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Flashback continues.....
Avni came inside Karan's cabin. She was wearing very pretty light pink colour shade casual outfit which was making her more bubbly and cute.
Karan: Welcome!! Welcome!! Bhatak ti aatma ki second copy. I was waiting for you.
Avni gave a strange look to Karan
Avni: Actually today I was roaming on the road so thought to visit some haunted places then just your face and your cabin strike in my mind, so thought to visit here and pull your hairs.
Karan: Oh, is it so?
Avni: Yeah
Avni and Karan laughted loudly. They have a very friendly kind of friendship, they both love to prank on others.
Karan's P.A brought black coffees and poha for them
Avni: P...Poha....Oh....I just love it.
Karan: I know, first have it.
Avni: Hmm....Karan, are you busy? I need to talk something important with you.
Karan: Go on, I am listening. I can never be busy for you.
Avni smiled at him.
Avni: I want to talk about our marriage alliance. Yesterday mom and dad told me about it.
Karan: So, what have you decided?
Avni: Frankly speaking this is the first time my parents asked something from me. I don't want to disappoint them. I have only seen you as my best friend not as a soulmate but I want to give a try to this relationship.
Karan: Av... Avni don't take stress, if you want then I can talk with the elders.
Avni: No... No.... I want to make my parents happy and proud hence let it go with the flow.
At least Karan's heart was contented by hearing Avni's decision after all he loved her from teenage.
Karan: Do you like anyone?
Avni: Y... Yes, but I never proposed him.
This time Karan's heart actually felt the pain.
Karan: Oh, who is the lucky guy whom Avni like?
Avni: It's just a merry crush. He is the CEO of Khanna Industries- Neil Khanna. One week ago, I saw his interview in my laptop. I am really impressed by his talks. He became successful, powerful and rich in a very young age.
A prank of jealously developed in Karan's heart
Karan: Don't praise him so much. He can even lie in the interview.
Avni: Aaah Karan don't talk like a donkey. Neil is a nice guy. It's just a crush, I only like him infact we never met. It's an unrequited love.
Karan: Let's choose rings first.
Avni: Yup, online shopping.
Karan: Avni I am serious, you don't love but you accepted this alliance. I don't want anything in hurry. I don't want you to take sudden decision.
Avni: See Karan, I will not lie. My heart says not to say 'yes' to this marriage alliance but my brain replied positive. I also want my parents happiness. Yesterday it was a bolt from blue thing for me. Don't worry Karan, I only have a small crush on Neil which will eventually ho away.
Karan wanted to say the golden words to Avni which he prepared from last many years but waited for the correct situation. Later they chosed very simple and pretty rings and outfits for them.
Back to present.....
It was night time, Avni was waiting for Neil in their room
Neil: Avni, you didn't slept till now?
Avni: Actually, I was waiting for you.
Avni cleaned the bed and placed two pillows on the bed for them.
Neil: Avni, don't take me wrong, I want to say that...I...want..to.
Avni: Don't hesitate, tell me clearly.
Neil: You are not well hence, I am planning to sleep in couch and you sleep in bed, you will feel more comfortable.
Avni was confused and gave a questionable look to Neil
Neil's pov: Please Avni try to understand, I am already feeling guilty for lying you. I respect women, I can't trouble you.
Neil: Sleep peacefully on the Avni, no more talking.
Avni: Ok boss
Avneil chuckled
Avni: Take your pillow Neil
Neil was about to take the pillow but mistakenly falls on bed & Avni's leg gets slip & she too falls on Neil.
Their cute eyes lock
It was a Sunday hence masterchef 'Neil Khanna' was cooking for the entire family.
In the dinning table
Avni: (while holding her stomach) Neil.... Neil bring the food fast. I can't wait to eat it.
Shweta: Yes Tillu, it has been 1 hour we are sitting here.
Neil brought delicious mouth-watering breakfast for Avni. Although he didn't knew Avni's favourite food but tried to make something special for her. It was grilled cheese sandwich, oats pancakes, masala omlete, last but not the least bread poha. Everyone tasted it.
Neil: So Avni, how is the food?
Avni: yummy, I loved everything especially the bread poha. It was something different. I don't know, I am getting flashes of poha as if I was a poha lover. Is it so? I don't even remember my favourite food.
Shweta: Beta...poha is your favourite.
Neil gave a questionable look to his mother.
Shweta:(wishpered in Neil's ears) I think Avni likes to eat poha.
Later Avneil spend quality time in the garden.

Next day in Khanna mansion, Neil was getting ready for the office. He was only in towel and waiting for Avni.
Neil: Avni... Avni, where is my shirt?
Avni: Wait, I am coming.
Avni was in kitchen, she was preparing breakfast for Neil
Avni: Neil I have already kept your shirt, pant, watch, handkerchief, etc everything on the right corner of the bed.
Neil: Oh yeah, I didn't saw it.
Neil started wearing his clothes, his upper part was half naked, Avni looked away her eyes from him. She was feeling shy by seeing him in completely shirtless.
Neil: Avni the button of the shirt is broken. I am getting late for the office. Can you fix the button?
Avni: Of course, where is the needle and thread?
Neil: In mom's room.
Avni: Okay, I will bring it.
Neil:(in mind) Why I purposely broke the button? Neil concentrate on your work. Don't get too attracted with your fake wife.
Avni came with sewing box
Avni: Remove your shirt Neil, I will fix the button.
Neil: Huhh
Avni: Remove your shirt.
Neil: You will feel shy Avni, it's better if you sew the button in this way itself.
Avni: Don't you think Mr. Khanna, you are taking advantage of the situation?
Neil: Nope
Avni was carefully fixing the button. Neil was just admiring Avni's pretty face. Suddenly needle poke on Avni's finger. Blood dosed out from it.
Avni: ouch it's hurting.
Neil quickly took her finger and sucked her blood from it. Now it's Avni's time to stare at Neil.
Neil: Be careful Avni, take care of yourself.
Avni nodded sweetly
Neil was starting at her lips, there faces were very close to each other. They both were lost in their dream land. Suddenly they heard the ringing sound of Neil's phone.
Neil: ( on phone call) Yeah Dd, l am coming in the office
( To Avni) It was my PA Dd's call.
Avni: It's okay, l will bring your breakfast down.
Shweta: Aree Avneil you both came, It's better I want to talk something.
Neil: What happened mom, all okay?
Shweta: Yeah, tomorrow in the evening Prakash ji and Bebe are going to return from Delhi after long 8 months.
Neil: Wow that's great news.
Shweta: Avni beta, Prakash ji and Bebe are your father-in-law and grandmother.
Avni: I am excited to meet them.
Bheema, the maid of Khanna mansion called Avni in the kitchen for the help.
Neil: Mom, dad and Bebe knows about Avni?
Shweta: Not at all, I want to explain everything to them personally. Prakash ji seems to be very happy. He was saying something regarding your marriage.
Neil: About my marriage? Strange!
Shweta: Yeah, but I didn't heard clearly. Let it be, he is coming tomorrow in the evening, we will discuss about Avni with him that time itself.
Now it's a bit flash back of Avni and Karan's engagement ceremony
It was a day when Avni was kidnapped and met with an accident. It was that awesome day when Avneil met for the first time.
Neela ma was making Avni ready in the lehenga for her special day but Avni was sitting quietly.
Avni and Karan were standing on the stage while holding rings, priest was chanting mantras. Avni was getting bored.
Avni:(whispered to Karan) Karan, today you didn't told me how I am looking?
Karan: Ek dum ABCD
Avni: Matlab?
Karan: A- Aatma
B- Bhootni
C- Chudial
D- Dayaan
Karan started laughing at Avni
Avni: Just shut up you bad boy or else I will complain Anjali aunty. I will also reveal your secret in front of everyone.
Karan:(confused) Which secret?
Avni: That you still watch cartoons and like to use baby products.
Karan: Av...Avni, you are an amazing girl. You have a big heart. Forgive me and forget everything. Infact, I am kidding. You are the most beautiful girl ever I have met in my life.
Avni chuckled
Avni: Relax Karan, I was kidding.
Later Avni and Karan exchanged the rings. Elders were contented by the sight.
After the dinner Avni was roaming in the garden, suddenly lights went off and someone placed a black cloth around Avni's eyes. The kidnapper also covered her mouth, so her voice was not audible. Nobody noticed Avni. The kidnapping work was done very smartly. She was locked in a dark room. Her limbs were tied with the rope.
In the Mehta mansion
Everyone was worried for Avni. They were searching her like a mania.
Voice: Finally Avni Mehta got kidnapped. I took my revenge Mr. Ashish Mehta and Karan Wahi, you both tried to destroy me hence l kidnapped your weakness. You declined the partnership with me. My bussiness got ruined because of you both. Now enjoy your life without Avni. I will hurt your precious stone 'Avni'.
The voice was non other than their enemy.....
The voice was non other than Vidyut Pandit who runs illegal business. Ashish & Karan tried to destroy everything related to him. Vidyut faced huge loss in the business because of them.
Flashback ends over here......
Precape: Bebe & Prakash in the Khanna Mansion.
Bebe: Child you are you?
Avni: l am Avni, wife of Neil Khanna.
Prakash: ( glaring) Neil got married & didn't even though to inform us about it.
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