I immediately hugged her in no time.

 "Gab, what happened to you?"  it asked me.

 “V-Vampire,” was all I could say.

 “Oh, I see.  You have a nightmare, right? ”  I let go of her hug and nodded weakly.

 “Okay, let me tell you this — vampires are not real.  They are just fiction.  They're just made up by writers, okay? ” an explanation to me.

 “Okay," was all I could answer.

 "All right, get ready because you're going to class."  I just nodded.

She left so I immediately went to the bathroom.  Immediately looked in the mirror and then checked my neck to see if it had a bite. There has been no bite that's why I’m now breathing easily.

 I’ve done my morning routine.  When I finished, I immediately grabbed my bag and went out of my room.  I went to the dining area and then ate breakfast.

 When I finished, I said goodbye to my aunt and then left the house.  I found our driver inside the car in the driver's seat.  I went into the backseat.

 "Good morning, ma'am," he said.

 “Good morning too.  Please hurry up because I might be late, ”I politely told him so he nodded and started the car.

 While on the trip, I was just looking out the window.

 I was shocked when the car suddenly stopped.

 “Why did you stop the car?"  I asked him.

 "We're about to collide with that car," he said while pointing to the front.

 There is a black sports car in front of our car.

 I frowned when someone came out of the driver's seat.

 "I'll just talk to him," I nodded while still looking at the man.

 He was wearing glasses so I couldn't see his eyes when he was inside while talking to my driver.

 I was shocked when it looked at the car, should I say, at me.

 Am I assuming that?  It doesn't seem like much, hehe.

 I looked at the driver's seat door, and my driver opened up to me.

 "What did he say?"  I will ask.

“It seems okay.  He just said to be careful when driving so that the passenger might be hurt, ”he replied to me.

 Huh?  Who is he referring to?

 “A-Ah, is that so?  Let's go, please. ”  he just nodded then pulled the car over.

 I took my headphones and put them on my ears.

 I'll take a nap first.

I woke up when I felt the car stop.

 "Here we are, ma'am," my driver said after I opened the door.

 I'm out. ”Thanks,” I said. Then I entered the academy.

 “There he is again!  She is scary, ”

 “Woah!  She's so beautiful and at the time fierce, as always,"


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