By Mateca
Date: January 26, 2022
Ch. 6Chapter 6

"When is your fiance coming, Dindi?"

Cassey, Clea snd with Dindi's soul waited near Marcus' parked car for almost an hour. They waited for the man to come out of the building he owned so they could carry out their plan.

For three days Cassey thought about how she could get close to Marcus Monteverde without realizing that they meant their meeting. She couldn't think of another way but to pretend that his car had almost run over her and then she would suddenly faint.  Hopefully, their drama will take effect and he won’t notice that everything is planned even if it’s too cliché for them to do.

"Not yet, But are you sure you can do it? You're not healed," Dindi pointed to her arms with the remaining scratches and bruises as she fell down the stairs.

"Don't worry, Dindi. I can do it. It's good that these scratches aren't completely healed yet so I can use them in the acting that I'm going to do. And hopefully, it'll work."

The lump on her head was completely gone while the wound on her head was about to heal. The scratches on her arm and legs have almost healed as well. What looks like it will be a long time before it disappears are the bruises on her arms, legs, and whole body. Her skin is white so the black bruises on her exposed skin were so obvious.

"Can you please don't talk to her while I'm here, Cassey? I'm scared," Clea complained. Even though Dindi's soul has been in her house for a few days now, she is still really not used to seeing her talking to a soul. Even though she was also favored and idolizes by Dindi.

"Do you want to open the third eye so that I'm not the only one who can see and talk to her?" she asked teasingly.

"Shut up. I never dreamed of seeing a ghost, okay?" she shot her a hard look. Then suddenly she becomes silent. But obviously, Clea is still not comfortable being with other people especially and no longer belongs in their world. And of course, she is also nervous about what they're going to do. How come they are not nervous, this is just the first time they will act in real life. They used to act but only in dramas at their school.  And besides, Marcus is well known for being cold and aloof.  What if he will get mad at her instead of helping her?

"Marcus is coming," Dindi's voice excitedly announced to them.  "Once he gets in his car and leaves, you suddenly come out of your hiding place and pretend that you were hit by the bumper of his car." She is like a director on a show giving her instructions on what scene she’s going to do.  And she did exactly what her director told her to do.

She waited for Marcus and his companion to get into his car first. And when his car was leaving, she suddenly came out of the hidden vehicle next to his car. The fear and shock that reflected on her face were real.  She was afraid that the young man might run over her. Fortunately, his reflexes were fast and he was able to brake immediately. She was still hit by his car but she did not feel any pain. She immediately pretended to fall on the ground.

Immediately, the two men in the car got out and approached her.  But instead of Marcus hoping to help her, it was the man with him who helped her to get up.

"Are you okay, Miss?" with concern in the tone of his voice the man with Marcus asked.  "Did you see what you did, Marcus? In your haste, you almost ran over the man."

Cassey looked up. "It's okay—" She couldn't continue with what she was going to say because she suddenly felt dizzy and had a headache when she saw his face. Suddenly someone also seemed to flashback to her mind.  A blurred scene but it was only seconded so she didn’t see what kind of scene it was.

"My God, Cassey! Are you, okay?" Clea suddenly approached her just as they had planned. But real concern was reflected on her face. Maybe she realized that the dizziness she was feeling was real and that she wasn't just acting.

"I'm dizzy, Clea. My head suddenly hurts too," she moaned uncontrollably as she held her head.

"The best thing is we'll take you to the hospital so you can be checked up," suggested the man who helped her. He grabbed her by the arm and guided her to the door of Marcus's car.

"No thanks. My friend will take me to the hospital," she quickly refused. She immediately withdrew the arm holding her.  She felt as if her head hurt even more when he held her.

She feels that she knows or she has already seen him. But she could not remember where, when, and how she saw him.

"Are you sure that you don't need our help?" he stared at her intently. Making sure she didn't need his help Marcus had just been staring at her and not speaking. She wonders if he saw their scheme.

"Yes. I'm sure," she replied shortly. Then she turned to Clea.  "Let's go, Clea."

Her friend quickly helped her walk to the parked car next to the car they had been hiding.

"Are you really okay, Cassey?"  still not losing the concern on its voice when she asked. She helped hee sit comfortably in the car.

She nodded. "I'm okay. But I think I need to go to Dr. Santos for a check-up. Earlier when I saw the face of the man who helped me I suddenly fainted and my head hurt. It's like I have a memory in my mind wanting to come back but couldn't come back. And I also didn't see what that memory was because it was only for a moment and disappeared immediately. His face was also familiar to me but I didn't know him. I can't remember where did I saw him or how I met him. He was just familiar to me. I don't understand. My head only hurts when I think of that man's face," she said confusedly.

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