This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, events, places, etc., are either product of the authors' imagination used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to an actual person, living or dead, or to actual events is purely coincidental.
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*Dung* *Dung* *Dung*
The weird and creepy bell of Blackwood High suddenly rang. It immediately penetrated to the corners of my ear. The sound of it seems like a bell for the dead souls, by the way. I winced. Oh my god. This bell only means two things.
The class hours are already finished or...
Damn. It's just break time.
"That's all for today. See you tomorrow. Class dismissed." Ms. Dawn smilingly said her last remarks before finally disappearing from our sight. After she left, my classmates acted like battery-powered robots and came out one after another.
I didn't imitate them. I'm not a copycat like them. Duh!
I stayed inside the classroom even though I was scared a little bit because I'm the only one left here. I leaned back in my chair and rolled my eyes again. I took this opportunity to look at the appearance of our room because, in the whole damn class of Ms. Dawn, I just bent down and tried to take a nap. I didn't even listen to her shitty lesson. I don't care about that anyway.
Well, about the look of our classroom, it's not that bad. Like what you are all expecting, the room is a mixture of black and gold colors, again.
The wooden chairs are painted in metallic gold. The whiteboard, which is I think, the name should no longer be called whiteboard, but rather ut should be blackboard because It's literally black in color. It's made of glass, and based on what I saw on Ma'am Dawn while she's using it earlier, this thing was a double purpose. It can be filled with erasing gold inked pentel pen and can also be made to look like a giant tablet made easy for teaching lessons Tsk. Rich things.
While the walls are painted in midnight black. Same as the color of our school uniform. There's an aircon, of course, and the cruelest thing is that...
The windows are tinted and permanently closed. Isn't that great?
This school wants to whiten or brighten our skins, I guess. Because not even a single ray of the sun can reach inside here. Light is the only thing that illuminates the whole classroom. Damn, this is truly insane.
When I turned completely bored while examining the whole room, I got up from the chair and grabbed my bag. Remaining calm and relaxed, I headed to exit the room and slide past the canteen way. I'm already hungry. I hope there's no line of students in there because I might be able to kill in no time if there is.
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Holy mackerel of shit.
That's all I can say now. How come the lineup of the students is so long?! Well, yes, I exaggerated too much because only 55 students (you don't care if I counted them) were the only ones queuing at the counter.
Darn it. I told you that I don't want to line up, did I? It's not in the vocabulary of a cool girl like me to line up for a long time in the canteen just to eat. That's not possible! I am hungry, and my stomach needs to be packed right away. If that doesn't happen, I might eat something else.
I parted my hair again and sighed before eagerly walking towards the canteen counter. I heard some whispers from others, but I don't have time to care for it, so I ignored them.
When I finally reached my destination, with no emotion, I pushed the student in my front slightly, who is his turn to order.
"Hey, granny. I'll get a spaghetti, a barbeque-flavored fries, and a glass of sprite with lots of ice." I said directly to the older woman taking the order.
"Oh, darling. I'm sorry, but there's a queue. Can you see that? Just go to the end of the line and wait for 一."
"Yeah. I can obviously see that there is. Of course, I have eyes to notice that. But, no. I don't want to fall in line. I'm too lazy to do that." I cut off the older woman's statement.
I know, call me all rude. But, I can't bear to go to their fuckin 'line like a typical student and wait for my turn. That's pure bullshit.
"Oh, sweetie. I can't 一."
"Stop. You can't say no. I've already said my order. Now, go!" I shouted. Gosh! The people at this school are a total headache. Shit. Don't they understand that I am hungry? That I need something to eat? I thought the customer is always right? I don't want to line up. I'm lazy as fuck; you all know that.
After a second of staring widely-eyes at me, the old lady moved. I'm not sure if she was scared of me or what but, I just realized after seconds that she's already handing me the tray containing my orders. Tsk. Good. I picked up the tray and looked for a seat.
Yes, I didn't even bother to pay for my food. Because in the first place, it's free. That's one of the things written in the student flyer that I saw in the box yesterday. Everything here is free. Tuition, foods, school necessities, dorm rents, almost everything. So weird, right? At this point in time, I didn't expect that there's still a school where you don5t have to spend a single penny just to study. It's weirdly unique.
"Oh, shit." The grip on the tray I was holding tightened when suddenly the smooth legs of a woman blocked my path.
"So... the news and rumors are right. There's indeed a stupid girl who dared to enter this school."
From the foods I counted, if it's still complete, I slowly looked up at the woman who was circling me now. I released a humorless laugh on my mind. Damn it. I thought there were only scenes like this on shows and drama. The one with a famous and bitchy woman who oppresses the new student. I wasn't informed that this is also possible in the real world.
Her perfect and attitude eyebrows raised up. "How's your first day so far, girl?" She asked as her fingers played with some strands of my hair.
"You shouldn't really care about that. Go to the side." I simply answered. I rejected her and decided to leave because I really wanted to sit down and eat.
"Hep. Hep. Hep! Where are you going? I'm not done talking to you yet, 'right?"
I secretly struggled as she pulled my hair slightly to stop walking. I dropped the tray to the nearby table. Bitchy woman. Lord, give me patience to deal with this woman, please.
She turned around in my direction and, like a fool, asked a question again, "What's your name?"
"Just read my black pin, girl. I'm too lazy to tell you."
I can see that she's starting to get filled with the kind of answers I have. Her teeth were grinding with anger. In just a snap, she lost her temper. I found myself smiling from ear to ear when she finally held my collar.
"Y-you bitch! Are you ordering me around?!" She barked like a stupid dog. I removed her hand, which is full of those shitty brightly nail colors because her red nail polish is making a stain on the collar of my uniform.
I glared at her while wearing a teasing smile. "We're not yet sure of that. How about you? What do you think? Am I ordering you?"
"Ha!" She sarcastically laughed and waved her hand to herself. I was so excited and amazed at the thought that I finally pissed her off, so when she poured me a plate full of spaghetti that I ordered, I can't do anything.
"Oops, sorry! My hand slipped. Ain't my fault." She said and laughed demonically. The others also stopped eating at their respective tables and laughed. Seconds after, the whole cafeteria was filled with horrendous laughs.
I shut my eyes closed, balled my fists, and bit my lips as I feel the sticky sauce of spaghetti rushing down to my face, neck, and school blouse.
"It's was so nice looking you with that get-up. You're like an incomplete masterpiece. Can we add more fries for a better view?" She laughed again. Then, she continued her plan. She sprinkled the fries on my head as if just putting some seasoning in what she's cooking. She's still not satisfied and threw the rest of the barbecue powder on my face. Good thing, my eyes are closed, so no powder or substance entered my eyes.
Fuck you, red witch!
While laughing, she left after she took a picture of me. I let her get away. I didn't bother to move. I only gritted my teeth as I try to calm myself down.
That's okay, Avy. It's really okay. Breathe. It's fine. Don't deal with this crazy woman. She maybe lacks care and self-love, so she's acting like that. I whispered that to my inner self many times to prevent myself from retaliating.
She wasted your favorite spaghetti. She threw your famous barbecue-flavored fries. That's all fine with you? But, there seems to be a demon opposing it.
I opened my eyes and looked in the direction of the witch. She was just standing a little far from me, but I could still hear her ridiculous laughter. It's okay. It's really okay. I chanted like an angel in my mind again.
You turned to be even hungrier, and sadly, you have nothing to eat. Is that okay with you? My demons countered back.
It's okay 一
"Ouch! You, prick! Let go of my hair!"
I was just kidding. That's not okay. What she did to me will never be okay.
In just a matter of seconds, I found my sticky self marching into her direction and dragging the hell out of her.
"Ouch, what the hell?! Let go of me!"
The witch kept shouting at me as I pulled her hair, and because of her nosiness, I tightened my grip on it even more, 一 which caused her to stumbled on the cafeteria grounds.
I continued to drag her. Every time we pass by a student, everyone walks away. No one wants to meddle with us. They only stared and do nothing but stay standing in their places. That's good tho. My head is hot now. If someone else meddles with our fight, I might want to join them and pulled their hairs also.
I stopped directly at the same spot where she threw me my food. I knelt in front of her and raised her face. I was greeted by the burning anger look in her eyes. "How dare you do this to me?! You're new here!"
Wearing my sinister smile, I playfully nodded my head at her. With my free hands, I reached for the glass of sprite 一 which she hadn't thrown earlier. I rolled it in front of her and smiled even more when I realized something. Great thing, I've requested the old lady at the counter earlier to put a lot of ice on this drink.
Without wasting any single second, I sprinkled the sprite on her face. I grabbed the leftover ice from the glass, parted her mouth, and forcibly put it all inside. I smiled devilishly when I saw that she turned into a crying baby—what a weak witch.
I stand up, bend my body, and firmly held her chin before letting another sentence be out in my mouth, "You're right. I'm just new here. You don't know me. All you need to know is that I'm Avy Demascenia, the daughter of all the devils. Remember that name, bitch. Because that's the girl who made you trashy like this. You have no idea who I am, who you bumped into. What are the things that I can do. I'm warning you, do this to me again, and I swear to hell. I'll get back to you worse than what you think."
I got up on my feet and released her face that I've once held. I rudely threw the empty glass I was grasping at her; also, I didn't forget about the tray. All of those flew right into her face.
When I got tired of staring at the damned masterpiece that I made, I fixed my bag's strap and coldly turned my back on her. I marched through the cafeteria's exit as I raised an eyebrow at all the students I would see.
Ahhh! You'll pay for this, Demascenia! I will not let you slip away!"
I raised my middle finger to her while walking backward, "You think I'm scared? Go on! I'll gladly wait for your revenge, fuckin' witch!"
As soon as I left the cafeteria, the dark atmosphere of the school greeted me. I proudly tapped my shoulders for giving that bitch over there a one-of-a-hell great fight.
I didn't expect to be able to fight right away on my first day here. But, all in all...
I felt good. So damn good.
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To be continued.
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