Made for each other
By Riya
Date: November 30, 2021
Ch. 9Chapter 9

Enjoy Reading

Avni: Ne... Neil, do you believe in love?

Neil: yes , love is life...Love is a beautiful feeling

Avni: Neil, Juhi is so pretty then why do you hate her? She is madly in love with you and why did you said that the stars are indeed beautiful just like me?

Neil: My dear innocent Avni, the reason is you are unique. I know she likes me but she is not madly in love with me. This is not love. I don't like her behaviour, she is money minded person. Don't you remember she tried to harm you.

Avni: Yes, I know....... But.....

Neil: But what?......... I like you!!

Avni: You like me!!! What do you mean?

Neil: I mean, I like you as a friend, what did you thought I like you as a girl friend! Hahahaha

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