Enjoy the next chapter
Rachna's pov:
It was a holiday, the Sunday so l thought to visit near by temple. I wore red colour kurti, with heavy designer duppata. Colour contrasting red & golden. It was one of my favourite Indian wear. I wore matching long earrings & ring.
While coming back from the temple, suddenly my leg slipped from the staircase. I was about to land & roll on the floor but a strong muscular arm hold my waist. He pulled me closer towards him. I was shocked by the face. He was non other than my crush Ritesh Bhatia, my cousin's boss.
Butterflies began a happy dance in my stomach. Blush crept on my cheeks. He made me stand quickly. Plethora of thoughts were running in my mind by seeing him, his mom & grand ma.
"What is your name child? You are so beautiful", l heard his mom speaking.
" Rachna.... Rachna Ahuja " , l replied sweetly & went home.
Ritesh's pov:
Oh god why, why l can't remove her face from brain? My brain is clogged by her image. I have gone mad, l have to start doing my work.
"Samosa .....Samosa, come here, how is the girl related to you? Girl in the photo is the same girl whom we met in the temple?, l heard the screaming voice of my mom.
" What is the problem mom? "
"Have a look what l got from this file, Rachna's pic. Aaaah naughty boy, you love that girl & never disclosed this secret to us", pouted my grandma.
" This file is brought by my PA Aarav, maybe mistakenly he placed the girl's pic in the file. Don't think about my life partner. I am very much single & not ready to mingle", l rolled me eyes & came back to my room.
"How is Aarav associated with the temple girl Rachna? Is she his..... his... Girl... Girlfriend?? But Aarav never said anything about his love life, why should l care? ", l mentally started giving assurance to my mind.
Am l jealous of Aarav? I have to solve this riddle, l instantly called Aarav to talk about the photo.
I will get to know about the temple girl by hook or by crook.
" Are you still thinking about me, do you believe in love at first sight??" , l heard temple girl's voice. How come she is in my room?
I searched her but l could not found her, wow just wow now l started Imagine her over here.
Ritesh's Pov;
I immediately called my PA Aarav to know about the girl. I don't know why but l was curious as a fish. He informed me that Rachna is his cousin and he mistakenly left the photo in the file. My heart and brain got relaxed.
" Samosa I want Rachna to be our daughter in law of this family & mansion", my grandma again started about the marriage discussion. I think she is in love with the topic.
Aarav informed about Rachna's and Preeti's job. They are CA by profession and they are interested to work in my company. Well I already talked to HR about it, of course we can't give job straight away. I will personally check out their merits and qualifications.
Next morning I, mom and dad were jocking in the park. We observed two girls were staring at us. My over friendly dad quickly went near them.
"Do you want to marry ??", both the girls gave a strange look towards dad.
" Sorry uncle we can't marry you" , said one girl nervously.
"He is my husband, why he will marry you? ", mom was glaring at dad.
I was controlling my laugh although l was enjoying free entertainment.
" No... No you all are misunderstanding. I am very much happy with my wife. l was talking about my son, this young man", oh my god dad said them happily.
Like seriously earlier mom and grandma were behind me but now dad too started to put his nose into my marriage matter.
Please god save me.
Rachna's pov:
I was sitting near the balcony and was enjoying the environment with the cup of tea. My cousin Aarav informed me about my job. He already had a talk to my crush.....my crush will become my boss.
"Di, I am getting bored let's go to the coffee shop", here comes my irritating brother Rocky .
" No I will not" , l shouted & showed my tongue to him .
" Okay then I will reveal your secrets to everyone, your childhood naughty pics and also your secret Diaries", Rocky started blackmailing me
" Achha I will join you in the coffee shop", l greeted my teeth.
The coffee shop was full with the Crowd. I like to drink tea but my brother's first love is coffee . I was walking but suddenly I got bumped into hard wall actually someone's heart chest and directly landed in his arm.
Oh God again, my crush.....my crush Ratish holded me tightly in his arm.
" You Miss Rachna ?" , I heard him saying. Butterfly started dancing & jumping in my stomach.

Rachna's pov:
" You Ms Rachna? ", I heard him saying. Butterfly started flying in my stomach. I felt good while hearing my name from my crush's mouth. I know it's just a mere crush.
He was so close to me. His hands were around my waist pulling slowly towards him. His eyes were glued on my pinky lips. Oh my crush is pervert?
Suddenly his hand moved to my right cheek and started to stroke it with the thumb. I was feeling tickling sensation. Voice of Rocky brought me back from my dreamy world.
" Yeah she is Ms Rachna, the most annoying, indiscipline, irrating sister in this world ", my moron brother Rocky said proudly.
Wow....just wow my beautiful image got spoilt in front of my crush or maybe my future boss. I will not leave this Rocky easily. The place was quite crowded hence we shared the same table.
" So Ms. Rachana, you are CA? ",I heard Ritesh asking.
" Yeah I work in a firm but currently looking some other companies".
" Yeah I know, Aarav had told me. Actually I have already talked with HR manager about it. He will take your and your best friend Preeti's interview. I want discipline employees", Ritesh said while raising his eye brows.
Now l am sure Rocky will get the biggest punishment. I am impressed with Ritesh, l mean he knows everything about me and Preeti. All thanks to Aarav bhai. My cousin is best.
Suddenly Ritesh got a call from the office hence he started preparing all the files.
" Can ....l...I help you? ", I ask meekly
" Yeah of course", he smiled
Wait, someone pinch me for the first time I saw my crush smiling. One waiter brought black coffee for Ritesh.
" Wow... I too like black coffee ", l lied to him while he saw me in an amussed way.
" Ohhhh lier, di never liked coffee. She is tea lover", Rocky said the truth. Now l can't control it, fires are coming out from my body. I want to kill this most annoying brother.
" Oh, l have to go, thank you Ms Rachna for the help", Ritesh said sweetly and went.
" Awww my sweet brother let's go to home, l want to give you gift ", l said sarcastically to Rocky.
" Really di? You know you are the best sister in the world ", Rocky started buttering me.
" Don't worry bro, you will get tight slap as a gift ", l shouted at him
One week passed, me and Preeti cracked the interview. luckily we both got the job with higher salary. I was contented and Preeti too. I have observed that Aarav bhai's gazes are always on Preeti. I am sure something is cooking between them.

Ritesh's pov:
My heart whispered only ord ' Temple girl', Ms Rachna has captured my mind. She is actually playing with my mind and heart. Day by day my parents are forcing me to get marry soon but I am not at all interested in it.
Today I have date with Nirma, my mom's friend daughter. She is full makeup shop. I don't like her attitude but I can't say no to mom.
Time lapses,
" What is your answer child?" my mom asked me with the hope.
" It's again no mom", I said and went away. I know l made mom disappointed.
It has been one month, everyone is settled in their own life except me. My mother's health is detoriating day by day. She is continuously insisting me to get marry with someone. I have only one Idea, just need to execute the plan.
I called Aarav in my cabin. " Call my lawyer and start searching a girl for me", Aarav gave a puzzled look towards me.
" congratulations sir, you will finally get marry happily ", Aarav said dreaming about something.
" I will to contract marriage for 6 months", finally l spit the truth like an atom bomb. Yeah it's my plan to get rid of the permanent marriage.
Voice: What??
The owner of the voice is none other than.....
Keep guessing......
I hope you liked the chapter.
Take care!!
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