The Fear
By Yasso
Date: January 5, 2022
Ch. 1111

What is this am I talking to a dead person It doesn't look like it's just a dream How the dead can talk but hey he said out of the woods with his help Chanyeol and me can get out of here in peace..

She smiled at him maliciously, "Okay, but you're going to show me the right way." He nodded at me...

For Chanyeol to enter while holding some tree branches in his hand... I was confused as I looked at Chanyeol and that

The being who does the zen in my ear on the go...

Levajani Chanyeol also asked him, “Who were you talking to!? ”
It seems that my matter has now been revealed...

I looked around when his question hit my eardrums and my heart beat faster, fearing that my case would be revealed in front of the most important person in this world to me, his looks waiting for my answer increase my confusion.

I started giggling and completing crossword puzzles like a child learning to speak


He raised his eyebrows in astonishment, "What are you trying to say!?"

I swallowed my saliva and squeezed my palm, but my feet did not calm down, declaring my tension... I took a deep breath and gathered my courage.

She said, "I was talking to myself."

He laughed sarcastically, "You're talking to yourself?" What have you lost your mind? “

I didn't expect this from him but what can I do I looked for a lie

As usual, “I do this to try to suppress my fear and believe that there is someone by my side who can protect me.”

After I said those words I don't know how my tears suddenly fell and I felt tight in my chest I lowered my head looking at the ground

To avoid his eyes from meeting my swollen eyes... but without sight

He hugged me with both hands while burying my face in his neck...Yes, Chanyeol hugged me for the second time, but this time it was full.

I was so emotional that I could hear his heart beating fast...

He patted my head, whispering, “I told you that I would protect you and stay by my side, because you are everything to me.”

After hearing his words, I shivered all over my body, or as if I had been exposed to an anesthetic needle that made all my senses freeze to the point where I could no longer feel it... He slowly moved away from my lap to hold my cheek

Kindly and compassionately... He looked at me directly with his brown eyes as he stared at me closely so that our breaths harmonized together... He closed his eyes

And he seemed to be trying to get closer to me... It's the moment I've been waiting for... Will my dream come true now and apply my lips to my

His lips, which are like the eyes of a red light... But all this dream of mine vanished for a moment until it was about to come true because of

Those creatures I threw away from his hands and his breath stopped my heartbeat as I fell to the ground and seeing that creature turn from good

To a villain with red eyes and a mouth full of blood, but his face that was shining in light, the light faded to become torn

And disgusting... I swallowed my saliva and shivered in fear of his voice spreading like rust

“Instead of going to save my dying wife you are now having fun with this bastard, listen carefully if my wife dies and takes her last breath, make sure that this bastard will pay the price and catch up with her.”

Then he approached my eyes with an evil look confirming his threat to disappear after that... I looked in front of me to find Chanyeol looking at me with a face

Pale and shy hissed, "Sorry, I don't know how I nearly did that without your permission. I'm sorry I won't do it again."

What did he say he wouldn't do it again. I feel like I'm going to die... I wish I could explain to him why I suddenly walked away from him... I nodded at him as I stood up from

My place said, "Let's go now."

He looked at me in astonishment, “Where to? “

“To find an exit from this forest,” I answered, heading towards the door.

I heard his footsteps catching up with me, holding my arm

“Wait where are we going this time, hey are you afraid of…”

I didn't get him to finish his sentence until I put my index finger on his lips to shut up, I shook my head in denial.

"Don't you dare say that what just happened has nothing to do with my leaving, Chanyeol believe me I trust you more than myself so don't assume things that are not true."

I held my finger out to let him speak, "Well then, tell me why you're out there like this and this time after we found a place to take us?"

I looked to find that being sitting on Tsanyeol's shoulder, which made me pull Chanyeol from his hands and run for fear of losing him.

Chanyeol kept trying to stop me but I didn't listen to him and I kept dragging him and running after the scary creature to show me

The road, after a long distance that does not count, we reached outside the forest, to find the street in front of us, and that is a ghost or object that stood

In front of the car that was turned upside down on the other side of the street, I left Chanyeol's hand to go straight to her to catch up.

Chanyeol Bi was stunned, “Is this an accident!? “

I nodded my head at him and bent down to look inside the car to find the driver had the same features as that ghost and this confirms that I see

The souls of the dead and while I looked at his features, Chanyeol shouted

"Here's a woman in the back, she's still alive."

I ran towards him in panic, "Then we need to get her out of here quickly before the car explodes."

"The door is tightly closed," he replied as he tried to open the door.

I started looking around trying to find something that could help us open the door, but I couldn't find anything for the man's soul to come again whispering to me.

“Behind the car, there is a fire extinguisher in her cheek to break the glass of the front window, and the door will open.”

I nodded at him and went to get the extinguisher out. I couldn't on my own because the car overturned, so Chaney came to help me.

...With hard attempts, we managed to get her out, so I asked Chanyeol to break the glass in the front seat... He took the extinguisher from my hands and broke the glass. I tried to get my hand through the window.

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