"Why? What makes me deserve all the hate?" I asked with furrowed brows but he simply returned back to arranging the bases and the lab apparatus.
His countenance was as that of a pissed off person, which annoyed me more because I'm the one meant to be pissed off.
"You would soon know why." He muttered as he removed the gloves in his hands. I took that as a cue that he was done serving his punishment.
"You are not even making any effort to improve your esteem. Guys don't like overly insecure girls. Although, most times we like it just to prove to be or feel heroic." He continued, taking off the lab coat and hanging it back where it was.
"What...what do you know about me? Nothing! Absolutely nothing. You just have to shut up right now cause you know no shit about me..."
He cut me off. "I know that you bed wet."
The sharp knife of those words pierced deep into my soul, hurting my very heart. My eyes moistened as I stood up, shaking my head. "I'm done talking to you. Have the finest day."
Paris hissed. "Why are you behaving this way? I'm just trying to drive something through your thick skull. Why are you taking everything as an insult and proving stubborn? It sucks."
God! What was I even still doing here? A tear rolled down my cheeks as I left the lab.
Where to, now? The class was just where I escaped from. And now, the lab. So where to?
I cornered off to the music room. The junior students that had music now were there practicing the recorder as they awaited Mr King's arrival.
Music is art. It could be compared to the Fine and Applied Art. Either ways, they still convey their meaning through emotions.
Right now, the only momentary cure of my sadistic state was music. I wanted to drown in the melody of the songs that emanated gently from the speaker. But unfortunately for me, Mr King wasn't around, so I couldn't find the chicken soup for the soul.
Just as surreptitiously as I came in, I left. Feeling weird and frustrated, I decided to get back to class. There was certainly no way I could escape class forever.
"Faith? What brings you here?" The baritone voice of the long awaited Mr King brought me to a halt, as I stood few inches away from the door.
"You weren't around, Sir." I said, feeling really relieved that after all, I wouldn't be getting back to class anytime soon.
Mr King entered the room and I followed him. He looked impressed by the beautiful effort of his students that was yet to notice his presence.
"I was talking with the Principal - himself. Well, it was just all about further equipping of the music room. We need more instruments and also different sizes of the already available ones." Mr King explained and I nodded, feeling a bit important to be told this.
"Zara, run the scale first and then let others do as you did." Mr King called unto one of his female students and instructed her on what to do. The shy pouty lipped girl stood up and fidgeted as she ran the purposed scale of the national anthem inaccurately. Not that she didn't know what she was playing, but she was a bit embarrassed to be chosen.
"Aw, she's shy." I muttered aloud with a small smile and Mr King nodded in agreement. "She's just like you." He stated.
I cleared my throat but words couldn't form, so I just stared at him.
"You seem to be influenced negatively by the people surrounding you. And it makes you mess up even when you are the master of that activity." He said.
"I'm not influenced, Sir." I corrected, finally feeling happy to beat him to his game. "I'm just what I made myself to be."
"That's still the same point. Either ways you are the product of your environment. And you and others consist your environment. You have to really stand your ground in certain situations, even if you aren't that right. It can boost one's esteem." Mr King stated.
I chuckled darkly. What was with everyone today and my self esteem?
"Mr King, please who are you?" I chuckled once more. "I barely know you but you seem to have your eyes all over my affair."
"That's life for you. Invisible eyes follow you to the darkest places and even the walls have ears to capture the tiniest whispers." A shiver ran down my spine as he made that sentence.
Product of my environment.
That sentence got me really thinking. It had a deeper meaning which I myself didn't want to venture into.
Either ways, you're the product of your environment. You and others consist your environment.
Would it be safe to assume that I was part of my problems? Yes, I already knew I kinda originated them. But did I unknowingly feed my demons?
I finally attempted class when it was time for food and nutrition practical. I knew, I just knew that I had to attend this class.
Hungry? Nah. But I just found myself leaving the music room about an hour later and strolling down to the lab where the practical was going on.
"Little miss Cinderella, I thought you would keep running? What brings you here?" Juliana walked all the way from where she was beside our obese Food and Nutrition teacher, just to bluff.
"Can you really stop spitting on my face?" I faked an annoyed look.
Juliana looked agitated and frustrated cause she wasn't getting the effect of her stupid words on me. "How can I be spitting on you? We're about..."
I stood up, shaking my head. "I give up, guess it's already a habit."
"Stop making a scene!" Ruth shouted.
"Aw, the girl with the leaking asshole is here." Another person added.
"Ruth and Rachael get out of my class. And don't enter it even in my next two classes." Our pissed off teacher instructed.
I think I began sweating kinda profusely. What was happening to me? My breathing hitched.
"Rachael?" I whispered to myself, not believing that she would actually say that. Like, I didn't know she was the one that actually made that statement until the teacher called them out.
It was too blood sucking to be true.
"Don't fucking call my name."
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