This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, events, places, etc., are either product of the author's imagination used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to an actual person, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
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For a few minutes, I stared at my reflection in the mirror of the comfort room. I tilted my head as I pulled the strands of my hair one by one for inspection. I muttered every single curse I knew while trying to wash all the sticky sauce away by just using the faucet.
Damn that red witch back there. She made me look like a freaking psychopath killer. The spaghetti noodles and fries look like the intestines of the person I killed earlier. While the sauce, along with the barbeque powder, serves as the blood. Like, what the fuck? I imagine such weird things because I don't know what the hell will I do to get rid of all this mess I have. Darn it.
I can't go home to the dorm to change my uniform because the class isn't over yet. The vast gate of this building is still locked, so apparently, I'm left with no choice but to stay in here and clean myself inside this bloody-smelling-comfort room.
Should I go to my next class looking like this? Uh, I think I would rather not.
Blackwoodian Citizens, or rather, Blackwood students, will make fun of my state, that's for sure. I might engage in another fight when I see them showing their teeth and laughing their asses off at me. I might punch them in no time. They don't know how dangerous I am.
When I was on the verge of quitting and stoping all the non-sense things I'm doing, there came a bucket and dipper swinging off my feet which caught my attention. I smiled sheepishly as I realized something while staring at it. If I can't go back to the dorm to wash, I'll do it in here instead.
I immediately took the bucket and dipper and started pouring water from the faucet. When it became full, I went to the door and locked it right away. Of course, safety first. Who knows, there might be a cocky man out there peeping through the holes. Though, I will not be a voyeur if I'm not undressed. Yeah, that's right. I guess I'll bathe while my uniform is still on.
But, I still have another problem. I don't have a spare uniform. I didn't bring any cause all of it was stored in the dorm. Will I be able to walk and study while I'm dripping wet? Of course, not!
I bite my lip and stare down at my shoes while thinking of a concrete idea on how I will be able to bathe myself thoroughly. And, it came to an end when a machine... a hand dryer came across my eyes. I gasped. Maybe this will help?
After a minute of debating whether I'll bathe or Nah because I will be late for my next class when I do that, I came to a conclusion that...
It's alright. I don't care if I get late.
Just like what others say, "It's better to be late being pretty than to be early but ugly."
I smirked in my thoughts. Damn. My brain is active right now. Thanks for the quote, brain!
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"You're 39 minutes and 18 seconds late in my class, Ms. Demascenia."
In the midway of fixing the sleeves of my blouse while entering the classroom, I heard that statement. Do you want to guess who said that?
I'm more than sure you don't know who it is. Because even I, I don't know who the hell is this man in front of me. As usual, I tried to trace his black pin to know what his full name is.
Mr. Devlin Seymour
٠ Math Area, Section -0 Class Advisor ٠
My eyebrows perked up when I saw the details engraved in his black pin. Section -0? What the fudge? Why the heck did they put negative? What kind of stupidity is that? Who named the sections here? Out of this world will come. Also, what else is that? Is he a math teacher? Oh, that explains the reason why he counted the exact time and seconds that I'm late. Oh, wow. That's amazing. Okay, I admit it, he's brilliant.
"Would you mind telling me your alibi? Why are you so late for my class? "He asked while both of his hands are forming a cross on his chest. I looked at him from head to toe. I admit this teacher has looks. His well define features give him the ticket, for that matter, that he's one of the handsome living ones in the world.
Tall frame, fair skin, slim but not toothpick body, piercing raven black colored orbs of his eyes, chiseled nose and lastly, red lips that I thought the lip tint painted it but when I tried to look closely... It's freakin' natural.
That's probably the reason why almost half of my female classmates are staring at him. Every inch of move that he makes, their eyes follow. What the hell.
I adjusted the strap of my backpack and flipped my wet hair before rudely answering his question, "Oh, you're asking for my alibi? Ahm, I poop on the bathroom. It's large and hard to release. So it took me hours to finish. Why? Is that bad?"
"Yuck. So gross."
"The fuck? Was that even a good alibi, bro?"
My ears were packed full with the different reactions from the whole class. The others laughed, while those other female students look like disgusted as if they almost vomit or threw up. Tsk. As if they never poop a tough shit in their whole life. So damn stagy.
I turned my attention back to Sir Devlin, who didn't even react or flinch to what I said. His face displays a poker face and a cold aura. He seems to be very used to this kind of answer from his students. Anyway, as far as I know... According to Shine, this school contains rebels, gangsters, and weird students. So, most likely, others' answers to him are much worse than mine.
"Okay. I'll accept your fantastic alibi this time, Ms. Demascenia. You can now go to your respective seat."
Unbelievably, I stared at him for a few seconds. My forehead creased. That's it? He'll let me sit me down right away? Won't he get angry at me and such?
Though confused, I still went straight to my seat. As soon as my ass touched the chair and I dropped my rucksack bag to the floor, Sir Delvin plastered his manly smile at me. I just stared and rolled my eyes at him in response; then, I faced my desk again and tried to sleep. He didn't even rebuke me and just let my rude behavior towards him, passed.
I guess he knows how to handle such an attitude like mine. That's good; we'll have no problem dealing with it.
"So, for those who want to listen, we'll be continuing our lesson. As I've said, the variable x in here stands as the一."
"Fuck shit!"
Like a fool, I suddenly got up from my seat and threw my N-meter in the direction of Sir Devlin. Darn it. I was electrified. That shitty watch electrified me. What the actual fudge?
"Ms. Demascenia, I won't always tolerate those outraging and curse words that come out of your mouth. Especially now that your N-meter just notified, but you exaggerate, shout and swear immediately, in the middle of my class. You know that's rude, young lady."
I stared blankly at the watch, or rather my I.D., which I threw at him. He squatted, picked it up while muttering some sort of guidance caricatures, and walk-in my direction. Damn that N-meter! I was startled! Why is it like that? What's wrong with that thing?!
"You're so loud. You might disturb other classes. If you have no interest in studying and listening in my class, get out of this room." He took my palm and laid down my fuckin' N-Meter. He also picked up my bag and gave it to me before signaling me to go out. I just gasped in the air and angrily took the bag. I left the classroom and deliberately closed the door loudly so they could feel my annoyance.
Wow. In less than thirty minutes, I was kicked out of my classroom. It's not as if I want to linger and study in there, isn't what Sir Devlin did much rude than what I did? He ordered me to get out of that stupid room without asking what happened and why I screamed.
I squeezed the N-meter in my hand. I even stabbed it as if it were a child being scolded. "It's your fault! You're a pest! What's your problem, huh?! Why did you suddenly electrify me?!"
Freak. The things in this school gave me headaches. God.
I frowned and stared at the watch that's in my palm when it vibrated. Oh my god. The texts in the N-meter are changing. The last number in the digits 663, 3, is fading away and gradually replaced by 5. Holy heavens. This is weird and amazing at the same time.
Hi! Student 052, Avy Demascenia.
《Current N-Demerits》
I slumped, sitting on the cold floor. I didn't even bother to cover my ass. Because yeah, I'm lazy, aren't I? Also, I don't care if the part I'm sitting on is dirty. I can wash my skirt. In short, even if I'd get to sit in regions where there's a speck of dirt, I don't care. There's a washing machine and dryer in the dorm so perfect and made for lazy-to-do-the laundry people like me.
Feeling relaxed, I leaned back against the black wall, placed the bag on my thighs, and formed an Indian seat. Because Sir Devlin kicked me out, I had no choice but to stay outside of this classroom until his lessons came to an end. I'll wait for his class to finish after a few minutes.
For now, I will first investigate this strange happening on my N-meter. I just rotated it redundantly since I don't know how to use it yet. Maybe there was just a system error because I threw it suddenly earlier. But, I think there's nothing wrong with it. It has no crack. It looks fine. Then, what the hell is wrong with this thing?
"What is the meaning of this? Why did the last digits change? What is it, magic?" I muttered in surprise. I scrunched my nose and stuck out my tongue as I wait for an idea to cross my mind.
"Hey, stupid Avy! Are you wondering about that N-Meter of yours? Huh. That's because of the scene you did earlier in the cafeteria."
I turned to where the voice was coming from, "Oh, hey, Rise. Why are you here? You didn't even say you were there, bitch."
I effortlessly put my elbows in the bag and lowered my body forward in her direction. Like me, she also leaned backward in the wall; one knee was raised while her arm serves as the cover with her eyes.
My eyebrows rose, "What are you doing here?" I asked because she seems to arrive here before me. Maybe I just didn't notice her presence earlier because I was too preoccupied. "Wait, don't say that 一."
"I was also fired out of the classroom, wasn't it obvious?"
I tried so hard to suppressed my laughter. Bloody Hell. I know her tongue is sharp and cursed. But, I didn't expect her to go as far as this 一 being fired out to leave the room as well. Maybe her behavior was horrible, that even the teacher inside has given up on reprimanding and molding her to be a good citizen.
"Ah." I just nodded and blocked those happy thoughts of mine so that I can suppress my laughter.
"Oh, anyways. What did you say earlier, bitch? What's the thing about my N-meter, again?"
She opened her eyes just to gaze deeply at me before speaking, "Tsk. I've said the last digits changed there because of the scene you did earlier in the cafeteria. When you started dragging the red-whore-like-girl over there, your N-meter was activated because that's its number one purpose. Your Negative Meter or N-meter, for short, tracks down your behaviors within or without the classroom premises. The word "Current N-Demerits" and the negative numbers below that is your behavioral statistics. This means that every time you do something evil, it will notify you by electrifying your pulse; doing bad deeds will also increase your Negative Demerits. That will serve as the basis for your rank and section."
She stopped talking for a while and raised her arms to show me her own N-meter, "Do you see how much my Currents N-Demerits are? It's -661. That explains why I'm in Section -2 now. The ranges -660 to -662 are the official negative demerits that one student needed to get into our section because we are the third section. Shine's in Section -3 because she has -657. Their section needs negative 657 to negative 659 ranges. They are the fourth and last section. While you, bitch. I've seen your N-meter last time when it was still in -663. So you're in Section -1. Students who have -663 to -665 N-Demerits belong to your section. You are the second section. "
I had blinked my eyes a few times because of the pieces of information that I've received from her. Honestly, I don't understand much about what she blabbed out but, I only know one thing...
I'm fuckin' sleepy.
"Oh wow, cool info. Thanks for sharing." That's all that I can say because I don't give a fuck right now. My brain is hibernating and malfunctioning so, I seriously didn't pick up what she had said. Rise stared at me, so I just reciprocated with a grumpy smile. Even before I could close my eyes completely and bow my head, something suddenly made a 'blag' sound right in front of us. It's Rise door 一 I mean the doorway of Rise's section deliberately closed loudly because of the sudden exit of her teacher there. Her teacher ran away frantically and passed us. She even dropped some belongings that she's carrying because she was running fast like a cheetah. What the fuck?
It wasn't too long before Sir Devlin come out of our room. He also looked like in a hurry, but he still managed to stop in front of Rise and me, "You two, ladies. It would be best if you go inside your classrooms. Now. Faster."
He continued to run after he talked shortly to us. My forehead creased. What's the problem with those teachers? Why are they running?
"Sigh. That stupid thing will happen again." I shifted my gaze to Rise, who has now rocked her skirt. She stood up and entered their classroom and rudely left me sitting on the floor. I snickered. That bitch. She has no manners, eh?
But, anyways, I imitated her and went to my classroom as well. As soon as I opened the door, the weird stares of my classmates immediately welcomed me. As usual, I shrugged them off and sat again on my oh so damn chair. After seconds of waiting, I was so thankful that one by one, they removed their gazes of me and transferred it to my other classmate, who eagerly entered our room. As far as I know, she's our class mayor, as the class leader.
"Guys, the p-president is said to be going around the whole school premises again."
Just that eight words. That's all that she said but, it bombed a different effect on my classmates. In just a snap, I found my eyes rotating 360 degrees, left, right, up, and down because they're all going in different directions. Others are closing the two doors, erasing everything written on the blackboard, even the tinted windows earlier; they also made it transparent by pressing a remote. What the heck is going on?
"Good job, guys. Good thing that I came out; I found out what will happen. I overheard Sir Devlin; that's why he was in a hurry earlier because of this. The black alarm didn't work. But, the president still insisted on going around the building even if we don't know anything. I think he wants us to be surprised." The class mayor said as she stood in front of us. As she was saying that, my classmates sat down. Moments later, she clapped three times then everything went dark. They turned off all the lights. What the fuck?
"Alright, we can do this. All of you guys must bring your heads down. Don't make any single sound until there's an announcement that the inspection is over." She added. I frowned again. Heads down? Don't make any sound? Inspection? What?
"Aw." I cried when suddenly someone forced me to bow down at the desk. Fuckshit. I can't tell who it is because it's dark and I can't see anything. But, I'll make sure I get my revenge. It's impossible for me not to because my forehead hit the damn table very hard.
"Get your heads down, Ms. Transferee."
I slightly looked up and saw one of my classmates next to me signaling me to bow down. He's also the culprit for why I stumbled very hard on my table and earned a physical headache. There you are, asshole. Bingo. Silently, I prepared my fist to reward him with a punch but, even before my hand reached his back, I suddenly halted back.
I was distracted when I saw a person standing outside the window. It's a man. He's staring at me intently with his gray eyes. One of my eyebrows automatically rose again. What's the problem with this man?
I was about to call him, but he suddenly ran away, "Hey, wait!" I got up and went straight to the front of the classroom, where the entrance door was situated. I was about to hold the doorknob but, the class mayor blocked it.
"And where do you think you're going, Ms. Transferee?"
"On where I'm headed to, and you have nothing to do with that. Piss off." I said quickly. I tried to pass at her again, but she held back my hands to stop me this time. She turned on the light as well.
"Well, I will not allow you to go wherever you're headed to, Ms. Transferre. As I've said, no one is allowed to do so. You must stay here until the inspection's over."
I sighed, "Okay, fine! Catch that guy who runaway earlier outside, will you?"
Now, It was her turn to raise an eyebrow, "Guy?"
"Do I have to say it over and over again? You dumbass. Yeah. A man was peeking out in the window earlier. He was wearing a white mask and a white hoodie. He was also in a uniform. I think he was our classmate who couldn't enter because you locked all the doors. You bunch of stupid shits."
Silence. There's a long moment of silence.
I don't know if it's because of what I mentioned but, all of a sudden, they all fell silent. Even the class mayor whose standing in front of me turned her eyes at a widened state. What the fuck? Why again? Did I say something wrong?
They're acting so fuckin' weird, seriously. I rolled my eyes heavenly, "Oh? What? Come on! Go chase that 一."
She shook her head, "White mask... White hoodie ..." Her words were cut short. Moments later, her eyes widened again. She even covered her mouth with her hands. I cringed. What the... Overreacting much, girl?
"Holy shit. That's the president. You just s-saw President L, Ms. Transferee."
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To be continued.
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