This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, events, places, etc., are either product of the author's imagination used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to an actual person, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
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With my eyelids already to their heaviest point, I opened my eyes, and the scene where I can see all black greeted my senses out. My head was pounding. Bladder full. I moved my jaw and felt my mouth having a dry taste of blood.
As I moved a bit, I felt the cold concrete on my back. I jolted in the weirdest way, filling chills all throughout my spine. Where was I? I'm still stuck here at my prison. I tried to roll over, but I was unable since my hands were handcuffed so firmly. I heave a deep sigh. Oh, God. I opted to rattle my chains loud and shout a 'help,' yet nothing came out of my voice... just a little whimper. I tried to call in agony, but no sound escaped my lips because it was set in a sphinx-like silence.
Not minding the dark and eerie atmosphere, I tried to move in towards the cell's door. Seconds later, I could just make out a dark figure squatting a few meters away from me, watching me.
"Hello, there... little Miss Transferee. What can you say about being imprisoned here in our infamous BWH punishment rooms? Was your experience... awesome?"
It was Syracuse. I can now remember his name clearly. He's standing outside my cell, hands-on his jeans pocket while playfully raising his brows. I automatically shot him my scorching and heated glare, "You. I'm sure you aren't here to visit me. What the hell do you want?"
The room fell silent. I let out a shaky breath. For a moment, there was no sound. This prolonged silence was almost as awkward. I shifted my weight from foot to foot, hoping the blaring quiet would come to an end and Syracuse would enlighten me on what the heck was his reason for paying me this shitty visit.
Few minutes passed, and still, I sat in complete silence. It only ended when Syracuse threw the end of his cigarette into the ground and stepped on it before ducking and leveling his gazes into my eye level.
"With those venomous little eyes of yours... I can definitely see that you aren't enjoying your stay here." He said, chuckling lightly. I curiously followed his hand, which was reaching the walkie-talkie on the dark ground. "Heck, yeah. I'm not here to pay a freaking visit. I'm here to relay Madame Evee's message for you."
After he played the walkie-talkie, I felt like somewhere deep in the uncharted corners of my mind, a spark of hope had begun to flicker. I got to see myself, past a puddle of clear water on the dark and muddy ground, reflecting my eyes which glowed with savage fire.
I heard Syracuse jiggling the keys of my handcuffs and cell through his thumb. He opted to tease me by doing it over and over until the clanking sound of the metal coming face to face with my cell's barrier was almost deafening, "So, Ms. Avy Demascenia. Would you like to accept Madame Evee's offer? Or perhaps, you wanted to rot inside this cage for the rest of your life?"
My heart was drum beating out of control. My arms and hands were suffering through the pain of my handcuffs. I can't think straight while I'm like this. I can't make a decision that, once again, I might regret later on.
"Better think fast, Avy. The clock is running. Madame Evee's time for you is almost nearing to its end."
Fuck that time! All I need is to get out of this hell, and I will make sure I'll make Madame Evee pay for all of the things she has done. I was about to quickly take away the entire ring of keys laying in the top step of afoot from the cell's door to free my hands from the terrible handcuffs finally, but then just when the pain was at its worst, it dissipated, like fog off some terrible lake. I reluctantly held out my wrists, only to find out my handcuffs are snapped open. I altered my gaze to Syracuse, and I saw him grinning from ear to ear while waving the walkie-talkie on his hands.
"Change of plans. Madame Evee has an announcement to make for all the Blackwoodian Citizens. And guess what? In the meantime, that will serve as the way for you to be free from your cage... only if you'll eagerly follow her rules."
Taking the end of the conversation as a cue that my agony was finally over, I stood up一the same time; I saw Syracuse opened my cell while sipping through his newly lit cigarette again. He moved towards the other side to make way for me. And as I was trying my best to see the dark pathway, he said something that made my feet abruptly paused.
"You might want to grab this opportunity to be free, Avy. Madame Evee has an offer in her mind, and whatever the odds that it might bring, you're bound to take it."
♤ • • • ♤
Personally, I dread crowds.
They make me feel a bit claustrophobic, and oh, do I need to mention the noise? Perhaps this comes from being in my nice quiet room 一outside of this hell school.
Yet, standing here at the Blackwood High's auditorium made my thoughts vanished all the way. The hall isn't crowded. It was actually spacious. All the Blackwoodian Citizens are called and enclosed inside to the school's auditorium, and classes have been paused for this inevitable event. No sound can be heard from the students' area一they literally looked like some kind of bored party guests while sitting on their dark metallic chairs.
"Well, well, well. Welcome, my dearest Blackwoodian Citizens. I called you all in here to gather and witness a very special announcement." Aside from Madame Evee's high-octave-eerie voice, there's no other sound you can hear.
Moments had passed like lightning as I decided to slip into the dead like-crowd. I wouldn't trade this anonymity for anything. I opted to sit on the very far corner in the well-lit yet dark-colored auditorium, keeping myself hidden off to the stares of other students.
"So..." Madame Evee stands out on the stage, wearing an enchanting bloody red and black evening gown. She indeed had made herself the center of everyone's attention by wearing an embroidered dress which brings a dramatic look because of its plunging V-neckline and sheer long sleeves. The fitted bodice is cinched in a thin band and flourishes an A-line skirt with a sweep train finish. Her look brought entirely out her inner devilishly aura一 now I can confirm that she's definitely the devil's wife.
"Inline of the prestigious 11th Foundation day of our dear alma matter, as a sign of celebrating it, I prepared an exhilarating survival game..."
A barely audible utterance, especially one expressing dissatisfaction or irritation, was heard after Madame Evee said those words. A murmur of disapproval waved around the student's deck; some looked frightened and terribly scared一, as if the games that their Vice President mentioned were a big deal. At first, I didn't get the gist of this event, yet when Madame Evee showed something, the dark nightmare I seemed to dread, came rushing back through my memory.
"Now, let me introduce to you my dear folks... the Death Games."
An oddly designed banner flowed on through a flat-screen TV, containing the prestigious yet bloody fonts of the word 'Death Games.' It was designed so dark, but then because it had some spats of blood一, it appeared to be much glowing than ever. Atop of it was the golden tree logo of Blackwood High, and when Madame Evee was prompted to change the presentation slide, a deck of cards instantly resurfaced on the large screen.
"Like what you all seeing? I know, right." At the podium stand, I saw her pretentiously wave her hand through the crowd while grinning devilishly. She was obviously catching our attention.
"Before the games begin, the time has come for us to select the horde of players who will give life and honor to the 11th biennial Death Games." Madame Evee joyfully announced that only a few students would be chosen to play a part in this survival game. And, in order to have the players, she prepared a deck of cards, which was hidden beneath every single chair inside the spacious auditorium.
"The deck consists of 52 standard cards in total, and each card corresponds to the roles of all the Blackwoodian Citizens in the game." She gave more detailed pieces of information as she instructed us to find the cards stucked on our own chairs. I found one under the metal frame of my desk, and when I checked it, I can't see the design due to the fact that it was covered with a glossy black paper. I rolled my eyes as I boredly leaned my back and crossed my arms, forming an x in my chest. Games? What the fuck? Are we some sort of kindergarten toddlers who needed to play games? This announcement was slowly becoming non-sense.
"Within the cards on your hands, there lies your fate. Go on, and see what fortune may it brought you." With her signal, the cards covered with those freaking black glossy paper slowly take their whole appearance. Even though I don't know what my card will be, I can't help but feel scared and anxious. As I wait for cards to be uncovered slowly, Madame Evee continued her shitty explanations about the game rules and regulations.
"The four students who will find an Ace card一, namely the; Ace of Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, and Spades, will be the main players in the whole period of Death Games. While the ones who'll receive the random numbers will serve as the viewers and bettors." In every word that she says, the cards on the presentation she pertains with making an undeniable background glow, highlighting them. I retook a glance at my card, only to see that it paused from slowly shifting, leaving its primary design half-uncovered. Ugh. This prolongs the palpitations of my heart. Fuck it. Why not reveal our cards right away? Madame Evee's sick of cliffhanging stuff, and I'm starting to hate it.
"The four students who will receive the Queen cards will be the Sirens一, the ones who'll lure the main players, and they will also serve as the first challenge. The main players need to defeat or kill the Sirens in order to clear the challenge and go to their next stop."
"The four Jacks will also play the most important role. They will be the ones who will control a monstrous creature, a huge fish luring inside the second island. They're the second stop and challenge."
"On the other hand, the four students who'll receive the King of Diamonds, Hearts, and Clubs card, will be in-charged to control over the Solturga, the Ice-worm-bird of the third island, which is obviously the third challenge."
"The 3 Citizens who'll find the 2 Joker cards and the King of Spades card will be the counterpart of these monsters, namely the Cresto, Alighana, and Krallun."
Being in a state of shock and awe, I stared deeply through the monsters that Madame Evee was pertaining to. Indeed, her voice was eerie but seeing the visuals of the monsters she created made me terrified more than ever. They seem so powerful, odd, and scary. I know they aren't real, and they can only be encountered on the game, but the aura they bring screams so much dominance. For a moment, it seemed like they are monsters who came directly from hell. Damn. Whoever the leading players will be, may their journey in this shitty game... be just normal. But I doubt it will be.
"My dearest Blackwoodian Citizens, I believe you already grappled the gists of the characters. So, this time... we will move on to your cards. In the count of three, I will reveal them so please, keep an eye to your dark fates."
"1... 2..." My heart pounds with each breath, like a hummingbird's wings. I felt like I was on fire and like I might spontaneously combust at any moment, like someone had set a slow and steady match beneath my center, deep in the pit of my stomach.
"3!" When my card has been finally revealed, I can't do anything but to breathe a sigh of relief. I had a random number. My card reads that I'm just a mere viewer and bettor. My eyes automatically shut down as I release deep breaths to finally ease my tension. Fuck, I got scared for nothing.
"Where are my dear Main Players? Please rose up from your seats and join me together here at the stage." My vision wandered around the auditorium, trying to make out a clear sight of the students who were chosen. I saw Syracuse stand up and walked like nothing up to the stage. A few moments later, he was followed by the guy I am most familiar with, Light Blackwood. He was wearing his mask, but that didn't stop me from recognizing him. What the fuck? Why him?
"Okay, maybe the last player was shy. Let him or her breathe for a second. I just wanted to seize this quiet moment to tell all of you that I, Beverlyn Celestia, holds the other Ace card, the Ace of Spades, which means two things一 I will be the controller of the Death Games, and I will be the main portrayer of Eris, the goddess of Chaos and Darkness. That leaves the other Ace, the Ace of Hearts, within anyone's hands inside this auditorium."
Again, murmurs of disappointment rose up from side to side. Of course, Madame Evee will be the controller of this shitty game. I knew it. This was probably her idea, and definitely, no one could have the opportunity to be the controller aside from her. She's the only devil luring inside this school.
"Please stand up last player, and join the honor of representing yourself beyond all the Blackwoodian Citizens. Come on."
Just as I was finding the event boring, a shot of panic and surprise was injected through my veins when I saw a girl rose up from her seat. Just like a twisted leaf of fate, the female Main player is chosen, and to my horror, it's my roommate, Rise Vanderwoodsen.
"Bravo! A girl! The very first female player was chosen! Come up here on the podium, dear." The evil bitch was tremendously shaking in happiness now, but I just couldn't be happy like her. Rise Vanderwoodsen is my friend, and I can't let her be the main player in this game. Damn, no.
I watched Rise walked through the crowded eyes of students. Shine was holding her hands in the side, preventing her from going away. But, she just shook her head in dismay, and Shine's shoulders fell in sadness. Damn it, why her? Of all the students in here, why her?!
When I met Rise, her aura screams so badass and robust. She always had this cold halo circling up within her reach, and her face was always emotionless. Yet, now all of that seemed to just... vanish. I can no longer see the Rise Vanderwoodsen I know; all I can see was a scared-looking girl who seems to hesitate her heavy steps towards the stage. I balled my fists and sighed deep. That's it. I know I have to do this.
"I demand the right of substitution," I stand up and declare. "Take me in exchange for her place," I added while my heart beats uncontrollably as it pumps my blood through my veins. I can feel the blood rushes to the tips of my fingers, the pulse coming in hot waves that cause everything else to pulse. It had triggered the primal flight reaction or something like it: a massive flood of adrenaline that shot through me like a drug and made me feel intensely alive to the point of volunteering myself immediately for my friend's dark fate.
"Oh, we have met another brave girl! Ms. Avy Demascenia, our Transferee. It's nice to see you again, darling."
I didn't bother to answer her. Her mere existence was giving me terrible goosebumps. I couldn't believe my eyes how evil she could be. She's standing there at her podium, laughing and grinning like a usual pathetic psycho. And a fuckin bonus, her calling me darling was sending me colossal disgust. I'm sure as hell when an evil person like her indulges in evil; she feels glorious. And she will never ever suffer any pangs for it. Evil was her natural state. And she feels most comfortable when she is happily indulging in evil. I call this the evil psychic stink.
Even though disgusted, I brought up a stern and cold expression, saying these words straight on Madame Evee's face, "I volunteer myself to be the last Main Player. Take me instead of her."
Rise glared at me, having mixed expressions on her face. Guilt. Anger. Sadness. Seconds later, I found myself avoiding her gazes. I tried to mask my fears. I tensed up and bared my teeth and acted normal to make it seem like I was never afraid.
"Alright." The evil witch declared. "You choose this over anything else. You could've stayed seated comfortably on your chair while watching the games, but you didn't. Now, upon the power vested in me, I announced you, Avy Demascenia... who will now hold the Ace of Hearts card, as the fourth and last Main Player of our Death Games."
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To be continued.
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