Having a major hangover on a Saturday morning, really wasn't what I planned for. I woke up with a migraine and trying to put off my alarm was another great task, I mean it's Saturday for crap sake.
I walk to my closet and grab an outfit before stripping out of my clothes and taking a shower. I didn't even bother looking into the mirror because sometimes I couldn't stand seeing myself in the mirror.
We weren't rich, no but we weren't poor either, ever since mum died things have been hard for Bryson and I. And my uncle,Tyson,was working hard enough for the three of us, he owns a small family restaurant downtown called Tyson's, and that's where I was headed to.
I tied a cute little scarf around my puffy hair. After applying a little makeup I was ready to go.
"Morning bear, I'm heading over to Tyson's then I'll be off to Tasha's later on." I said to Bryson when I opened the door to his room. Smiling when he releases a painful groan.
Taking a donut and an orange juice to go, I grabbed my helmet and walked out of the house, shutting the door loud enough to piss Bryson off. I went to the garage to get my bicycle and I rode downtown.
Mornings at Tyson's weren't the fullest on weekdays, but on Saturdays it gets a bit filled out, even in the mornings.
Parking at the back of the restaurant, I walked in through the back door and immediately saw my uncle.
"Morning Uncle Ty" I greeted, smiling brightly.
"There's my favorite little girl" He says immediately I walked in, making me laugh and smile at the same time.
" Came alone?" He asked, smiling brightly too while walking towards me with arms stretched out to receive a hug.
"Yup, Bryson's still asleep.... killer hangover." I replied laughing a little.
"Aaaahhhh." He says with a knowing smirk.
"Alright, Uncle Ty, I have to go help out, out front." I said to him, taking an apron from the rack.
"Alright, kiddo, be safe out there." He says,
"And if anyone gives you trouble, come straight to me." He continues as he walks into his office not before giving me a stern look.
Serving tables wasn't easy, especially on a full day, so yeah, my feet were aching. By the time I was about to go home, just looking at my bike and the thought of paddling back home made me sigh deeply.
Reaching home, I realised that Bryson wasn't home, so I did all of my homework. An hour later I decided to make dinner.
I decided to make spring pasta with salmon and 30 minutes later I was done already.
Bryson was back home so I called him downstairs to come have dinner.
Minutes later and we were done eating. But I didn't have the strength in me to clear the dining area so I just sat down.
After a few minutes I burp loudly, making me laugh before mistakenly letting out a snort in the process.
"Pig." Bryson said, laughing a little.
"Says the bigger pig." I answer with a small smile.
"I'll be going back to school soon Ri." Bryson said after a few minutes of us relaxing around.
His school was 2 hours away so it really wasn't that bad.... for others.
But for me it was, he was the only person who understands me and who has stayed beside me ever since mum left us. So yeah, it sucks and I was going to miss him.
"You know you can ask uncle Ty to bring you over anytime right?" He asks after seeing my face.
I knew that, but uncle Ty was already doing enough for the both of us and I didn't want to be a burden anymore.
But I couldn't tell Bryson that.
"Of course, you big bear." I say instead with an overly fake smile.
"Alright, I'll be heading out tonight." He tells me.
"Don't wait for me." He says again when he sees me checking the time.
"Okay, goodnight." I reply by giving him a peck on the cheek.
Bryson left after some minutes and I was rounding up the dishes minutes later.
I decided to watch my favourite crime series before heading to my room, taking off my make-up, taking a relaxing shower and putting on a cute little pink short and a big t-shirt I stole from Bryson months ago.
I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and called Tasha. She sounded out of breath by the time she picked up, which was after three rings.
"Hey babe, what's up?" She answered slightly breathless.
"Are you busy....I can call back tomorrow or whenever?" I say to her not wanting to be an obstacle in their make out session.
"No Iris, I'm not busy." She replied with a small chuckle.
I was about to respond when I heard her let out a whine to someone in the background.
Laughing loudly I ended the call.
I wish I had someone who would love me the way Luke loves Tasha.
Sighing loudly, I slept off.
Monday came and I was woken by my blaring alarm.
Brushing my teeth, taking a shower after untangling my fro, I stepped out of the shower. Putting on my outfit which consisted of a Metallica sweatshirt, a white vintage Jean, I style my hair and lay out my edges after applying a little mascara, eyeliner and my favorite lip balm, I finish my look with a pair of black combat boots.
Going downstairs and into the kitchen, I'm blessed with the amazing scent of pancakes my darling brother just finished making.
Smiling brightly when he passes me a plate from the other end of the counter, I rub my palms together, wanting to finish the amazing plate of deliciousness.
Before I can take a bite, I hear someone clear their throat, glancing up I see Bryson looking at me with a raised eyebrow.
"Good morning Bryson." I said smiling sheepishly at him.
"Morning......I thought you weren't going to come downstairs anymore." He replied after rolling his eyes.
I said a little prayer before stuffing my mouth.
"Beauty sleep takes time." I reply with a smile and a mouth full of pancakes.
Minutes later, I'm gulping down a glass of orange juice at an unusual speed and running out of the house while yelling a goodbye to Bryson.
Today I'll be taking the bus. Bryson was supposed to go drop me off but he has something to do today and I was late already so walking isn't an option.
Waiting for the bus took 5 minutes and I was already late, the drive to my school is 10 minutes so I was a bit lucky. Most times when I wake up earlier than normal I walk to school which takes 15 minutes so it really wasn't that bad. I was just a tad too late today.
Stepping out of the bus in front of the huge school gate after a few minutes, I walked fast into the school building because I was 5 minutes late already.
Reaching the hallway, I slowed my steps to catch my breath. Walking to the door of my English class, I took a deep breath before twisting the door handle and walking in, my English teacher, Mrs Williams, is a married woman in her late thirties and she's actually nice and not weird, short tempered or creepy like the rest of the teachers, I actually liked her.
But with the look of things this morning she wasn't particularly happy with me at the moment.
"Miss Moore, may I ask the reason for your lateness today?" She asked while slightly glaring at me.
"No ma'am, it won't happen again, I promise." I reply with a small nervous smile.
"Of course, it won't." She answered with a curt nod of her head.
With my head slightly bowed, I head towards a seat at the back of the class, hearing a few snickers after my interaction with the teacher.
Ignoring them, I sit down and remove my needed books from my bag then I place it on the floor next to my feet.
I was taking AP classes so yeah, most seniors tend to send small taunts here and there.
A few minutes later the door to the class was opened loudly by someone causing Mrs Williams to cut short on her sentence.
In came a familiar black-haired boy I remember vividly from Friday night. He was wearing a white t-shirt, a black leather jacket with black ripped jeans and a white sneakers today.
And let me tell you, there was a lot of commotion in the class. Pupils were murmuring, those who I saw at the party weren't surprised but they seemed.... shocked, I don't know why.
"Ahhhhh Mister Harald, I see you're finally back to school."
Mrs Williams said with a small smile.
He didn't reply though, just a tense nod to her while his cold eyes met mine and the butterflies started again.
I wanted to give him a small smile but I was afraid he was gonna embarrass me and I didn't want that, not when the whole class was watching him walk towards the seat beside me while maintaining eye contact with me.
He sat down, and I got a whiff of his manly cologne.
Literally, I almost drooled. Not only was he gorgeous, he also smelt nice too.
Nah bro, these butterflies weren't going anywhere from the way my heart kept beating.
Glancing at my phone I saw that it was just 10 more minutes before this period was over.
Peeking at him from, I see him sitting tensely, with a scowl on his face.
I didn't think he wanted to be here at all.
Finally gathering enough courage to speak to him, I start with a.....
He didn't turn around though. Just kept on staring ahead blankly.
I decided to poke him on the shoulder with my pencil to get his attention.
After three pokes he finally turns his head to look at me with an arched eyebrow.
"I-I Just wanted to ask if you were okay...." I say slowly so he wouldn't think I was intruding.
Even if I was.
He searched my face wanting to see if was joking or not, or that was what I hoped he was doing.
Because there's this pimple above my right eyebrow that I saw while applying my makeup this morning and it was quite visible at the moment and I'm really wishing that's not what he's looking at.
I hope so.
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