By Mateca
Date: January 26, 2022
Ch. 4Chapyer 4

It’s been a week since Cassey found out about the passing of her favorite and idolized actress but she still couldn’t get over it until those moments. She really couldn’t believe that Dindi Arevalo was dead. And even more, she couldn’t believe that the reason she died was suicide.  None of Dindi's characters would commit suicide because of a problem. Especially to commit suicide because of a man just like what was said in the news.

They said that Dindi's fiance, Marcus Monteverde wanted to break up with her so she became depressed which caused her to commit suicide by taking a lot of sleeping pills. That was the content of the newspapers and youtube she gathered after ahe found out what happened to the actress.

Cassey stopped thinking when she noticed that someone seemed to be watching her inside her room. She screams when she saw the soul of a woman that was on her mind just a second ago, she's standing on the edge of her bed.

“Can you stop screaming?  I’m almost deaf because of your voice.”

"W-what are you doing here? W-how did you follow me to my house?" she swallowed her saliva. She is seeing a ghost now for Pete's sake!

Dindy's soul smiled. “Of course, I followed your friend's car to your house. But I didn't show up first. I let you get well before I show you again, ”she said with a smile on her face. She ignored the fear that was seen on her face and walks closer
to her.

"D-don't come near me! Just stay where you are," she warned. Her body is now trembling with fear.

Dindy's soul stopped walking close to her. "What is your problem? Are you still afraid of me? We already talked at the hospital. I won't hurt you. You see? I’m already dead. So you don’t have to be afraid of me. I can’t hurt you, okay? ”

"That's why I'm afraid of you because you're dead. Which normal person is not afraid when she finds out that the person she is talking to is already dead? "

The ghost of the woman raised her eyebrow. “For your information, you are not a normal person. You could be able to see and talk to a spirit like me so it means that you're not a normal person, Cassey. Do you think you can do this if you are a normal person? ”

She was suddenly stunned. Dindy's ghost has a point. She is not a normal person because she can see and talk to a ghost. But how did that happen? She doesn't have a third eye. Could it be that her third eye was opened when she had an accident and became comatose?  Is it really possible to happen?

She has read in books and movies that when a person miraculously survives an accident, their life does not become normal. Isn't the same thing happening to her now?

Cassey's fear of Dindy quickly disappears. The actress' ghost was still looking good even though she's already dead. She was really surprised to see her inside her room while she was thinking of her that's why she screamed and felt scared she saw her.

“Hey! You've been quiet there. Are you really shocked by what you've discovered about your abilities? ”

"What do you want from me?  Why are you showing up yourself to me? ” she asked, instead of answering her question.

"I showed myself to you because you're the only one who can help me, Cassey. I need your help,” Dindi's expression suddenly changed. Its appearance has become gentle and its face is pleading.

"What do I have to do to calm your soul so you can go to heaven?" she thinks that she should help her to resolve her grudge so she can go to heaven and rest in peace.

“I want you to go and talk to my fiance, Marcus Monteverde. I want you to tell him that you can see and talk to me. I also want you to tell him to re-investigate the cause of my death. I don't believe that I committed suicide just because he wanted to break up with me. ”

"Are you crazy? Do you want me to do that? I'll belook crazy in his eyes when I do what you want. And he might even throw me in a mental hospital," she reacted after hearing what she's asking her.

“I don’t have a choice, Cassey.  I really don’t believe that I committed suicide because of that reason. There’s something fishy on it. Why are there sleeping pills in my condo unit even though I don't take them?  I’m allergic to sleeping pills, Cassey. I once almost died because of it. So I haven't bought sleeping pills since that things happened to me," she explained to her. "And why did I have a mark on my neck? It seems that someone choked me so hard? Or maybe choked me to death."

She shows her the marks of a hand on her neck, proving that someone had choked on her.

Cassey was silent after hearing Dindi's explanation and seeing the seemingly large hand mark on its neck. She has a point. But what she wanted her to do is ridiculous. How can she approach Marcus and tell him that she can see and talk to his fiancee’s spirit? She is very sure that he will think that she is crazy. And he certainly wouldn't believe her.

“I can’t do it. I’m sorry, but I really can’t do it. Just find someone else that can be able to see and talk to you and also can do the things that you wanted me to do."

"But you're the only one who can see and talk to me," Dindi insisted.

She shakes her head. "I'm sure you could be able to find someone else who can see and talk to you just like me. What you want me to do is very hard to accomplish."

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