My alarm went off right at what I set to. I didn't want to get up though, I felt so lazy even though I slept for almost 10 hours. Once again I took a shower and fix myself, putting my hair up in a ponytail, put on light makeup, and make my way out to the bus after locking my apartment.
Right after arriving from the bus station, I sat on the bench. I don't know if where to start finding a stable job. Tsk. Life sucks. I was starting at nothingness when someone approached me.
"Raszhiel? Raszhiel Kein Moncada?" she asked while trying to recognize my face.
"Yes it is me, Raszhiel Kein Moncada, and you are?" I answered while still trying to figure out who she was.
I don't know her name, but I do recognize her by face. I think she was my batchmate in high school or maybe in college.
"It's me, Emily. Emily Ferrer. It's so good to see you. How are you?" she asked as she sat beside me.
"Oh! I'm good, how about you?" I smiled though I still don't remember her.
"I'm doing great. What are you doing here? Are you off to work?"
"Nah! I just got fired yesterday. I'm trying to find another one." I explain.
"Oh is that so? What a coincidence, I have someone I know who's looking for a person who is willing to work in a company."
"Really? What position are they hiring?" I excitedly asked her.
That's a piece of great news for me. If I get hired, I will be able to pay my apartment's rent and I would also get a stable job, hopefully.
"Don't have any idea about that, but you can email or text her about the details. Here."
She gave me a piece of paper. It was a business card of someone. Maybe it's her friend whom she said earlier.
"Aw thank you. I'm really having a hard time finding a job. Thank goodness you saw me and offer this. You're like an angel to me."
"You're welcome. You know what I'm so happy that we met together after all these years."
"Yes, a long time has passed. Why are you here anyway?"
" I'm going to work."
"Wow. Lucky you."
"Yeah, I'm now working as a doctor. Anyways, I gotta go. I'll be late for work as I have so many patients to take care of these days.
Message me on Instagram, okay. It's Mels_Ferrer or text and call me at this number" she then gave her number.
She is a lucky person, indeed. Having a stable job these days is also considered as being lucky. It's not something that all people can have, just like me.
"Well do." She got on the bus as soon as it stops rights in front of us. She waved to me in the window and so do I.
I left the bus station and hurriedly went to a cafe nearby. I ordered a latte and sandwich since I wasn't able to eat breakfast at home because I forgot. While waiting for my order to arrive, I took the business card from my bag and read what's written in it. It's the name of
Emily's friend, her number, and her email address. I took out my phone in my bag and started to type a message and send it to her. I texted her about what Emily said. Minutes later
I received a call from an unknown number. I hurriedly answered it and a woman from the other line spoke.
"Hello Good morning, is this Miss Raszhiel? Emily told me that you were looking for a job. Are you available right now? Can we meet up so that we can discuss about it?" Said the woman on the other line.
I told her I'm available right now. Luckily, she said she was nearby the cafe I was in right now.
She told me to wait for her and she hang up.
Wow. Just wow! I hope finding a job was always this simple and easy. Even though I don't know if I will get accepted or not. But it's fine if I don't get the job. At the very least, I still did my absolute best. Maybe it's not just for me.
A few minutes later, a woman who may be the same age as mine approaches me. She is wearing a white dress top with a blazer and classic heels not higher than 3 inches. She looks dazzling.
"Hi! It's Raszhiel Kein Moncada, right?" asked the woman who had just arrived. I stand up and offered by hand and introduced myself.
"Yes ma'am."
"I'm Zera Leonardo, just call me Zera, and not ma'am, it feels like I'm too old to be called ma'am." she laughed a little and also extended her hand for a handshake.
We then sat down after a short introduction. I asked her if she would like to have something but she decline.
"Well, about the job Emily said, can you please give more details about it."
"Oh yes. Apparently, my boss is looking for someone who can work with him. You will receive a salary of 250 thousand a week."
My eyes widen as I heard the salary. Holy molly! 250 thousand a week? That's 5th times of my monthly salary when I was still working in a restaurant.
"Are you serious? 250 thousand a week? What kind of a a job is it?"
"Yes, I'm serious and it will be given to you every week. You will also be given a weekly allowance, a car so you don't have to commute when you want to go somewhere, and a place to stay. But those things will be discussed privately by you and my boss if you agree to get the job."
Despite being shocked and awed by the situation, I managed to remain calm in order not to embarrass myself.
"Why privately? Isn't it the responsibility of human resources to evaluate new applicants? What kind of position in the company are you looking for? A secretary? And why is the salary so high? Imagine, it's 250 thousand a week plus there are so many benefits."
"Hmm, didn't Emily tell you about the job?" she asked.
I shook my head as a sign that she didn't. From what I have remembered she said she doesn't have any idea about the job. If it is prostitution then I would rather die.
"Okay. You will be a contract wife."
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