"He was in college, that's a quite a distance from here, how did he mange to work while going to school?" Ram asked.
"I know he was a college boy that's why I agreed to let him join my line of work. He said he needed the money for that."
"He had a scholarship!" Angus yelled.
"Hey, he never said it was for tuition okay and the dude had a car, so it was easy for him to go from work to school. Besides he didn't stay here all the time. He said something about a school dorm." Bernard explained.
"Can you just cut through the important details" Ram asked.
"Well here is what you guys need to know. A few years back, Mike was the man in every bar. He was the perfect and most sought after guy. Unfortunately, he messed up. That woman we met earlier, she was the mother of Mitch.
"Who's Mitch?" the three asked.
"Mitch owned many clubs around this area. That man is wicked I tell you. Cruel and unforgiving. Anyway, Mike played his mom. He took a lot of cash from her promising her a lot of things, but Mike suddenly stopped seeing that old hag, she went on a crying spree which sent Mitch and his men hunting the streets for Mike. They found him and beat the shit out of his handsome face.
When I got to the hospital, Mike was in a bad shape. He was lacking parts of his memory due to the number of blows he got on his head. The following day, he was gone.
"What do you mean gone?" Angus asked curiously.
"I mean gone man, the nurse said he didn't check out but his room was empty. Rumors had it, Mitch finished him off and threw his body somewhere."
A deafening silence answered Bernard as the three friends only looked at each other, frowning and seemingly trying to coax one another to say something.
It was Patrick who finally spoke" I guess we've been hunting a ghost."
"You never heard from him since then? When exactly did this happen?" Angus couldn't help but ask.
"Nope, never from him since then. And it was seven years ago."
"no wonder people didn't recognize his photo" Ram added.
"Did he leave anything behind?" Angus asked, he can't point at which part Bernard's story failed to quench his curiosity, but there was something wrong. Angus still felt like something was amiss. Mike was too reserved to work as a pleasure boy. Mike was too careful to live in such a place. Mike is not the Mike in Bernard's story. He can feel it in his gut
"He did" Bernard answered as he stood from his chair and walked towards the room adjacent to the one he entered earlier. The three friends stood from the couch and followed him inside the room.
"I never touched anything here. Nothing since he left, nothing since I left and lived with that old hag."
Curious, Ram asked why he didn't leave the place when he got a new house from the old hag.
"Fail safe, and see, it worked right? A life like that never last long. So I advice the three of you to leave that place and go back to where you came from.
"We never had any intention of staying" Patrick answered.
"That's good" Bernard answered as he stepped aside to allow the three of them to poke around the room."
"Mind you, everything is dusty" Bernard warned, but his comment was a second too late as Patrick sat on the bed which in turn released a puff of dust from the old mattress sending the four of them coughing.
"Man be careful!" Ram yelled at Patrick's direction. "How was I supposed to know?" Patrick answered while rubbing his nose in an attempt to dislodge the dust that was trapped inside.
While Patrick and Ram was busy throwing words at each other, Angus found a box hidden inside a drawer. The contents added to Angus's confusion. There was a scalpel, a medicine book and a picture of a family inside the box. The picture is what caused the peak of curiosity inside Angus. He pulled it out and showed to Bernard.
"Have you seen this photo before?"
Bernard took the photo from his hand and smiled as he handed it back to Angus. That's his family right there. He showed it to me once. Probably the only time he acted normal. That's something you should know, aren't you childhood friends with him?"
"Guys, you better take a look at this" Angus yelled.
The Hospital has seen darker days, but as Augustus Mori walked the Isle of his beloved building, he felt the tension mingling with fear floating dangerously in the air. No one said a word or raised any complaint upon his return but that in itself was bothering the veteran doctor.
His pride as a man of science, logic and reason is hanging in the balance of Genelyn Calderon's case. It is not uncommon for someone like him to go beyond the realm of reason. Many philosophers and man of science delved into the unknown, risking their reputation. Yet, he cannot sum up the courage to take that leap. It's not because he is afraid. It's because he is risking his name. His name that will remain upon his death. His words, his research, they are the only testament of his existence and if he risks a stain, a tarnish a brand of doubt on it, what would become of his legacy? What would remain of the name he risked so much to build?
But despite his internal battles. One thing remains absolute. He made a vow, he made an oath in front of his colleagues, parents, classmates, friends and the entire world. He made a promise to cure. To reveal what is not known and to never back down if he so as find a glimpse of chance.
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