Nothing could be more exhausting and sickening than having to get up from bed after a night filled with activities.
My eyes were still heavy when I heard the sounding of the bell.
With a sigh, I stood up and went for my iron bucket.
Ruth, Melissa and Fiona were still sleeping like pregnant pigs.
And I wondered if I should wake them up or give them half a serving of what they usually do to me.
That would be my sweet revenge.
As quietly as possible, without waking up a soul, I left the room for the bathroom where I hastily took my bathe.
"Poor girl." I overheard someone in the same bathroom with me comment.
"Even, her roommates are trying. Like how do they survive such disastrous smell everyday?" Another added.
"Maybe her anus is leaking?" The both girls bursted out into an uproarious laughter.
Deep down,I felt uncomfortable.It was as though it was me that they were discussing.
Hurriedly, I rinsed my body and then left after putting off the shower.
Mood. Zero.
I thought the day would be bad. But this girls just worsened it.
I knew it.
I was the one being discussed. It was the whole of Emerald hotel carrying my matter as theirs.
Heaven knew how sickening it was.
The sun finally rose and everyone went to do their morning function.
"Are you done?" I looked up to behold Rachael.
No. Not today.
I didn't want her around. And it was annoying that she followed me like...
"Let me help you." She offered.
I faked a smile. "No, thanks."
"Oh, if so I will wait for you." She said walking towards a pavement to sit on.
"No you won't!" I had to relax a bit. In a much lower pitch, I continued. "Just go to class."
"But I want to wait for you." She insisted.
"Sorry but Helen will do that already." I lied.
"Fat Helen?" She sounded amazed. "Is she your best friend?"
"You don't talk anyhow about people I respect as friend." I told her.
"Thanks for the company but you must leave now." It was me being serious.
"Are you walking me out? Like, you don't want me around?" She must have over hyped herself to have even said such.
"Yeah. Thanks." I went back to my function.
From the corner of my eye, I saw her leave.
Once I was done packing the dry leaves that fell out of the giant mango tree due to abscission, the assembly bell rang and I rushed to the field.
Already many students were already in line, waiting for instructions.
The SS3 lines were empty. Probably, they were in the computer room doing their CBT training.
"All mouths shut and hands by your side." Mrs Rose, the vice principal ordered.
Everyone complied. Well, after one or two rude or humorous comment.
"Not under my eyes will I watch the school turn into a den of thieves." Mrs Rose began.
"Yesterday night which was the purposed social night happened to be an avenue of criminal activities. The computer room was raided of about twelve apple laptops. And it all took place last night!" She stated.
The whole school was in uproar. While some said that the school deserved it, others wondered who it could be.
"Now this is my verdict!" Her firm voice brought tranquility amongst the students.
"The social night will be suspended until further notice. It's now obvious that while some people are participating in the events, others rob the school!" She shook her head in disappointment.
"Secondly, we have come to notice that hard drugs are being smuggled into the school and traded by the boys who use them mostly at social nights."
The boys shouted.
"Defamation ma!" One of the boys who I realized to be Frank voices out.
Mrs Rose frowned deeply. "SS1 to 3 should fish out whosoever that made that statement." She said and meant it.
"I'm giving you guys ten minutes for that." She made them know and then continued.
"Please if anyone should find his or her neighbor acting suspicious, whistle blow to the school management. And there will be a reward for that." She finalized, in respect to the missing laptops.
None of us refused to turn Frank up for punishment. We all pretended to be oblivious of the culprit.
"Everyone go to your individual classes for your day's lesson." She later announced.
We were all grateful that she forgot her...
"Exception SSI to 3."
Groans filled the air. How could a woman be this wicked?
"Await the upcoming duty roaster. That will be as a punishment for rebellion. Mr Fred!" She called on the Agriculture teacher.
"Call an assistant who will aid you in writing down the names of this students. All of them! No one should be exempted."
Mr Fred nodded in compliance.
My heartbeat was so loud. It literally hammered against my rib cage.
It wasn't until the first period ended that the news of the duty roaster for the whole of the senior section being out, spread around.
Everyone was anxious of the sort of punishment that would be meted on them.
I in particular wished I wouldn't be assigned to the toilet section.
I would just die.
"VP wants to see you." Stella told me as she went to her desk.
Why would that woman want to see me? Christ take control.
"She wants you in her office before five minutes." Stella said as she spared me a glance.
I quickly left for the admin block where I located her large well furnished office.
"Come right in," Was her reply to my knock.
"Ms Daniels it's a pleasure of having you once more in my office. Feel free to seat down."
Her kindness was now harsh on me. I felt discomforted.
Why the overly goodness?
Everyone knew how strict and firm she was.
I sat down carefully. "You sent for me." My voice was tiny. I barely could even hear myself.
The continual fear of this woman will one day lead you to your early grave, My subconscious said.
I immediately rejected it.
"Following the recommendation of the teachers especially those in the science department, the school management have decided to push you forward to represent Stardom Academy." Mrs Rose said seriously.
I gulped down my saliva and my throat felt sore.
"You have heard of SSEC,right?" I nodded at her question.
"Good. You will be undergoing extra tutorial during your free periods because of that. That exempts you from participating in the interhouse sports practice. And also, the punishment at hand."
All this was happening too fast to my own detriment. "Are you interested?" Mrs Rose asked me.
"Uuh, why not?"
Faith you're a big idiot!
I cursed myself, within me.
"Wonderful. I love your courage." She complimented me and I smiled genuinely. "The price for the winner is breathe taking. A huge amount of money,new school materials and a biannual trip to Paris during the holiday."
Okay, so I was now getting interested in the competition.
"Stardom High is taking this particular competition serious this year because of this huge benefit. You see, not only will you be honored but the school will attain dazzling heights." Mrs Rose said, sounding happier than I.
She received a call via intercom. "In the reception? Okay, just a minute... No! Don't worry...All right."
She hanged up and looked back at me.
"Sorry for the interruption, Ms Daniels but I have an important visitor right now."
"All right, ma'am." I stood up and nodded at her.
"Faith?" She called after me just as I was halfway to the door.
I turned.
"Please branch to the reception office and direct the visitors to my office. Ms Jennings is busy to do that." Mrs Rose pleaded.
I promised to help her with that. And I did.
"Good day Ma," I almost genuflected. "You must be the one wanting to see the Vice principal."
The woman looked me up and down. Thankfully, she seemed impressed. "Yes, child."
"All right,then. You can follow me." I said, raising my glance off her to meet Ms Jennings own.
She gave me a grateful nod.
When I turned my eyes back to the woman, I noticed someone else.
With Hazel eyes.
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