Meteors created a sky symphony of light. The blackness of the night sky was soothing. It was splendid.
Perfectly imperfect.
In total, a perfect imperfection.
That was the colour black.
It stood for power and prestige. But as ironic as it was, it as well stood for lethality, sadism, fear and inferiority.
I sauntered to Emerald Hostel all alone. It was way to lonely on the way but I had stuffs to tackle in class, making me to delay in getting to hostel.
I stayed back in class, wanting to know if I could get any inspiration so as to pen down something emotional.
But nothing came. There was no muse.
So therefore, I hurried back all alone to the hostel.
"I thought you have already started keeping boyfriends." Ruth said as soon as I stepped into the room.
Melissa laughed and I'm sure I heard her mutter "As if that's possible."
What was impossible?
That no boy would want me for the girlfriend status or that I was too naive?
It better be the latter.
"Our business is about her welfare nothing else. Faith, did you get assaulted or what?" Fiona played the role of Mother Theresa awfully.
"No," Without engaging into more conversations, I went to my corner to change into my nightie.
I found my foam back on my bed. Someone was kind enough to help me bring it back to the room.
"Please try not to wet that bed again. It's gone through enough trauma already." Ruth the ruthless bitch voiced out and I held my lips in a thin firm line.
I wasn't going to give her the maximum satisfaction of trading words with her.
More so, what use was it to trade words with her when I would be the one rolled through the mud?
I laid on my bed but sleep wouldn't come. I tried to but I failed in achieving my aim.
I wouldn't sleep. And all sorts of good and bad natured thoughts were going on within me.
Why wasn't I just like others? What evil had I done to remain a chronic bed wetter even till now.
No matter how flawless I seem or try to be. Nature itself has placed an unmovable rock of flaws on me.
But then, To man, a soul is given. A bruised and wounded soul that can't attain perfection. In him lies so many faults.
He struggles like a bird set free but his wings are broken. Thus, indicating the helplessness of mankind.
That could be the most frequently used word ascribed to man. For he views things from broken glasses and never get his desires as a whole.
Not without a price to pay.
It was all lonely in here for me who found solace in the comforting darkness that lurked around the room.
I was lost in my rivers of thoughts. Yet I couldn't place a finger on the centrality of my thoughts.
All I knew was that all wasn't well. But then when did it all go wrong?
I stopped bed wetting at age nine. Only to continue three years later.
Well, my pains originated from my misdoings. And now, I was stuck with them.
Truly, my life was synonymous to a puzzle. Complicated and undiscerning. It was very big mess. But it sure had to be cleaned.
My doe like eyes darted here and there in the room. Though it could see my roommates talking and laughing in between their discussions, my tympanic membrane couldn't process a single sound.
I sighed. Tossing myself from this side of the bed to another.
I needed a solution to my problem. I couldn't take this flaw to the higher institution.
If I am thinking I'm ruined now then I would just breathe my last.
Cause nobody had time to tolerate even the least shit from anyone.
Five years ago when I was twelve, my family doctor told my parents that I had a serious urinary track infection which could not only lead to kidney diseases but an irritated bladder.
I was given some dose of antibiotics to take but it seemed to be ineffective.
"You see? This is your cause! I always tell you to take your bathe regularly. Now see the result of your dirtiness!" Mrs Daniels - My mother barked angrily at me.
"Better pray for healing after this treatment because this is no small issue."
I drastically changed. I would not only take my bathe twice but any and virtually every time.
I hopefully that during the next medical check up that I would be free of the UTI.
If only I knew!
My family doctor said that I was having hormonal imbalances. That my body was making insufficient levels of antidiuretic hormone and that I might be experiencing nocturnal enuresis since my bladder couldn't hold a higher volume of urine.
That was the genesis of my problem.
Last month, when I joined Stardom Academy, I shared a summarized version of my story with my roommates.
But had I known? Had I known that they wouldn't even hear with me, I wouldn't have told them at all.
My eyes were getting moist and heavy. The pounding of my heart couldn't make me feel better.
"Faith looks like she wants to cry." Now, I overheard Fiona mutter.
"Cry? Such a big baby!" Ruth sounded a bit fake.
It was if she wasn't saying what she wanted.
Melissa chipped in. "She should cry for herself. If I were her, I would do more than crying. What is getting gain in wasting tears?"
"So you're indirectly telling her to commit suicide?" Ruth must have rolled her eyes.
"Let's ask her the problem. We can be of help." Fiona who was a bit troubled, suggested.
Melissa and Ruth hissed together.
"Ask first. We would do ours when you're done." Melissa stated.
This was worse. It made me feel more vulnerable and pained than how I already was.
I turned to sleep. Even though it wouldn't come but at least, I would try.
Never ever had there been any harm in trial.
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