I had no idea what pushed me to help her, I veered the press attention over to me and specifically made it clear that Elena had no hand in the disappearance of David, Riya's fiance.
"Thank you so much, today you did what no one else could, you have earned my trust!"
A weak smile smudge on my face, and gosh it's felt good finally getting the trust of the person you hate, even the Bible says, keep her friend close and your enemies closer than ever.
I got into my room, and saw Riya waiting Inside for my return, "really? What are you doing in my room Riya? Haven't you heard of privacy?".
Immediately the glitter in her eyes and the angelic mood she wore vanished into thin air, as usual, she banters words with me.
"Urgh! I am not in the mood Riya! Just tell me why you are here?" I frowned flinging my shirt off my body.
"Eww! She turns her back, shying away from me, "what are you doing? Are you getting shy?" I wore a weak smile on glaring at her.
Like a little child, she covered her eyes with her hands and avoiding looking at me.
"Urgh! Calm down Riya, it not as if we related by blood" I said gaining her words to me. "Are you serious, but I am mom Elena's daughter" she says oblivious to the fact that she wasn't in any way related to her, but due to her parent's inability to pay up the debt they had with Elena, Elena decided to take her as collateral for the money not being paid, my mom seems to amaze me, ( Riya rushed out of the room).
The moonlight illuminates through my window, I got up from the bed and veered to close up my curtains when suddenly a gunshot was fired through my window, aiming it bullet at me.
Luckily I was saved by the medallion I got from my nanny Sara when she was alive, indeed I am very lucky.
Hence when the strange man saw that the bullet didn't touch me, he ran for his life. Elena as well as everyone rushed to my room, they thought I must have been dead but fell surprised decerning me alive after an attempt was made on my life.
"Son, are you okay?" Elena asked me.
"Yes ma'am" I smiled falling my eyes to Riya who looked at me shocked, behind her was methane, and by her looks something needed to be done against her.
The next morning, I left quite early to the office, behind I called a private detective and specifically asked him to investigate methane drew, Elena supposed royal worker, and get it back to me through my email. (The private investigator leaves my office).
Not quite long, I took notice of the same person I asked to have a background check, walk into my office.
"Please, your presence is needed at the conference room" she veered back to leave but halts the minute I asked her a question.
"Do you have a problem with me?". I asked being rested assured that her ill attitude towards me wasn't friendly at all.
She turned and reply, " why do you ask me a sure foolish question Salem! I don't have a problem with you but I might, when you begin to poke your nose, where it isn't needed." ( Unfrozen and left the office).
Afterward, I came back from the meeting, Riya veered in and hugged me, plastering a shocked look on my face.
"What the hell?" I veered and met her daydreaming, is Riya feeling okay, or maybe the aftereffect of her wedding being called off is taking a toll on her sanity.
Have you gone mad?" I snapped her daydreaming, earning her attention. Tody Riya was acting very strange or maybe she's possessed by an evil spirit because it's unlike her to do such a thing.
"Oops sorry, Salem? I was only trying to thank you for your help the other day?" She smiles warmly at me.
"Your welcome Riya and now you can go home!".
I tried ushering her to the door but as stubborn as a mule, she pulled back and asked me a question. "Do you want to go for a long drive with me? Please don't say no Salem! It will mean a lot to me.".
Gloomy was the look she had on, her eyes felt like she was about crying and I disliked such, "fine, I'll come with you!" I accepted her proposal after being emotionally blackmailed into accepting it.
I dragged my coat as we both walked out of the building, Elena took notice of us from her office and shoots a smile on her face.
Quietly we drove to an unknown destination because I had no idea where Riya was talking to me too, after a long while the car stopped and the moment I turned to see where we were, I got hooked by its beauty.
"Welcome to my secret spot! I come here anytime I wanna escape from my problems".
Riya shoots a smile as we both walked through with our legs on the grassed floor.
Riya pulled a blanket over and asked me to seat, the beautiful scene calmed me down, I felt an unusual peace inside of me, when I caught Riya stealing glances at me.
"Riya, are you feeling okay, you are acting strange!" I asked, she shook her head responding to me.
We spent the whole day together, talking to each other, for the first time Riya and I could talk without arguing.
The stars came out alongside the moon, their light illuminated on us, and it was how I got to see Riya In a different light.
"Beautiful". I blab without thinking, as she moved closer to me, our lips kept touching each other, Riyas eyes were in sync with the stars, she had the most beautiful eyes, surprised pulled more closely and kissed me passionately.
It's crazy because I swore never to get entangled with a woman and now not just any randomly selected lady, but my mom's very own fake daughter.
I couldn't bring myself to stop! But when the image of seeing her die right In front of me, triggered me back to my senses. I pulled her away and blatantly warned her not to attempt such madness again, base on that, we returned home in a tense mood.
Question of the day
As we read so far, Riya kissed Salem, and out of fear, he warned her not to do much anymore.
A) has Riya started developing feelings for him and when did all this start?.
B) does Salem feel a connection with her or his just playing the tough cop with her, all for her safety?.
C) is this a mind game by someone who wants to take Elena down by using her foster daughter or has Salem's secret being exposed by an unknown person...
Continue reading-------- ////////////////
The return of the nanny affair
The ultimate goal depends on your decision made.
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