By Mateca
Date: January 26, 2022
Ch. 1Chapter 1

Cassey glanced at the numbers written on the front doors of the condo units she passed. She is now on the fourth floor of the Sky Tower Condominium and is looking for the condo unit number of her best friend Clea.

It was only two days ago when Clea hauled her belongings from her parents' house and brought them to her new condo unit so she has not yet been able to go to her unit. Earlier she called Clea and told her that she was going to visit her at her new condo.  Clea quickly dictated its address to her as well as the floor and number of the unit.

It only takes a minute for her to find Clea's unit number. She saw that its door was slightly open so she decides not to knock on the door and gives her a surprise. She thought that Clea had just opened the door because she knew that she was coming.

Cassey pushed the door slowly so that her friend wouldn't notice that she was already there. She intends to startle her like she often does when she comes to her house.

She had already entered the room but she didn't see her friend inside. She smiled when she heard something seem to have fallen from inside the bathroom. She thought that Clea was taking a bath so she didn't notice her presence inside.  That was better because it would surely surprise her when she comes out the door. She is silently laughing at her friend's reaction even though she hasn't done what she was planning to.  She can already imagine her friend's face when she startles her. Clea screams when she is startled with just a little noise.

Cassey walked to the bathroom.  She saw that the bathroom door was not closed. She thought that her friend had finished taking a bath and she might be out but suddenly went back inside maybe because she forgot something. She was near the bathroom door when she heard a faint voice. A woman's voice seemed to be having a hard time breathing. She quickly pushed the door to open, worried that Clea's asthma is attacking again. But her eyes widened when she didn't see her friend inside the bathroom and breathing difficulty but instead she saw a man choking a beautiful woman whose face is very familiar to her. The woman lying on the floor seemed lifeless.

"Y-you k-killed her," those words barely came out of her mouth because of a mixture of shock and fear.

Cassey wants to run as fast as she can but she couldn’t move her body. She suddenly felt paralyzed all over her body.

“Yes. I killed her! And I will gonna kill you too since you saw what I did, ”the man replied with a dangerous tone.

No!  I refuse to die! I'm not gonna die in here. She forced herself to cool down. She will not allow this man to kill her just like he did to that woman. She’s still young. She just turned twenty last month. She has a lot to do that she hasn’t done yet so she can’t die yet. Not now, and especially, not in the hands of this man in front of her.

At the same time as the man approached her, she ran quickly out of her friend's supposed to be condo unit. Cassey couldn't help but sneer when she got to the elevator and saw the words, "under maintenance" on it. That sign didn't exist before. Why did the elevator suddenly in maintenance when she had to use it for an emergency?

Because the elevator was under maintenance, Cassey had no choice but to run towards the stairs. That was better than her waiting for the killer to catch up with her in front of the elevator.

She thought that the killer did not follow her because he did not see him behind her. But she was wrong because when she was close to the stairs to go down she saw him running towards her.

“Oh, God!  Please don’t, ”she said nervously. May the murderer not catch up with her or she will surely die.

But it seems that the demon helped the man and he suddenly ran fast towards her. Before she could step on the first step down the stairs she was immediately overtaken by the man. She squeak loudly when he pulled her hair tightly. She was stunned by the mixture of the pain in her scalp and the sheer fear of what might happen to her in his hand.

“Where do you think you’re going? Do you want to escape so you can report what I did to the police? Dream on! ” its eyes glazed her as he spoke. His grin was demonic so he looked like a real demon in her eyes.

Despite the intense fear she felt, she still managed to speak.  “Murderer! You must pay for the crime you committed! ”

She turns her eyes around her and hoping that she could see even one person so she can ask for help. But to her dismayed no one is around or near her as if all people in that condo are gone. Where are the people in that condo? Did no one hear her voice as she made a loud squeak earlier?

“Let me tell you this, Miss. I only killed one person, but now, you will be the second. "

Before Cassey could predict what the man would do to her he quickly pushed her down the stairs.

Her scream echoed in that area. She rolled down the stairs just like a ball. With great fear and pain in her head and whole body when she fell down the high stairs, her vision completely darkened until she lost consciousness.


“Finally, you woke up, Cassey!  Do you know how worried I was when the hospital staff called me and informed me that you were in the hospital because you fell down the stairs? What happened and— ”

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