How much more bitter can someone
be? To be so inhuman, cruel and sadistic was just one of the few things that could be ascribed to such persons.
"Did you hear?" Rachael stood beside
me as I brought out my physics textbook which I wanted to use for personal studies later on in the hostel.
I battered my lashes as I did a beautiful job ignoring her, closing my locker and then locking it with my key. I didn't trust bitches like her.
She held my hand to stop me from leaving her. I guess she had her ego to protect. "I'm talking to you." She eyed me and then continued. "The SSCE is having its intra school competition next week Monday and Esther will surely whip your ass."
I heaved in a breathe and then glared at her. "Move." That was in nowhere a plea. It was an order and if she proved defiant I was so going to deal with her.
The death of my dad has made me in all possible ways subject to change. I was no longer that teen girl that would withdraw just to nurse my pains, myself. I was so going to make everyone that dared to dis
respect themselves what it meant to have a continual bleeding heart and a soul swallowed up by anguish.
"Or what? You will move me?" Rachael glared at me. She was expecting me to do as she listed.
I chuckled darkly. If only she could see through me and see a numbed girl with no heart. A girl that was ready to break her till she was left in unfixable pieces. "Rachael please move!" I pleaded once more but she shook her shoulders and gave me the what will you do look.
I cracked my knuckles trying to control my senses but no, the demons within me were wailing, crying for a release. They were tearing me apart, breaking me till my whole being tore past its elastic limit and attained its yield point.
I clenched and unclenched my fisted hands and within a blink of an eyelid, I dared to land a solid punch on her face, bringing her to the realization of the brutality of life.
"Jesus Christ!" Rachael screamed as her hands flew to her face, shielding her from more promising assaults. "Are you insane?" Her eyes widened as she whispered aloud.
I chuckled darkly again. "Will you now move?" Her actions spoke louder than anything she would have said. She quickly moved aside and watched as I sauntered out of the class with a victorious smile on my face.
Deep down, my heart was wounded. Rachael was almost like a friend. Until she proved otherwise during the Food and Nutrition practical I had last before leaving for home. When did she get influenced?
Paris couldn't concentrate during the Press Club meeting. He was really floating out of space and there was nothing that was discussed during the meeting that passed through his thick skull.
Her attitude to him was really disturbing. Was it just the little squabbles between them Or was there more to it?
He held the sides of his face and soon rubbed his hands all over his face, heaving a deep sigh. There was certainly no way he could comprehend girls and their ways. Those creatures are really out of this entire universe. And until someone writes an encyclopaedia just for women, he would forever remain lost.
"Before the secretary runs us through with the summary of the last meeting, we would like to welcome a new member." The president of the club who was no other person than Melanie Jackson stated with all authority vested on her.
Melanie was the first female to become the President of Press Club in Stardom Academy. And such fit was achieved by both diligence and manipulation. She was subtle and that helped her in manoeuvering her way into the position. And instead of her being the Vice President of the club, a male got to assume that position.
"Victory Alade-Martins please stand up. You are very much welcome." Melanie gestured to the light skinned girl that sat in the middle row with a smile that seemed to be permanent, to introduce herself.
"I expected this introduction, earlier though. But I will pardon the slackness only because I'm just a newbie here. It's your favourite girl, Victory Alade-Martins." The meeting room was in an uproar. "I'm sure a lot of you guys already know who I am."
She was so sure of herself. And the worst of this all, was that she thought everyone was gushing about her. If only she heard the mean words that flew around. No one here gave two fucks.
Amidst the whole chaos in the hall, was a peaceful looking Paris who was still absent minded. He was staring at nothing in particular but had a lot of thoughts brewing in his mind.
"That's enough!" Melanie yelled, pissed off at how noisy the room suddenly became just after giving Victory the opportunity to introduce herself. Melanie threw the pompous girl a disdainful look, instantly regretting why she allowed her to disgrace both of them.
"Jennifer please run as through with the summary of the last concluded meeting. And after that, remember to collect the fines from those that skipped attending the meeting last time." Melanie instructed and the secretary stood up to commence her duty.
"At the last concluded meeting, Mrs Rose, our able vice principal of this prestigious school was in attendance. The meeting began with the ongoing case of the missing apple laptops that were stolen from the computer laboratory. And one of our correspondents had already laid out four suspects from the SS2 classes. The case was rounded off with the president adjourning it till the next meeting. Next, was preparations about the Inter house competition which has already kicked off about a week and few days. Some of the correspondents has has been nominated for interviewing of the participants, be it student or teacher. In conclusion, the upcoming handover of the prefects was discussed. Thank you." Jennifer detailed and almost everyone who listened with rapt attention applauded her.
Jennifer was such a good secretary who did her work with pride. She was the administrative prefect and then also the secretary of the Press Club. Even though, it was yet to be voiced out by anyone, everyone wondered if someone as competent as her would ever be found to assume her position, after the handover.
"Very good. That was really impressing. But unfortunately, the case of the missing apple laptops will remain adjourned until Mrs Rose attends our next meeting. Nominated correspondents should please stand to their feet." Melanie instructed.
And that, they did.
"Only four? Jennifer I thought you earlier told me that they were five. How come the reduction?" She probed, furrowing her brows.
Jennifer quickly flipped through her journal. And then scanned through a particular page. "Oh, I guess Paris Paul is the fifth correspondent."
"Paris Paul? Who is that?" Melanie now had her face morphed into a frown.
Helen who was sitting behind Paul quickly pinched his back but he was still lost in his thoughts. She dug her short fat fingers into the sides of his waist and squeezed the amount of flesh that she could.
"Shit! What the..."
The overly annoyed voice of the club president cut him off the line. "What the fuck were you doing? Sleeping when an important meeting was going on." Melanie glared at Paris who wore a blank expression. "Jennifer what's the fine for those that care less about club meetings?"
"Two days suspension." Jennifer deadpanned.
"Well, Paris or whatever you are being called, excuse us." Melanie gestured at him to leave.
But Victory Alade-Martins had something to say. "That is unfair. There is no plausible excuse for your judgement on him. I can see, that you seniors are trying to be cruel on us, your immediate juniors. First, your honourable correspondent accused SS2 students of theft. But suspending this fine gentleman is intolerable!"
"Will you shut up your mouth? Or should I shut it up for you with a smack or two? What an insult to me and my members. This is just your first participation in any of the press club meetings here and you dare to wag your mouth at not just your club president, but the social prefect?" Melanie sparked like electric wires.
"Oh please, I was the Chief Correspondent in my former school..."
"That is more reason you should shut up and listen to me carefully. I can see that you are wild, but trust me, I will cut off your nails and tame you." Melanie fumed. "And you?" She turned back to Paris. "Get out."
"Press Club?" Melanie asked.
"Future broadcasters!" The members responded.
"Future broadcasters?"
"Press Club!" They reaffirmed.
I helped myself with one more serving of Porridge Breadfruit. Without minding anyone's judgemental look, I dug my spoon into my plate and began munching the food. Not that I was too hungry but I was tired and no matter how much that have entered my stomach, it still yearned for more.
I hated it. The Jet club meetings. They were always annoying and tiresome. It either grouping of the members to work on one project Or news feeding us with the latest inventions and scientific facts.
What made today worse than other days was the nomination of those that would contest amongst themselves for the position of Club president, Vice president and secretary. Other minor positions, would be assigned by the president. Almost all the SS2 science students nominated themselves and then, almost fainted when Senior Bella - the vice president of Jet club insisted that no one would nominate themselves.
At the end, it was just I, Ruth, Esther, Jackson and Frank that got nominated. Esther versus me for the vice president's position and the two males for that of presidency. And then, the probability of Ruth being the secretary depended on my victory. But if Esther, got the position, then she would choose the secretary.
The Laboratory prefect position was enough for me. Mrs Rose had once said to my hearing that no other science student was fit for that position, other than me. And I was in no way, ready to bear the cross of being the vice president of the club.
"Excuse me, guys." A very polished voice spoke up. Even without looking up and sparing the person a glance, I knew that it was no other pompous saucy creature than Victory.
"Can we help you?" Helen's voice retorting to the girl filled my ears. She wouldn't even listen to me, talk more of forgiving me. And I felt really sad. I shouldn't have listened to those roommates of mine.
"This is table number twenty five, right? This is the table I was assigned to." Victory said.
"Okay." Robert breathed.
We were six in number in each table. Well, that was the maximum. The minimum was four. And all this was to ensure a non claustrophobic environment for us.
"I heard you are a teen model. Is that true? Since when?" Juliana gushed out in one breathe, making Victory feel herself, yet again. "How old are you?"
"I don't reveal my age. And yes, I model part time, mostly for my mom's fashion brand." There was pride in Victory's voice.
And just before Juliana could continue her appraisals, She continued, but this time around, to me. "You owe me an apology, Faith."
Very good, my subconscious was being sardonic. She already knew my name?
I swallowed the last of my Porridge Breadfruit and pushed my chair backwards. "Hey, don't be so rude. I saved your boyfriend from Senior Melanie."
I chuckled deeply. "You mean Paris?"
Her shocked expression was crystal clear. "You guys are actually dating?"
Ruth had her mouth wide agape like a respiring fish. She coughed and cleared her throat, drawing her seat closer to that of her new friend, Victory.
"I didn't hear well, repeat what you said again." She retorted.
"I won't repeat this again. I said that Paris and Faith are in a serious relationship. Trust me, I'm new but I have all the details. I lied to them that I was their table member just to get a word or two out of her mouth. And puff! Her mouth ran like tap." Victory said, melodramatically.
"You don't mean it. You really have to be kidding me. How can she steal both dear things from me. First, Paris. And now, the position of being the Jet club vice president." Ruth lamented.
"You weren't nominated for the top position?" Victory mocked her with her eyes.
"No. I'm going to be the secretary. And that is if Faith Daniels win the position of the vice president. I knew it, that senior Bella hates me." Ruth hissed, feeling really riled up.
"Senior Melanie Jackson is actually the president in my own club. I really taught her a lesson. She was being so mean and judgemental. Paris was absent minded through out the meeting and that earned him suspensions on the next two meetings. Had you not told me that he was a bright student, I would have mistaken him for an idiot. He made a total fool of himself there." An eye roll and a heavy sigh followed that statement of Victory's.
"Faith is really a thorn in my flesh. I better leave that one and discuss something better. So you talked about you leaving school this weekend?"
Victory smiled. "I have a photo shoot on Tuesday and Thursday in Abuja. But I'll be back next weekend, unfailingly."
And that was how the both girls gossiped heavenly till they were out of subjects to discuss.
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