The Fear
By Yasso
Date: January 5, 2022
Ch. 99

In the stories of horror or fear I did not find anything like my complicated story, frightening every day a terrifying creature comes to frighten me and asks for silly things

But the strangest thing is that they say the same sentence, “Our date is near.” I wonder what date they are talking about and what will happen on that date. My head will explode because of the thought of that.

Chanyeol asked again, "Which ajumma are you talking about?"

I turned my eyes inside my head to find some lie, since I've been lying lately

"Oh, I was just kidding with you."

I looked stupid as I smiled at him, scratched his neck and nodded at me, I was ashamed to flatter me so I rushed. Going, he just stood there and didn't follow me,

That's what I also wanted to assassinate myself a little.

Chanyeol pov.

When I opened my eyes this morning, I didn't find Baekhyun in his place. In your opinion, it is normal, but in my opinion it is strange because Baekhyun does not like to get up early.

Leaving without causing chaos and disturbance, and since he took the car, I had to take the bus and I am waiting for him here so that he might give me an explanation that I will be convinced of.

The school bell rang to announce the start of the class.

I glanced at the road to find it was completely empty, I sighed heavily and continued running towards the classroom, when I entered I immediately turned my eyes to Baekhyun's seat

And I didn't find him getting more anxious when the teacher called me, "Chanyeol, come with me, I want to talk to you."

I pointed my forefinger towards my chest in astonishment. Did she call me because I was absent from class last night? I don't think because Principal Hyung apologized to her.

I stood towards her and all the looks of the class were following me and my Yuri.

I stood in front of her respectfully while she, too, grabbed my hand and whispered, "Come with me, let's talk."

I was astonished and didn't know what to say. She stopped me at the principal's office, pulled my hand out to ask her in astonishment, “When you brought me here, Professor, did I do something wrong?? “

She raised her eyebrows and said seriously, “Come in and you will know everything.” I grabbed my hand to restrain my tension.

I bowed to him 90° in respect while I sat with many questions tumbling through my mind, my anxiety increased when I saw the director's malicious smile

“Do you know why you are here?”

I nodded to him, and the teacher told me, “No. I haven't told him yet.”

She looked at her worriedly, "You're telling me what!?" You spoke in an almost stern tone.

“Your friend Baekhyun has...

I interrupted him before he could finish his sentence, "My friend Baekhyun!!? What happened to him, tell me.”

The teacher began to calm me down so that my hair stood up and my body shivered for fear that something bad might happen to Becky.

“Nothing happened to him, he just dropped out of school.”

I stood up in amazement, “How can Becky do such a thing without telling me?”

The principal and the teacher gave me a strange look that I cannot describe, “Didn’t he tell you that?”

"We sent you to inquire about his sudden departure like this," I nodded in exasperation.

I felt dizzy in my head, my feet couldn't handle me anymore How could Becky leave school without telling me anything

Is it possible that those years we spent together did not make him trust me or tell me his secrets, and is it possible that this is related to what happened to him yesterday behind the garden of the house?

I feel like I'm going crazy, all I thought about when I walked out of the principal's office was to call principal hyung, "Hey hyung, I want...."

He interrupted my words in his hoarse voice, "How can you call me in class time, aren't you at school now?"

I'm not!? He doesn't know about Baekhyun's exit too Otoki Should I tell him, I don't have to bring Becky back first no matter what,

I hung up in the face of Principal hyung who was waiting for me to answer his stupid questions, I went to the classroom to pick up my bag,

I apologized to the teacher and got out of school quickly. I took the first bus that leads to Jeju Island, I think, and his family lives there.

When the bus was going a few steps, a person stopped it to get on the board, panting like a small puppy.

My eyes widened in surprise, "Yuri!?"

She smiled as she approached the place next to me and sat down, placing her hand on her heart.

“What are you doing here?” She looked at me, gasping for breath, and answered in a low voice, "Let me catch my breath first. I ran a long way."

I nodded at her in astonishment, then turned my head towards the window, watching the road for a moment. I felt a hand tap my shoulder with a whispering sound.

"Chanyeol, I'm here by your side, don't worry, we'll find your fun friend."

She looked at her in surprise, "How did you know that!? ”

She was silent for a while, as she turned her eyes inside her mind, because he was the one who changed her features

* How am I going to tell him now and how will I explain to him that that terrifying little creature has come to the middle of the classroom to agree with me about telling me

Because of his annoyance in exchange for me telling him a childish story tonight before he sleeps, it sounds crazy, but that's what actually happened.

These situations that are starting to happen to me put me in very critical situations *_ Yuuri hissed inside her mind_

I do not know why she was so silent, even though my question is easy to answer and does not require complications. Her features indicate her annoyance and the strength of her thinking.

I touched her shoulder lightly, and she jumped out of place in terror. I opened my mouth, hissing in astonishment, “What is wrong with you when you were so frightened!?”

Confusion seemed to appear on her and shyness at the same time began to make a place for himself on her cheeks, and she put tufts of her hair behind her ear in an attempt

Hiding her tension, I repeated her question with cold features, as my overwhelming desire and complete curiosity kept scratching my ear.

"You didn't answer my question, is it that hard?!"

She tilted her head to me with slight tremors, "No, I heard from Professor Lee. I was curious about you leaving class in such a hurry that I couldn't help myself to ask her."

I finally found a way to tell him, it came spontaneously, without plans. I see him now smiling at me, and that means he believed my words.

I feel completely relieved. He turned his eyes to his phone to call his friend for the thousandth time, as usual. He did not answer, so that sullen look came to his forehead, which was spotlessly white.

My eyes began to blur with his wild features, his sharp eyes, his long eyelashes, his sculpted nose, his rosy lips that I would like to taste.

“What perverted thoughts have taken hold of my mind?”

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