She looked at me and noticed my hands tied behind my back, "do you need help?".
My feet froze heeding to her words, I returned my eyes jiggling my head, I contemplated as she moves nearer.
"May I?"
She tugged her hand out, and I reciprocated by bringing out my tied hand out.
She warmly smiles, removing the tied knot in my hand, "thank you, Tatiana!" Not a word said she moves out of the room.
The following morning, I had just come back from my early morning jog, I pushed the door open and walked in on Liam seated alongside some men wearing a dark-colored suit.
They whirled and took sight of me, I walked past after greeting, heading to my room.
An hour later, Liam strolled in and saw me strolling out of the bathroom, "oops! Am sorry".
He turns his back at me, lifting mine in a tensed manner, " l-Liam, what are you doing here?" I covered myself with a blanket idling to hear his explanation.
"S-sorry, I didn't think, I'll find you like this, only wanted to speak with you, but as it stands now, please come look for me when you're done!" I looked on as he walks away from my room.
Thereafter, I left to look for him, my eyes loomed around and while strolling downstairs, I mistakenly pumped into a rather young-looking man.
"Are you okay?"
He inquired idling for my response, I pulled my eyes down and saw his half-button shirt, "hello! Are you listening to me?".
"Yes! I am sorry".
Our feet veered apart from each other, he then decides to introduce himself to me, "Hello, my name is!". He tries altering but instead someone else does that for him.
"Uncle Mike!".
It gained our attention as Andres ran to him excited, not quite long Liam walks out and saw noticed him there as well, "Mike? Brother? Is that you?". They filled up space between them, hugging each other.
"Yes, bro! In flesh and blood!" Mike says with a rather huge smile, falling his eyes on me, he pulls his brother closer and whispers to his ears, "who is she?" He asked trying not to get heard by me.
Liam pulls his eyes back and saw Tatiana striding out of her room, so he thought Mike asked him about her, "you mean Tatiana? Haven't you seen her before?".
It was quite shocking to hear such a question by him, rather Mike puts his question more clearer to him.
"Hmm! No brother! I don't mean Tatiana but the young beautiful lady standing behind you,". He pushed his eyes to mine, "oh! You mean Sara! She's my son's nanny!". Liam says recouping his attention over to his brother, who gasped out in a shocked demeanor, "you mean, you have this beautiful lady as a nanny, damn! Not bad brother". He playfully pushed his brother on his shoulders.
"Hmm! Can I tell you something?". Liam drags his ears forward himself, "stay away from Sara! I have warned you!".
Mike pins a weak smile on his lips, he turns and shoots a kiss to me, stuttering away from there as we all looked at him.
I couldn't get my eyes off, Liam turned and saw how lost I was staring at his brother, he suspiciously walked close to me, Intertwining our eyes concurrently.
"Are you okay Sara? I can see you lost, did anything happen between my brother and you?".
I pulled a step backward the second Liam made that known, and besides the only thing that happened was getting surrounded by two handsome brothers.
"Yes sir, nothing happened".
I ran outside, leaving him behind in the living room.
Mike walked back into the living room the second I left, he poked his head further and saw me amble away in a hurry, "where is she going to?".
Liam veered and answered, "I don't know but the question is! What the hell are you doing here?".
He (Mike) smirked heaving his hand on his shoulders, "what do you mean brother, can't I come to visit my bro, anymore!" In a giggling voice, he says to him, as they both amble away.
An hour later, I strolled in the front door and noticed Liam seated waiting for me, so I think?.
He veered and got up from the couch, slowly approaching my direction, with a rather serious look on his face.
"Sir! Is there a problem?"
He took a step closer retreating, "no, but I need you to do something for me?". Idling to see my reaction, hence I request what he wanted.
"I want you to accompany me to a three-day retreat at Royal Enfield hotel!".
I jerked my head trying to comprehend what he said, my thought further drove away but as usual he snapped back my attention to him.
" erm! I don't understand why you would want me to accompany you to three days?". I said in novelty.
"You do know it's not a romantic getaway right?". In a serious tone, he asked.
"Yes, but who do you need me for?". I asked once more as we tell on, that before the day of my interview he had a background check on me and saw I graduated top of my class, after a whole four years of studying economics.
I donned on me the real reason behind his wanting to take me along with him, he veered back and left but before that Mike decides to butt in our conversation.
"Is she coming with us Liam, is it for work or maybe?".
In an instant, Liam rebuked him and specifically warned him never to say such rubbish again or else he won't like what he does to him.
Mike quivered seeing the aggressive way his brother acted, he turned over and gave me the look, "I got my eyes on you!" Look at me rambling away as well.
The following morning, a knock on my door got me up from bed, I opened up and saw Mike standing right there, "why aren't you dressed? Liam's waiting for you so we could go, get ready fast?'. As busy as hell, he walks away, I shut the door from behind and walked into the restroom, quickly I freshened up and left to meet them in the living room, the second I finished getting dressed.
"Shall we?".
Liam hold on to his son, they took the first step away, as the rest of us moved further as well, the more chuff drove to the airport and there the pilot assigned to pilot is to our destination got into the control room, as we all walked into the private jet owned by Liam himself.
The jet took and as we all sat facing opposite direction away from each other, and after an hour, it docked to the ground.
" Welcome to the united kingdom?". With a smile Liam says to me, we all walked out of the jet, declaring a car already waiting for us.
"Damn!" A Venza quo pro 3, one of the top cars in the state, I exclaimed when mike turns to me, "what? Haven't you seen a car before?" He frowns at me and truthfully it paid no matter to me, but prayed I have a car like this someday.
I couldn't take my eyes off the streets of London, never would I think of visiting here someday, the car stopped at the main entrance of the hotel we were going to stay, we all step out of the car and veered into the hotel.
"Oh my goodness".
I became speechless the second I stepped in, Liam took a glance and smiled seeing how busy I was looming my eyes around.
We all went to our rooms, my room was in between Liam and Mike's room. Swiftly I took a step out and opened the glass door of my room, there I could see from a far distance, thus not quite long both brothers stepped out and at a headcount turned to notice me there.
"Fancy meeting you here?"
They both altered at the same time, prying each other's eyes. I turned and looked, and not quite long Tatiana veered out from Liam's room.
"Babe, who are you talking to?".
She turned and the look of her face shaped upside down the decerning me there.
"Wow! I cannot believe Sara's room is so close to your Liam?". I noticed the sentiment in her voice to him rather Liam walked away after giving ears to her comment.
She also moved back in leaving me in the presence of Liam's younger brother, he says, "I cannot believe I common nanny can get the chance to travel with the almighty Liam Khan".
I turned and met his eyes, as he continues talking, "wow isn't my dear Sara Scott so lucky". In a sarcastic voice, he says to me.
Although I wanted to make sure he explains the symbol of his words I was jet-lagged I needed to have a good rest, so I returned around into my room.
After having a good rest, I told it wise to take a stroll around the hotel, I wore my jacket because it was winter here in the United Kingdom. I put on my boots, wore my chilly cap, and walked out.
The night was lit up with stars illuminating the sky, I walked over to the hotel beach hang out, and strolled down. It was me, my thought, and nothing else when unexpectedly bumped into Liam who was also having an evening stroll through the river bank.
" Miss Sara! Why do I always have the pleasure of bumping into you". He smiles warmly at me, as he clears off a stain from my shirt.
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