Lance woke up the next day feeling weirdly happy and eager. Unlike most mornings, he could remember what he dreamed last night. It was all about Cara, the beautiful woman whom he had a secret crush on. The intensity of this crush increased by leaps and bounds the more he saw her. Today, he was feeling the need to see her again. That need you get when you've had a hurried glimpse or taste of something. Now, he was beginning to wonder if her eyes were blue or green.
"Hello sleepyhead," his mother hailed as she walked past. "Thought I'd catch you in bed. Breakfast's ready!"
"Morning, Mom," he murmured as he stepped out of his room. He followed her and went to the sitting room, while she stopped at the dining. There, he slumped down on a sofa and turned on the TV.
"Won't you eat your breakfast?"
"In a minute," he called back.
"What! Get your lazy ass over here, boy. Don't want you lacking those important vitamins."
He grumbled all the way as he went off to brush his teeth and on his return, managed to drag his feet to the table and settled on a chair. But seeing the green peppers, his mind flashed to Cara.
"Hey Mom, how's Lisa doing? Need me to go find out? I'm heading that way."
"Oh don't worry about it. She j... well, if you wanna check up on them, that's great."
He nodded enthusiastically and proceeded to attack the food, unaware of his mother's suspicious stare. Carol wondered what had gotten into her son today. He had never before offered to run an errand with such ease.
"Hi Lance. How're you?", Cara asked with a forced smile on her face as she opened her door to see her friend's son. She was doing her best to avoid his eyes.
"I'm fine, Mrs. Holden. Mom asked me to find out how Lisa's doing. Uh.. how's she doing?"
"But she's already asked after Lisa just an hour ago," Cara said, looking at his face for the first time. But seeing the embarrassment there, she quickly moved to salvage the situation. "A.. Anyways, she's doing good. She's spending a few days at my sister's. Do you wanna come in?"
"No, not really. Just umm.. wanted to know how Lisa's doing."
"Thanks for the concern, Lance. I really appreciate it."
With a stiff smile and respectful nod, Lance turned around and walked away. By the time he got to his car, he had forgotten if those eyes were green or blue. Did he even remember to look?
Every day for the next few days, Lance just could not stop thinking about Cara. He didn't bother asking himself why he thought of her, he simply just went on thinking of nothing but her. He was attracted to her in a way he couldn't explain and it felt natural to him, more natural as the days passed by.
The need to see her was growing again within him, but he knew that making another appearance at her door so soon after his last visit would surely be cause for suspicion, especially after what had happened the last time. He still blushed when he thought of how he made a big fool of himself that day. In the future, he would pay visits in his own name instead of his mother's.
It was evening and the birthday party of a close friend had just come to an end. Some attendees were leaving while others were staying behind to continue the festivities in their own way. Lance was one of the former and an old classmate, Terry, had suddenly decided to stick close to him. He was bent on saving his cab fare and wanted Lance to be his driver, but Lance would not hear of it.
"Too far out of my way, man," he complained.
"Come on, Lance. Do a friend a favour. What's a few miles to a rich kid like you?"
"Means as much to me as it does to a cabman. We both use gas."
"Which your rich mom pays for. Stop being a hardheaded, satanic, wicked idiot. If I were a sexy girl, we wouldn't be having this conversation. You'd be all 'Hi angel, can I give you a lift?' and I'll be like 'Umm.. okay.'"
"But unfortunately, you're not a girl and worse still, you ain't helping your case by calling me names," he shot back as he got into his car.
But just as he turned the key in the ignition, Terry jumped in beside him.
"I'm not going your way, Terr," he sighed and turned off the ignition.
"Oh yes, you are. Or we'll be staying here all day."
Lance shook his head in frustration. Terry was right. The sooner he started, the sooner he'd get rid of him. He had an appointment to keep for a high-staked card game with his neighbor and arriving late would give the idiot a chance to gloat.
"Fine," he said through gritted teeth as he turned on the ignition again. "You owe me!"
As they approached Terry's area, Lance suddenly remembered that Cara's house was just a few blocks away. There would be no harm in stopping by to say 'Hi'. Since he was just passing by, it wouldn't attract as much suspicion and he could always ask after Lisa as a last resort. Yes, he would do it.
With confidence and urgency that seemed to his friend as generosity, he drove all the way to Terry's house and dropped him in front of it. Not bothering to respond to questions of whether he'd be present for the party next week where there'd be a lot of 'hot girls', Lance backed the car out of the area and made straight for Cara's home. He didn't even mind the shouts from Terry and the subsequent hit of a pebble on his side mirror. He was that determined.
The confidence that had powered him all the way to Cara's place was beginning to decline as he parked in her driveway. He was beginning to sweat and his hands were shaking like a junkie who'd missed his fix. And he wasn't even at the door yet! He had half the mind to just call the whole thing off and head to his neighbor's, but the thought that Cara might have heard or even seen his car in her driveway gave him no choice but to step out of the car.
He took a deep breath and walked carefully toward the front door like someone learning to walk for the first time in his life. He wondered why he was so apprehensive. He'd been here before for Christ's sake! But no matter how many times he told that to himself, it still was not helping.
At the front door, he dried his wet palms on his jeans for the upteenth time and brought his hand up to knock. Though his hand made contact with the wood, the first knock was soundless. He tried again and it produced a tiny sound. With shaking hands, he tried for the third time and something that resembled the sound of an actual knock was produced. Immediately, he heard Cara's shout of 'Coming!' from somewhere inside the house. That was when he realized that he had forgotten what he was going to say.
With a frantically beating heart, he racked his brain for the missing memory. Had he even planned anything sensible to say? He turned around and thought about running back to his car and speeding off before she would get to the door. But what if he got caught mid-race? No, he would face it like a man. By the way, what was there to be scared about? If nothing else came to mind, he would simply ask after Lisa and then leave. Yes, asking after Lisa.. that was the escape hatch.
Just then, the door opened behind him and with asking-after-Lisa inspired confidence, he whirled round to face her. But just as he opened his mouth to voice the words, his brain registered what his eyes had just seen. With his mouth still hanging open, he stared at the bathrobe-clad Cara, her luxurious curls wet and falling over her shoulders. Her delicate neck and upper chest were bare for him to see. The way her breasts pushed out the robe like mounds of treasure under a cover-cloth made him shudder in pleasure. It was clear that she was wearing nothing underneath the robe.
He finally closed his mouth when he felt his erection rising up to express its approval of what his brain was communicating to it. Cara did not see what his eyes were focused on since she was looking at anywhere but his face. He was the last person she had expected to see when she opened the door and being taken unawares, she was confused on what next to do.
"Uhh..," Lance began, as the uncomfortable silence continued. His attempt at speaking must have roused Cara too as she opened the door wider for him to pass through.
Wordlessly, he stepped in and turned to see her closing the door softly. His eyes inadvertently fell on her backside and the exposed flesh of the back of her thighs not covered by the mid-thigh bathrobe. His erection shot up, faster and harder than ever. This time, he hardly felt it. He was entranced by her body. She turned to face him, not looking at his face and not knowing what to say. There was only a few feet of space between them, but the silence was many miles long.
Cara could feel her hands getting sweaty and she had to dry them on her bathrobe, sliding both hands down her sides. But unknown to her, she was also showing him the outline of her wide hips. That was the last straw that broke the camel's back.
Lance lost track of time, space and everything else his mind was supposed to keep track of. His brain was now operating through his turbo-charged crotch. That part of his body was itching to be put into use. It ordered him to take one little step toward her, and he did. In response, she took one step back. It was too late for her not to feel the vibe in the room. Her eyes were down and she could see the tent in his jeans and she knew what that meant.
The predatory instincts of Lance's now superior body part took over and ordered him to close up the space. He obeyed and Cara moved back again in response, but she was stopped by the door. One more step, soldier! And Lance took that final step, crashing his erection into her lower belly. Her eyes shot up to his with a gasp, a gasp more of pleasurable shock than fear or surprise. Lance could see her eyes now and for the first time, he was sure of their color. They were green.
Cara knew that looking into those dreamy blue eyes would break down whatever semblance of defence she still had left, but she couldn't help it when his rock-hard penis hit her in a place that sent all the wicked signals to her sex. Those blue eyes were now darkening in arousal and she could see his eyelids lower as he inched his face closer to hers.
The movement caused his erection to shift lower ever so lightly and she could feel herself getting wet down there. Her thighs shook in anticipation and her whole body felt like a working high voltage battery. She was trapped in this moment and there was just no going back. So why keep avoiding the inevitable? Suddenly, she grabbed the back of his head and eliminated the little space between their lips, crushing her tongue into his mouth and giving him a fiery kiss that left him breathless.
Lance could see that he had lost control. Cara had taken over and he was glad to have the chance to explore every inch of her body. His hands roamed all over her back, seeking for soft exposed flesh. He ran his hands lower and found her robe-clad backside. Like a madman, he clawed at the material and pulled it up, exposing her luscious cheeks to his eager hands. He grabbed them with arousal-inspired confidence, kneading, squeezing and enjoying the soft and cushiony feel of a real woman's backside for the first time in his life. But just as he grabbed both cheeks and pulled her hard against his crotch, she stopped kissing him.
She pushed his face away and stared at him like someone in a trance. Their breathing came fast and shallow as they looked at each other. He wondered what was wrong. Perhaps he had gone too far? Or had she finally decided that seducing her was wrong and it was time to kick him out?
She didn't give him the chance to think any further. Throwing her arms around his neck, she climbed onto him and locked her legs around his waist with his hands still on her bare butt. Breathing into his ear, she bit down on his earlobe and said the one word, "Bedroom."
Lance would never remember how he found her bedroom or whether he ran all the way there, but he did remember putting her down on a bed somewhere. He pulled off his shirt and tossed it aside, not caring where it landed. Next to go were his shoes, jeans, and boxers. The entire operation was completed in less than a minute and then he pounced on Cara. The kiss was hard and deep. As he explored her mouth and sucked on her tongue, his hands were digging into her robe.
"Hmmm," Cara moaned into his mouth as he found her breasts and began fondling her erect nipples.
His mouth moved from her lips to her jaw and he ran the tip of his tongue all the way down to her neck and gave her a soft bite there. She responded by throwing her legs around him and rubbing her thighs against his naked body as his handling of her nipples sent all sorts of wicked signals to her sex.
"Ah", she gasped as his wet mouth clamped down on her left nipple. He sucked on the erect teat and dragged his teeth up and down its length, making her shudder and rub her thighs harder against him. When he finished with the left, he jumped to the right nipple and worked it with his tongue and teeth while twisting and pulling the other one with his long fingers.
Cara was getting wetter by the minute and the vibration of her thighs had become non-stop. Lance had left her nipples and was now tracing his way down her chest with the tip of his tongue. She quickly replaced his sorely missed fingers with her own, pinching and twisting her nipples as he made her entire torso quake by running his tongue down her belly and toward her sex. She didn't wait for him to get there before her waist shot off the bed and his mouth clamped down on her sex like a magnet.
"Ohh fuck," she sighed deeply as Lance scratched both her quaking thighs at the same time, giving her one half of the relief she wanted.
Already, she was beginning to feel the other half coming along. Lance was hard at work sucking on her sex like his life depended on it. He was no expert.. in fact, he'd only had oral sex once before, but he was proving to be a natural.
"Oh shit!", she shouted as he dipped his tongue into her vagina, twisting it around like a dildo. Her waist shot up from the bed again and she humped his face wildly, willing him to continue forever. But he didn't.
He pulled out his tongue and ran it up and down her slit, lapping up all her wetness. Then all of a sudden, he caught her clitoris and sucked hard on it.
"Ahh!", Cara screamed and captured his head between her thighs, squirting heavily on his face.
After she had come off her high, her waist fell back on the bed and her body shook as smaller shock waves rippled through her.
Lance didn't waste any time. He quickly crawled up her body again, his penis harder than ever. She threw her arm around him as his mouth invaded hers and she could feel the taste of herself on his lips. He was kissing her with reckless abandon and humping her crotch wildly. So she reached down in search of his penis and found it hard and dripping. It was a handful, both in length and width. She gave it a quick stroke and the flow of precum increased dramatically. Waiting no further, she ran the tip of his tool down her slit, making both of them shudder violently before she popped it into her vagina. Lance groaned as he found himself inside her tight, warm vagina. He didn't need to be told to push, and he went balls deep in one go. Cara responded by throwing her legs around him and digging her heels into his butt.
"Oh God," he grunted, shuddered and released a copious amount of sperm inside her. Cara hummed in approval as he filled her without restraint. But instead of deflating, his penis seemed to grow harder and then he began to move. She knew now that the evening had only just begun.
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