My Nocturnal Girl
By Yourbaby
Date: December 23, 2021
Ch. 66

She was standing, gazing at the painting thoughtfully. He looked at how the dress fit onto her body perfectly from the back. She was beautiful. He would sketch every bit of her even in his sleep.

"You like it?"

Linda jumped. Scared and she locked eyes with him.

"Mr. Mayor" …

"Um…" She stopped when she realized his eyes were pinned on her in that dress. Panicked flew into her.

"I am sorry. I woke up late I couldn't find my way out of here easily but I will be going when…"

He interrupted her.

"Save that for tomorrow sweetheart" Bill said. Walking out of the room. Towards the kitchen.

Linda followed him. Observing his every movement. He was hot. Hotter than she had even allowed herself to see the night before. Must be because she was drunk or she would have noticed the man was cuter than an Angel. He checked the fridge, grabbing a can of milk.

"I also…"

"Where are your parents?" He interrupted. It was the second time he was doing it. And Linda was not liking it.

"Dead" she replied and observed him. He stopped in his trucks. Stiffened a little, then got back to normal.

"I am sorry. How?" He asked again.

"Train crash. Three and a half years ago" Linda answered frustrated. What was wrong with him? Why was he asking all these questions?

"Oh, Once again. I am sorry. Didn't mean to remind you"


"Why what?"

"Why are you asking me about my parents?"

"Nothing. Just. Babe, you drunk yourself silly and woke up in my house. Definitely I have to wander where your parents are?" He said angrily.

"I. Huh..." Linda tried. At loss of words. He turned and faced her. His eyes fixed upon her again with an unreadable expression. Then he seemed angry. He placed the milk away, this time he got another glass and poured water in it. He looked at her again, as though he could see right through her.

Linda felt her legs tremble at the way he looked at her. Like he was going to eat her the next moment. Like he was going to undress her. She felt a warmth rush through her bowels as the desire for having him intensified, she'd kissed him the night before yet she still couldn't believe it. No, he had, what he wanted, it all happened so quick and in the next second, his eyes had gone back to normal. And he wore that disgusted expression again. Then he walked as though close to her, then he just passed, like she had angered him.

"I am sorry I wore your wife's dress." Linda shouted at him. While he drew away, to another corridor.

Bill stood in his tracks motionless as he felt the weight of her words fall heavily upon him. So she thought he was married? Why was that? He grinned to himself and walked away without turning back to her.

Linda turned and looked around her furiously. What had she done to him? Who was he anyway? Why was he looking at her like she had wronged him? She felt a tear flow down her face. She was having another outburst God bless her. What had she done? What was with all the attitude, she tried to control it but she couldn't. She could not save herself from the outburst. She slid down against the wall and started weeping. It was the words that he had said to her that made her cry. The curiosity about her parents and her drunkenness. What did he know about her drinking? Why was he coming up with conclusions? Then she suddenly stood up and cleaned the tears. What if he found her and thought she was crying for him. God forbid and she was scared to admit the man was sexy and she'd started wanting him more than he cared to admit.

She was standing outside when he walked passed her.

"Where are you going?" She inquired

"Delavigne" He replied

"Take me with you." she said flatly

Bill turned and looked at her

"Me take you?" he asked again

"Who else would?" she asked

"I am sorry but, I also don't think I am ready to fake affection for you in front of the police again" Bill mumbled.

Linda stared at him while her mind drowned in a series of pain. Why did it hurt so much for him to tell her that he was faking affection in order to save her from the police?

"You don't have to. I can take care of myself!" she threw back.

"Oh really? I see sweetheart. He said sarcastically. "Of course I might not have to because in all the past series, you have not been responsible at all you wouldn't mind losing your dignity for a bottle of vodka" He said and it hurt.

"Who are you? And why do you care?"

"Why do I care? Because I am the man who saw a woman and thought I liked her only to find her in the middle of a filthy road. Drunk like a whore, lying amidst broken bottles. Smelling of vodka. Me, I am the man humble enough to do that!" Bill barked

This time Linda was crying, the humiliation stuck right on her face. He was the man who had taken her to her room the night she woke up in a night dress! Yet he had done nothing to her! Wait. Had he just said he liked her? No but that was minor. He was disgusted of her and he was faking affection.

"You have no right to judge and condemn me whatsoever" She said, amidst tears and she ran up-stairs.

Bill entered the car and drove off angrily. He knew he had done it on purpose. To hurt her and he knew he had succeeded. Just he couldn't forgive himself he had done it exceedingly. She was already wounded. He stopped the car right there when he remembered her nightmare the night before.

He was at the club. When he walked into the house later, she was asleep. He walked close to the bed and touched her cheek, she was way too asleep to notice a thing. He pulled the duvet and covered her. Then he bent down and placed a kiss on her forehead softly.

"I am sorry Linda" He mumbled and switched off the light. Only tonight he stood at the door, thinking about the night before. Waiting for Linda to wish him a good night and say he was perfect. But her voice never came. He went to bed a disappointed man.

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