Wang Xi Yi and Jia Xin, who are battling with the evil people, we're thinking of ways to prove themselves Innocent. After thinking for a while, where everyone gave up, the light of Xi Yi's mind burned.
"I get an idea," Xi Yi said
while laughing. Everyone sees it with great desires the flower sees the sun's rays to bloom. Jia Xin immediately tears up and asks Xi Yi about that idea. Xi Yi spoke while increasing the suspense
Jia Xin shouted,
"Can't you tell faster?"
"If we have to prove ourselves innocent, We have to find the person who posted and confirm with him that the post is not true! And the clip before the incident happened will also have to be uploaded" Xi Yi said.
Meng Hui asked being Confused
"How will we find that user?"
Xi Yi was from such a rich family, His contacts were in every field. He immediately Calls his friend "Qin Shen".
"Qin Shen is an experienced hacker, he can help us a lot," Xi Yi said.
As soon as he picked up the call, Xi Yi told him his whole situation.
Qin Shen called him again after 20 minutes and he told him the user's name and address. As soon as they get the name, address.
They went out to find the user. All Five divided
into 2 groups.
Wang Xi Yi and Chen Jia Xin are in one group.
After a little hard work, they got the user.
Jia Xin shouted "You..."
upon seeing him: On seeing them both, the user started running from there.
Xi Yi ran after him to catch him. Jia Xin calls others and asks them to come towards the basketball court. After calling, she also started running after them. Jia Xin used her brain and ran to cover him by another route. Xi Yi had caught him but he escaped successfully and started running again,
But Jia Xin and the rest come in front of him and he could not escape this time. Even after so much hard work, They can't find any clip before the incident that proves them innocent.
Xi Yi was looking up thinking that his eyesight goes on top of the pillar of light, where he noticed a CCTV camera.
He held Jia Xin's hand and forcefully took her to the control room of the university. The guard there also helped them and he found the clip, they were looking for.
He quickly uploaded the clip to Weibo. As soon as the video was uploaded, people apologized to Jia Xin.
Jia Xin's happy smile returned. Xi Yi was ecstatic to see that smile.
As soon as she turned to thank him, she saw him opening the exit gate of the control room and going outside
Jia Xin's thoughts about him had changed now.
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