Doesn't someone deserve some peace and sanity in this messed up life? Why were we denied of that? We got the luxury of choice and demand. But never gained access to fulfillment. Else, why have we no rest?
"I am tired of discussing one particular issue for over a million times. Don't you get it? Leave me alone let me set myself back into the right track." I thundered at Paris who looked unfazed.
"I want to help you set yourself back into that right track. At least, if you won't let me do that, let me stand beside you as you do so." Paris said earnestly and I began laughing hysterically.
I was loosing my sanity. I was really loosing my sanity. Everything happened at the same time, leaving me crippled and demoralised in a bed of woes and suffering.
"What are you saying, guy! Are you even listening to yourself? Please do not stand by me. I have myself and that's enough. You are just an intruder!" I shouted.
The whole class was in a state of turmoil. After the competition ended and the winners were announced, the game kicked off on a different level.
"Liking you is now an intrusion?" Gasps filled the air the very moment he spat those words out.
"You're getting the point. Right now, I need to be all alone, okay? It's been me and myself against this wicked world and it better remains that way." I made him know.
"Look, that Esther ended up being the one to represent SS2 class science students in the inter school SSEC doesn't make her better than you. That shouldn't weigh you down or make you so burdened."
That statement didn't go down well with me. "I guess you don't know me. I never have found a way of dealing with failure. Rejection? depression? I'm learning. But I don't just know how to solve the failure shit." It was harder than the Rubix cube.
"You can imagine? It was a simple question on concord that pulled me down." My eyes moistened. "That shit hurts!"
"Of course, that's what its meant to do. Hurt you, break you, ruin you, Faith. Esther is our rep, not a filthy caricature of creation like you." Ruth's voice hit my ear drums and all that continued for seconds was echoes of her words.
"Not everyone is as filthy as you, Ruth!" Stella surprisingly stood up for me. And now, I really felt like crying. I was just a big mess.
"How dare you talk to Ruth in that manner?!" Juliana teamed up with her friend, Ruth.
Paris really tried to control his temper. He was wondering how much more insensitive these people could be. And he was worried sick that the girl that he liked was just gonna get worse day by day. The environment was toxic and never helping.
"Let's get out of here." Paris muttered and began dragging me out of my class but I immediately forced myself out of his grip. I would never run away from my fears again.
I would stay here and face them. And if I couldn't bear whatever they threw at me, I would still remain. And even if I got suffocated by the toxicity, I would still arise from my grave of pains and get some relief.
"Are you out of your mind? Do you know what you are signing up for by..."
I held my left hand up in the air, making him pause abruptly. "Maybe Esther is right, if they bend me, I would someday get straightened."
Paris stared at me and shook his head. "I have now seen the height of your foolishness. And I can safely conclude that the tower you have senselessly built will collapse sooner than you imagined."
My right hand connected with his right cheeks and I made sure that a portion of my pains was felt by him.
Victory had already packed her necessities inside her pepper red box. She was going to leave first thing tomorrow morning. And if she couldn't do this now, then she could never do this again till next weekend when she would be back to school.
Her hostel as Ruby and there was certainly no way that the hostel mistress would allow her leave so early the next day to Emerald hostel. So she had to seize this little opportunity.
"Can I trust you with something?" Victory said as she sat beside Ruth on her bed. They were the only once in the room.
"Eh..Maybe yes." Her heart began beating a bit. She was pretty curious to what her friend was about to say. And at the same time she was scared. You know, there is an information that could help us and hose that could lead us to our very own demise.
That's why one should pray that whatever he or she cannot withstand shouldn't come their way.
"This book here is a very important treasure of Faith. I was the one who took it and used it for my own selfish benefits. That very day it was confirmed missing, she came and questioned Esther. And then the next day, she came for me. I guess it's because I claimed ownership of her works which I had ventured to publish. But she had no solid evidence, that's why everything is still cool as it is, for me." Victory began.
Ruth was a bit shocked. "But weren't you meant to do any and every publication under the full authorization of the press club?"
"Melanie gave me a month suspension from the other meetings to be held. Plus a fine of six thousand naira. Failure to pay the fine would elongate my punishment." Victory was truly sad.
"You are lucky that you are the only daughter of your parents. Such amounts should never be a problem. Unlike us that will have to use our mothers as passwords to get to our fathers." Ruth rolled her eyes.
"So please, I want you to hold this book for me till I return. For personal reasons, I will not be going home with it. Hide it wherever you can and remember that no eyes must see it." Victory pleaded with a very thoughtful Ruth.
"Where is that foolish boy? Yakubu! Yakubu!!" The voice of a sharp mouthed middle aged woman filled the air. She was the manager of the school's printing press and after meeting with the accountant, it came to her notice that some sheets of papers and a sum of money was missing. And unfortunately, Yakubu was the one on duty that day.
"Where is he? Will you go and get him here?" She thundered at one of the workers who was busy eating her boiled groundnut. "All you know is how to do is to consume food. You can never be effective in your duty!"
The lady quickly stood up and rushed out of the room, only to rush in few minutes later with a dizzy Yakubu.
"Come here. Where have you been through out today? You have gone to the store room to sleep again, right?" the manager barked as she clapped her hands melodramatically. "Who was on duty with you, last two days, in the afternoon?"
"Madam, Emma and Rosa left immediately you went home. So I was the only one at duty at that moment." A frown etched on Yakubu's face. as he wondered where the woman was heading to.
"Over hundred copies of blank sheets were reported missing and the money that could have been gotten from it is approximately seven thousand. Did you record all your sales that day?"
"Eh....Madam, you see...there is this girl that brought one kind powerful article to publish and the money for the publication wasn't enough...so...so I..." Yakubu trailed off, dreading to complete the statement.
"You did what? You mean that you gave one stupid girl all the copies without full payment, Yakubu! Come to think of it, the school has stopped us from publishing articles or whatsoever for students with proper authorization. Do you want to tell me that you are oblivious of this rule?!" The manager was boiling within with anger. She didn't want to be assumed incompetent. That was why she never gave the workers room for misbehaviour.
"I'll get to the school building, Ma, and look for the girl. I can recognise her, Ma. Her front is big and the behind is..."
"Will you shut up and get out before I pour my wrath on you? And make sure you call that foolish Emma and Rosa who dared to forfeit their duty post."
Yakubu quickly left and did as he was bided.
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