The next morning, I woke up and saw the ongoing preparation of Riya's' engagement, speak of the devil, she hisses the moment she took a glance at me. Drama queen!.
Elena was a lot pleased about the whole celebration, whereas the lady who is supposed to be her daughter wasn't, Riya for some reason tried earlier to back down from the alliance.
The subsequent day, precisely eight in the evening, the whole Mansion was filled with lots of guests who veered in and out with gifts.
I watched by the side and saw the whole family smiled and welcomed everyone in, in the eyes of the society, they were one happy family but behind, all danced in shadow.
A call came through my phone, as I rushed upstairs to answer it, I walked past Riya's room and caught her crying alone, I know it wasn't my business, I just cannot stand seeing tears in her eyes, and before you think anything, no! I am in no way falling in love with her. (Frowns).
Riya? Are you okay?".
Immediately she tried to stop the tears from falling, veering her eyes away from mine.
"What are doing here, why can't you leave me alone?". She says turning her back on me.
Urgh! Riya has a way of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, I still don't understand, how her brain works, evidently if we use the right side of our brain to think, Riya uses her left, because she can't possibly say something good.
The call I was supposed to answer but stopped all because Riya, came in again, and as much as I'll love to speak with her, this was much important, I veered out as she turns and watched me leave.
I walked past and stumbled on a conversation that was meant to a secret.
Curiously I took heed of David's words to a certain lady, who unfortunately I wasn't able to see her face.
David says in an aggravated tone, "please don't tell me that, you do know why I am marrying Riya, and pretending all day acting stupid".
I had no time to waste, quickly pulled out my phone and recorded everything, this might help Riya a lot and finally put an end to this engagement she's anticipating for.
I veered closer to gain more information, accidentally a vase fell to the floor gaining David's attention.
"Who is it?" He says moving towards my direction, before I get caught I left from there, heading to the party.
Afterward, Riya walked downstairs wearing a royal blue dress and a crown on her head, she looked like a princess going to meet her prince but in this case, her prince was two-faced.
Elena walked beside her and brought her to her soon-to-be husband.
She signaled as the rings were sent out and given to them, with a frown, she pushed a hurtful Riya, who veered and slowly moved to put the ring on his fingers.
I had two options, it was either I get Riya engaged to a man like David or stop this alliance. Before I could say a word, Riya retaliated by tossing the ring to the floor.
"I am sorry ma! I am not going to get engaged to David".
Everyone at the party gasped out surprised by her words, I Knew Elena won't just quietly listen to her without doing anything.
In a fit of rage, she raised her hand to slap her, but veered to the side, when she noticed her hands were held back against her will.
"let go of me right now?". The anger In her eyes, as noticed I was still holding her. "Am sorry ma'am" I veered my eyes away as she repays It to Riya, who was frozen solid to the ground.
"Now kindly explain to me? What the heck do you think, you're doing?".
Elena asked a scared Riya who couldn't stop crying our eyes out, and the more she kept crying the more mad Elena would be, I just had to butt into their conversation again.
"Ma'am I can explain, why she acted in such manner".
Elena immediately shoots her eyes over to me, idling to hear my response.
"Look ma'am, while I was on my way to the living room, I caught David here talking to her lady and !!!".
I blatantly told everything to her, the video was a piece of evidence I have against him, but when David proved to be an idiot and continue lying, he pushed me to show the recorded video I took of him with the lady, I couldn't see.
If there was one thing Elena hated was when someone tries to take her as a fool, she held him by his shirt and beat the daylight out of him,
After getting my work done, I walked to my room, Riya lifted her eyes to me and pins a weak smile on, she watched me leave, because of such betrayal Elena throw everyone out of the party like a lunatic and I Know the press won't keep quiet about this tomorrow in the newspaper.
The following morning, I got up quite early for work hence when I took a step forward to leave, I noticed the newspaper arrived and Elena got a hold of it before I could.
She yelled out after seeing herself on the front page of vivas newspaper, on the front cover there was an allegation made against her for the death of David, who was supposedly beaten to a pulp by her.
It gave me absolute pleasure seeing her in disarray, the fear in her eyes made me happy and now this is just the beginning of her downfall.
I left before everyone at the family got to find out, and rushed out seeing her in such a shocked demeanor.
I returned home and noticed how quiet everywhere was! I soared my eyes around to check if anyone was at home.
"Hello, Andres khan!".
My feet froze heeding to my real name being called out to me by no other person but methane herself. She filled up the distance between us, veered my eyes to hers, and read on the look on my face.
"Methane, I don't know who this Andre's Khan, you speak off!". I said in a straight face.
Methane giggled out returning her eyes over to a photo frame behind me.
"I know, he is! Andre's Khan and not you". She says, lifting a huge weight on my shoulders.
This has got to be a sign from God himself, I need not be careful when it comes to Elena but also methane, Elena's assist, that girl can be dangerous if she sets her mind to it.
And if that wasn't enough, the press found their way inside and requested to speak with Elena Khan.
I sent one of the maids to call her, she walks out after a while to meet them, "thank you everyone for coming!" She says feeling dried out.
Elena was put under pressure when she couldn't answer some questions asked to her, "what happened to David?" They were all eager to know the truth.
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