This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, events, places, etc., are either product of the author's imagination used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to an actual person, living or dead, or to actual events is purely coincidental.
Light's Character; The Thief of the Stolen Book
Day 02 | 6:00 P.M |
Blackwoodian Citizen's HeadCount?
Challenges Accomplished:
Back to the ballroom, the enormous chandelier overhead suddenly began to rattle. The ground shook. The vast domed ceiling shuddered, and cracked formed on its surface.
People screamed and ran in terror. The palace guards grabbed the King and pulled him away to safety.
What was happening? Was it an earthquake? Everyone tremendously thought.
But, it wasn't a mere earthquake.
Winter took Avy's hand. Together, they raced outside. The rumble was just as loud out there. All around them, the pair could hear the creak and groan of buildings shaking on their foundations.
Avy looked up at the Book Tower. A dark cloud poured out of it, thicker and blacker than any smoke she'd ever seen. It oozed out over the city, blanketing it like a bad dream.
"Winter!" Avy shouted. "The Book!"
Winter nodded. With his face grim, he rushed towards the Tower.
A pair of hours later, the city was in chaos. The Book was gone. Everyone was sure who had taken it一Light. His dagger had been found at the scene of the crime. The King's guards caught him on his ship. They brought him back to the palace and threw him in prison.
Winter, as a good friend he is, wanted to see his old friend in his cell. But Light denied the charges, insisting upon his own innocence. He claimed that he had been framed by Eris, the Goddess of Chaos and Darkness. But of course, no one believed his pleas.
The guards brought their prisoner into the throne room, setting a chain on his hands. King Oscar frowned at Light as the delegates from the Thirteen Cities sat in judgment.
"We've heard enough of your lies," the King said sternly, "Light, for the last time, give us the Book!"
"How many times do I have to say it?!" Light retorted. "I don't have that fuckin' thing!"
Avy winced as she watches the proceedings. She knew that King Oscar was a merciful man一; if Light would only confess, indeed, he would be allowed to live. Why was he so stubborn?
"Very well then," the head ambassador spoke grimly.
"The Delegation of the Thirteen Cities finds you, Mr. Light Blackwood... guilty of treason一, and we sentence you to die." He glared at Light which the guy returned the same intensity of stares to all the Delegates.
"Take him away."
Light struggled as the guards dragged him towards the door.
"Come on," he exhaled desperately. "This is a joke, right? You're making a fuckin mistake! Are you punks blind? I didn't freakin' do it!"
"Stop!" A voice made everyone halted for a second.
Was that Winter? Avy thought as she stood up in surprise, trying to get a better look.
The Prince strode forward through the crowd. Murmurs rose on every side as Winter stopped at Light's side. As King Oscar stepped forward, Winter looked straight at him.
"I demand the right of substitution," the Prince declared. "Take me in his place."
Avy gasped along with the rest of the crowd. She's somewhat sure that this scene happened; it was like a dejavu for her. But then, before even she could walk down her forgotten memory lane, her mind went blank, and she found herself back to what was happening.
A glitch happened on the character of Avy in the real world, good thing Madame Evee took care out of it immediately and made her mind went back to her role as Winter's Fiancè.
The right of substitution! No! How could he make such a choice? How could he offer to die in place if a real thief?
"No!" King Oscar cried out in horror.
Winter glanced at Light, who looked just as surprised as everyone else. What the fuck? You could barely read those words written on his face as he stared unbelievably at his best friend.
"Light says that Eris took the Book," Winter said. "And I believed him. Let him go to Xebyss and recover it."
"What?" Light gasped. He grabbed Winter's sleeves. "Hey, man, look一, I will not be responsible for your life!"
"You would do the same for me," Winter replied.
Light shook his head. "Damn. No," he said. "I wouldn't."
King Oscar reached towards his son. "If Light is allowed to leave the city, he'll never come back!" he exclaimed. "Son, listen to reason..."
"No, Father, you listen," Winter said. "Light either stole the Book, or he's telling the truth, and it's in Xebyss. Either way, he's our only hope."
Despite her own horror and surprise, Avy had to admire the logic of Winter's argument. It was true. Light might be the only one who could return the Book to Cairo. He would have to follow Eris' star beyond the horizon to get into the dark realms of Xebyss.
The head ambassador spoke again. "Winter," he said solemnly. "You realize that if Light does not return, you will be put to death in his place."
The Prince nodded. "I understand."
"So be it," the ambassador announced. "Light has nine days to return the Book."
King Oscar was beside himself with shock and grief. But he pulled himself together and turned to the guards holding Light.
"Release him," the King said, his voice steady.
As the guards removed the pirate's chains, Avy glanced at Light. How could he do this? He and Winter were friends. She was still convinced that Light had taken the Book himself. He was the thief.
The guards took hold of Winter. As they started to lead him away, the Prince turned to his best friend, "Hey, man... don't be late."
With one last furious glance at Light, Avy followed as the guards led Winter out of the room.
♤ • • • ♤
To be continued.
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